For two or three days in a row, Wanmei didn't come back, and Hu Shiqi had to immerse himself in study and study hard.

During the study period, Liu Yongmin came again and delivered the work contract. Hu Shiqi signed it on behalf of Wanmei. She read the contract carefully and found that this job not only did not require sitting in the office, but also had dividends every quarter. There was an opportunity to go out for study at the beginning of the year and in the middle of the year, which happened to be the time of the Star Cup competition...

Publicly funded travel?

Of course, the work tasks are also heavy.

However, for slimes, this place is more like a big canteen where the fittest survive. It's a pity that after hundreds of years, even if the garbage dump transports tens of millions of slimes underground every year, it has not raised a mid-level slime, but has gnawed hundreds of slime transport machines...

Hu Shiqi is not surprised at all.

The lifespan of a slime is a total of seven days. On the first day, it is simply trained, and on the second day, it is put underground. All the slimes roll together, and the young and lively slimes are all eaten. The slightly stronger middle-aged slimes become middle-aged and elderly after one day...

It's a miracle to have high work efficiency.

"…���Oh, so many harassing calls."

During the study break, Fox Seven looked at his phone and saw 99+ missed calls.

He must thank his original body for clearing his phone's address book, allowing Fox Seven to intercept everyone equally.

"On the one hand, it's because you're rich and famous now. On the other hand, it may be because of me."

Karachi replied, his eyes shining faintly, and he was adept at doing three things at once, studying the new opponents that have emerged in recent years, making tea with his skills, and chatting with Kitsune Shichi.

The glass kettle tilted and swayed in the air, and the white buds danced in the air, exuding a rich life force.

Combat-type healing beast pets are responsible for intelligence. They must not only hide themselves, but also initiate treatment and cooperate with their companions to launch attacks. They have very high requirements for IQ.

No matter in which world, those who dare to go in the direction of"medicine" will not be stupid, otherwise they will not survive.

"They won't want to snatch you away, will they?"

Kitsune Shichi was a little worried. Although a king-level beast pet was already a top-level combat force, she was still worried.

In order to advance as quickly as possible, she exhaled 8 times a day, especially in the early morning and at noon. Whenever she felt sleepy, she would exhale. After the exhalation, she would feel refreshed, but her progress was still slow.

Level 20 was a long way off, but think about it, she had just crossed the third week, and according to the current progress, she should be able to open the second beast space in the first half of the first year of high school.

"How is that possible? Do you think everyone is like you? Without family inheritance, who would dare to pick up someone else's pet? Not to mention snatching... Haha, snatching an enemy to torture yourself?"

Karachi glanced over and found it funny.

"Let's not talk about me first. Even if it's that slime, whoever dares to force a contract with it, it will blow the soul of the snatcher into pieces on the spot... You really should take extra classes. I remember this should be a fifth-grade knowledge point."

After saying that, Karachi raised his hand and poured hot water into the kettle. The hot water flowed like a thread, emitting snow-white hot air.

Soon, the house was filled with the fragrance of tea.

Even a nine-star beastmaster would not force a king-level beast pet to contract. Because the soul is a very fragile thing

"Life is precious, but love is more precious. If it is for freedom, both can be abandoned."

Fox Seven said something inexplicably.

Some things... She also thought about it for a long time and wanted to talk to Karachi. Maybe now is a good opportunity

"Karachi, have you ever thought that we could be just ordinary family or friends? You don't have to sign a contract with me. You finally have your freedom and can earn money to support yourself. You are so strong, smart and beautiful.……"

Karachi raised his eyebrows slightly, changed his posture lazily, looked sideways, listened with his mouth corners raised, and said happily:"I like to hear this, keep praising."

Fox Seven was instantly stuck, clenched his fists in disappointment,"The key is the first half!"

She was embarrassed to say it so corny! There was no way to repeat it a second time!

Karachi dribbled the tea and sent it over, his eyebrows and eyes were like an ancient well, and his tone was extremely flat.

"You are a human. Even if you are promoted to the ninth star, you will only live for a thousand years. I am not dead anymore, and I will have plenty of time to feel free in the future. There is no rush now."

Kitsune Shichi was stunned for a moment, holding his tea and going back to flip through the previous online course.

The predecessor of the beast pet was the magic beast, which was much higher in level than humans and generally had a lifespan of more than ten times that of humans.

In order to evolve, the weak magic beasts made a contract with humans, and the"evolution" of humans themselves relied on the"repayment" of the beast pets during their evolution.

To explain in human terms, the so-called repayment means that the beast pets absorbed too much energy during their evolution, and humans accepted this part of the"energy overflow" through soul connection."

"Hey, if I only contract a pure defensive beast pet, can I live longer and spend more time with you guys?"

Kitsune Yashichi then remembered that she still had a black crystal mother, which had been in the space for too long and she almost forgot about it.

Karachi was stunned for a moment and touched his chin.

"That's fine... Oh no, no! The highest evolution of a slime is the general level. I've reached the limit. As a healer, it's barely enough, but for combat... forget it. You need at least two dragons."

"It's settled. First, get two dragons, then contract them to me. For the rest, go find turtles. Those guys have the longest lifespans. Even if they only reach advanced levels, they can still live for tens of thousands of years.……"

Karachi clenched his left fist and tapped the palm of his right hand.

Kitsune was stunned and her vision went dark for a moment - two dragons and five turtles? ? ?

She quickly flipped through the turtle pets - they were ugly and very expensive! Really, they were all very, very expensive. The price of any species that could be upgraded to the king level was a question mark! Although there were a few that looked okay, they were all rare mutants.……

"Actually, living for 1,000 years is enough. I think I should enjoy unlimited happiness in my limited life. Besides, you haven't reached the top yet. Let's make a contract sometime. Emperor-level God-level is not a dream... You and Perfect both have God-level qualifications."

Kitsune said as he flipped through the photo of the short-velvet rabbit, touched the rabbit's ears across the screen in ecstasy, and boldly and firmly showed the photo to Karachi.——

"You see, dragons are not as good as rabbits. I think I can have a rabbit as my next battle pet!"

Karachi's head hurt, and his temples were throbbing.

——Too many complaints and no words to say!

——I don't even know where to start complaining!

"How come I don't know that I have God-level qualifications? No, why am I at the same level as a slime? Do you know what the concept of Emperor-level is? Guess why so many people are calling you, because according to my current energy scale, if I can reach God-level……"

Karachi tilted his head slightly, his red eyes emitting a dark light.

"Once the Holy Lord dies... I will be the king of Blue Star."

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