Karachi one week ago:

Human, wean the slime off quickly!!!

Karachi one week later:

Humph, I am picky about food, I only drink the dew before dawn!


What happened in the end, Fox Seven didn't know, but thirty minutes ago, she and Karachi went to pick up Wanmei... and a small episode happened.

In the sun, Wanmei jumped high from the sea, her neck raised, her Adam's apple glowing, her tight muscles clearly defined, and drew a sexy arc in the air.

Karachi hummed on the spot.

But in the blink of an eye, with a"swish", the wings behind Karachi were fully spread out, pure white, three or four meters wide, flying half a meter in the dawn, and her lean waist was faintly visible under the scarf.

Fox Seven was speechless for a moment, looking left and right, and suddenly felt that she didn't need to go to the male model shop at all... and Karachi's red eyes narrowed slightly, smiling, his arms around his chest, his expression very proud.

Fox Seven took a long time to react:

Is it a beauty contest...?

That's right, Karachi is a plant after all, and it's reasonable for the beauties to compete for beauty... and compete for favor.

But a certain slime... As soon as Kitsune Shichi stretched out her hand, Perfect shrank immediately, and"popped" onto her head, lying like a fish cake.

Yes, angels and demons are all edible energy blocks in the eyes of slimes. Now that they can't eat them, they are very frustrated. As a result, this food is still talking and laughing with its owner... vaguely protesting against it.

Perfect is very uncomfortable, and even hungrier.


Liuheng City, Beast Pet Registration Center.

In the meeting room on the second floor.

In front of the oval table, a man, a woman and a rabbit sat opposite each other. Kitsune Shichi sat alone in a row.

In front of each person was a white ceramic cup with tea poured in it, and two bottles of mineral water were also prepared.

"My last name is Ji, I am a four-star beastmaster, Ji Yan."

The woman in the lead was a little plump, but her makeup was delicate and her face was majestic. She had a layer of completely transparent gauze on her head, and her hair and eyelashes were dotted with diamonds. Under the lights, they emitted neon-like colorful lights.

Kitsune Shichi couldn't help but become serious.

"Karachi is a general-level high-risk pet. If you are willing to provide its evolution information, the association is willing to provide an additional 10 million yuan reward and waive the handling fee for your online and offline task postings in the next five years."

"No problem."

Kitsune Shichi had no objection, and her expression did not fluctuate at all.

Now, she has a preliminary understanding of the prices in this world: any good things related to beast pets are in the millions. Ten million is just a drizzle, not enough for a perfect meal. Even if thirty million is spent, it can only give you ordinary life skills.

Therefore, whether you are poor or rich, if you want to train a slime, no amount of money is enough, and you still have to return to the free training plan.

So Kitsune Shichi cleared his throat,"I will cooperate well, bring the information and start filling it out directly."

Ji Yan was slightly stunned. She had read the information and knew that the girl in front of her was raised by a government adoption agency. Now, facing the 10 million bonus, she was not moved at all.

"Don't bother filling it out, there's a recorder."

Ji Yan glanced to the side and saw Yu Xin, who was temporarily conscripted, holding a fountain pen, with a straight back and a standard smile on his face.

"If it's convenient, please introduce it first, including the name of Karachi's new form, the conditions for evolution, the awakened skills, etc."

So Kitsune nodded and said the name of the new race that she and Karachi - two bad at naming - had researched for most of the day:

"Pure White Karachi, a healing pet"

"Evolution conditions: seriously injured and dying, with a pure heart of protection for the master, and no desire to fight the enemy."

Kitsuneya Nana pretended to be very confident.

Although she was drunk and promiscuous at the time (?), but... but... fortunately... Karachi is a plant, and nothing too strange happened to them.

Humans and plants, of course, are pure!

"Skills: Healing Light Wave, Space Transfer, Love Chain, Blood Prison of Death, Endless Life."

After Karachi was promoted to King, most of his skills were merged and upgraded. All the skills that released, such as Blood Flash, Mind Cannon, etc., were merged into Blood Prison of Death; all the skills that absorbed the enemy's energy, strengthened and restored themselves, and provided healing to others were merged into [Endless Life]; the entanglement control skills evolved into [Love Chain】;【Healing Light Wave is a racial skill that cannot be evolved or merged.

In fact, there is another skill that Kitsune Shichi didn't mention because it is too abnormal, called [Eternal Flower】……

Thinking of this, while the people on the other side fell into silence, Kitsune opened Karachi's panel and took a look.

【Name:Pure White Karachi

【[Attributes]: Water, Psychic

【Level]: King

【[Racial Level]: Extremely rare

【Skills: Healing Light Wave, Space Transfer, Love Chain, Blood Prison of Death, Endless Life, Eternal Flower

【Status]: Moon Alliance (average), Mimicry (average), Fake Death (excellent), Undead (——)、Mirror Flip (Excellent), King's Shock (Excellent)

【[Evolution Degree]: 0.1%

【[Evolution Path]: Xiao Xiangyu - Jin Yu Teng - Bloodthirsty Crazy Explosion Teng - Karachi - Pure White Karachi——???——? ? ?

According to Fox Seven's guess, probably because they haven't signed a contract yet, and the king-level pet's mental power is too strong, she can't check Karachi's skill proficiency.

However, this eternal flower, in human terms, means eternal youth, corresponding to the passive magic skill: [Immortality].

The so-called immortality means that it will not die, no matter how much it is injured, it will not die, which is outrageous.

The key is that it also has a passive: [Fake Death]!

Fox Seven slowly closed the page, after reading Karachi, and then went to see the perfect skill page, it felt... quite normal, it was what an ordinary pet should look like.

And in the conference room, there was more than one person who was speechless.

It sounds outrageous, but no one questioned the truth.

Because the real can't be fake, and the fake can't be real.

The king-level pet is the top combat power in the galaxy. Even if it doesn't show up, it can't be questioned in public. Otherwise, it will be unhappy, destroy the world, and then move away in space, and find a secret place to take root and hide for decades, and humans can't do anything.

Ji Yan... bears the brunt.

She pressed her temple through the veil

"……Healing Light Wave, Space Transfer, Love Chain, Blood Prison of Death, Endless Life... I have to slow down when I combine these skills together."

So she slowed down for three minutes and thought of several plans. She felt that the four of her family... couldn't beat them together.

"Oh, you just said, healing?"

Ji Yan thought of another key word, his face was strange.

Whose healing pet...would awaken such a killer move as the Blood Prison of Death...can you have some common sense?!

Also, why is there the Chain of Desire? This is not a pure mind control skill at all...it can make people immersed in a fantasy world and feel like they are in heaven and dying, and it is also group control!

Only the endless life is indeed a healing skill.

"Okay, healing... Since you insist, you can be considered healing."

Ji Yan nodded tiredly.

Damn pure white Karachi, this is clearly sadistic Karachi...

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