Kitsune Shichi studied"Beast Pet Energy" overnight.

This is junior high school knowledge, and one has to study it all the way to college.

Learning this course requires a lot of basic common sense.

A person only guessed 12 points out of a full score of 100, which is also the culprit that caused her to throw away the book after the exam.

The research premise of this course is: because beast pets are of different races and have different ways of evolution, even if they are at the same level, they contain different energies, absorb spiritual energy at different speeds, and their strengths are as different as heaven and earth.

This is easy to understand.

The simplest example is: some rare primary dragon beasts, compared with ordinary primary insect beasts, can have an energy gap of up to 100 times, and this is only the primary level.

The higher the upgrade, the greater the gap.

The emperor-level dragon beasts destroy the world, and some of them are particularly abnormal, such as the Storm Silver Dragon King on the planet Orpheus. One big move can destroy half of the planet, and the energy shield released can stop the falling asteroids.

And ordinary emperor-level beast pets... In comparison, they are really ordinary. Most of them stay quietly, find a secret place or an uninhabited planet, and be a lonely local overlord.

The higher the level, the stronger the strength. This is only true for the same race. Once the race is inferior, there is no fairness and no chance to struggle. Good and bad can be distinguished at a glance - take out the energy tester, and the number will come out immediately.

For example, Karachi, after measuring the energy value, there is no need to take a skill test. No one mentioned this.

【[Blood Prison of Death], [Endless Life], and [Flower of Eternity], just listening to the names of these skills means: pinching a bloody hell with bare hands, an endless supply of vitality, and a flower with explosive vitality that will never wither.

Can this energy value be small?

And"Beast Pet Energetics" is a subject that calculates the power of skills based on energy values, estimates the approximate range of skills... and so on.

With these data, and by comparing the frequency of beast pets releasing skills and rest time, you can roughly estimate the energy recovery speed of beast pets.

Although some human academic masters are not strong enough in soul, they can estimate the energy state of the enemy's beast pets on the spot on the field, just like counting cards in poker. The longer the game drags on, the more confident they are.

——All depends on mental arithmetic.

However, for Earthling Kitsune Shichi, this course is really outrageous, and there is no point in being anxious. If you don't know how to do it, you don't know how to do it.

According to her current learning progress, she has to finish her elementary school knowledge first, and she also has to hire a teacher for one-on-one tutoring.


So, someone failed the overnight cram school.

The next day, he got up and continued to learn the basics of the second grade.

As for whether he can understand the lessons in high school, it is hard to guarantee... He may have to fail many cram schools.^_^Hahaha, so happy~


On the fifth day of isolation in the tower, Karachi went to the hospital to perform his duties, and Kitsune was still studying.

At noon, she called Wanmei up to check on her. A certain slime was in excellent mental state, and after layers of testing with professional instruments, its physical condition was even better.

Liu Yongmin thought that the exploding energy value was caused by the factory's measuring instrument being broken, and he took several photos in a row.

"In fact, your pet should be a rare species of energy dragon, maybe it is the offspring of a dragon and a slime."

"Well, that makes sense, it's very possible."

Kitsune Yachi also responded with a smile. She was very respectful to this five-star boss, and she had to do her superficial work.

The words of the Holy Lord:

——Power comes from strength, not bloodline, and status comes from violence, not social rules.

According to Hu Shiqi's understanding, the actual meaning of this sentence is: Even if she is designated as the heir of Shengxu, this status is empty, and the choice is in the hands of the strong. Just like Liu Yongmin, he can choose to respect her or kill her.

Therefore, it will not be wrong to be nice to people. So

Hu Shiqi waited until Liu Yongmin left before he opened the system and took a look. There was still no new skill.

Could it be that garbage really has no nutrition?

……It shouldn't be……

【Devour】Ultimate 16821/20000

【Evolution level]: 163%

"The blue seems to have become lighter……?"

Kitsune held the little Perfect in his hand and studied it carefully under the light, but the color change was not obvious, so it was probably an illusion.



Deep in the soul, Perfect uttered two words uncertainly. Kitsune Yashichi got close to it, feeling its simulation, and vaguely felt a sinister coldness.

"No, it should be resentment and curse……?"

Fox Seven thought of horror ghost stories.

She quickly checked online, but she didn't expect that ghosts and darkness are a perfect match, but the disadvantage is that the evolution conditions are very harsh - the first condition is:"death".

But pure energy bodies are an exception, because ghosts are also pure energy bodies, and there are always some commonalities.

At this moment, a short video, pushed by big data, broke through many obstacles and came to Fox Seven's eyes.

It was a beautiful and illusory ghost butterfly, dancing in the desolate and graceful BGM, with antennae trembling, and gently bending with the tail sound, as if looking at the camera, a glance for a thousand years.

Fox Seven covered his chest and couldn't help but replay it. He watched it twice again. From then on, his view of the word ghost changed greatly, and finally looked at Perfect with full expectation...

Perfect turned into a butterfly obediently.

It's just that the butterfly it turned into was as big as a kite, and it looked evil and mysterious at first glance. The pattern on its wings was a three-dimensional dead bone, stacked layer by layer, which really had nothing to do with words like"fragile, beautiful, and ethereal".

Fox Seven was silent for a moment, then opened the app and scanned it, revealing an ancient divine butterfly: Illusion.

I can only say... Fortunately, it's not"Wo Nen Butterfly"."

"When did you eat butterflies?"

Fox Seven peeled off the wings of the Perfect Brand Illusionary Big Butterfly and found a small skeleton that looked like a human skeleton among the layers of strange skeletons. He also found a stack of dragon bones on the tip of the top butterfly wing.

"This doesn't work.……"

Although he looks very strong, but...

Kitsuneya Nana can't say"I like you" against her conscience."

"Is there anything else?" she asked.

Perfect was silent for a few seconds, and then the transparent body changed and turned into a rotten bird. Three of its five claws were broken, the left wing was mutated, and the right wing had two snake heads. It looked hideous.


Kitsune held his forehead, his heart icy.

Don't tell her this is a new evolution...

Impossible, impossible, there is no such possibility.

"Is there anything else?"

Kitsune Shichi clasped his hands together and began to regret.

This damn garbage dump... Could it be that the bodies of those broken ores are the corpses of ancient mythical beasts? They all died tragically,"fallen evil", help...

This time, it perfectly restored its original form, and its body twisted like water waves, as if it wanted to change, but it didn't change for a long time.





The slime has limited knowledge of the material world, but it can understand that butterflies and birds are more"beautiful" than sand, so it prioritizes showing the forms it thinks are beautiful.

……Bao, your aesthetics...

Fox Seven was helpless, his soul was close, carefully distinguishing what Perfect wanted to express.

Well, it was because it ate too much and too many things, so it was going to mutate again... Overall, it maintained its original shape, but it changed from a whole mass of slime to dense and scattered"slime slag"?

What is that?

Fox Seven was crazy, and searched the Internet for a long time, and explained the sandstorm beast pet to Perfect, but Perfect's feedback was——

‘It is different. It has insufficient energy to demonstrate.'

It said that it would continue to devour Jue, otherwise it would have to choose between the Skeleton Butterfly and the Rotten Bird.

"Help, is there a temple in this world? I want to go and worship there.……"

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