The next day.

It was still dark outside, the fog was thick, and dewdrops rolled on the withered yellow grass leaves, bringing a little chill.

Kitsuneya Qi stood in the courtyard, transforming Perfect...'s image.

In order to prevent her beloved slime from being defined as a [disaster], she got up before dawn. She only slept for two hours that day, but she was extremely energetic and full of energy.

This was also Kitsuneya Qi's new discovery: as long as her soul was close, she could absorb Perfect's spiritual energy, just like sipping milk tea all the time, and she felt refreshed...

Having a warm slime in this house was more important than mountains of gold and silver!

"That's right, that's right, a little thinner, stretch it out - yes, keep stretching it out, keep it like this."

In the sky, the ghostly perfection was forcibly pulled out of the fish tail by someone, and the smoky ghost tail was hidden in the wavy tail fin, looming.


Kitsune Shichi felt it was quite good.

In the morning light, the silver mermaid was extremely beautiful, more like an electronically synthesized sculpture. The material was mysterious, flowing slowly in the air, as if mixed with tiny diamond-like crystals. At first glance, it looked like a starry sky, quiet and noble, and had nothing to do with the word"disaster".

The premise is, don't let it touch anything.

Oh no, don't touch anything other than the owner.

Kitsune Shichi has discovered that no matter if it is a cup, a bowl, or the floor or the ceiling, as long as it touches Perfection, it will all turn into ashes, and Perfection can now separate itself. Each clone is the original body. As long as the energy is sufficient, it can be divided infinitely, and if it is divided too much, it can be combined...

It's outrageous, but that's not the point.

The point is that it is very beautiful now, and that's enough.

Kitsune Shichi pinched Perfection's new ears - this time they became pointed, like shark fins, with a streamlined beauty.

"Come, next is...ah, open your mouth."

Kitsune Shichi was a little excited, pulling Perfect's arm to pull it down, reaching out to pinch its chin, and as soon as the mermaid's tail landed, the poor grass turned into ashes in an instant, and the soil also disappeared, as if it was wiped out of thin air, leaving only a deep pit in the shape of a fish tail.

Perfect lowered her head, her eyebrows were as long as a painting, her butterfly-like eyelashes trembled, her thin lips opened, and she stuck out her tongue very obediently, her face was unworldly, her expression was comfortable, without a trace of fireworks

"Hmm... I finally have a tongue, but why can't I speak?……"

Anyway, there was no one around...

Kitsune Shichi looked around, feeling a little guilty for some reason, but she finally reached out boldly, poked the tongue lightly, curled it slightly, and opened Perfect's mouth to carefully observe the structure in its mouth.

After the canines, there were sharp fangs.

It looked... similar to humans...?

Suddenly, Perfect pushed forward with force, closed his mouth, and raised the corners of his mouth faintly, revealing a smile.


Kitsune Shichi was stunned for half a second, and felt the force of the suspected sucking. The tailbone rushed up with a lightning-like numbness, which instantly exploded to the top of her head. She was so scared that she immediately pulled back her fingers, and while shaking and rubbing them wildly (?), she opened her eyes wide in shock and questioned:

"You...what are you doing?!"


Perfect tilted his head, his soul raised a question, and a silver question mark rose above his head.


Kitsuneya Nana was silent. This was her fault. Their souls were so close to each other... Wanmei must have read what she was thinking, so he did this all of a sudden...

But, we humans are creatures with the desire to steal but not the courage to do so... In theory, we shouldn't do this, at least we shouldn't do it...

However, the slime couldn't understand the hypocrisy of material life. To it, sticking is sticking, sticking anywhere is sticking, there is no difference between the surface of the skin and the inside of the body.

"There is a difference, there really is a difference... Some places cannot be touched casually, but some places can be touched casually……"

‘There is no difference... no difference……’

Kitsuneichi failed to explain and was very depressed

"Ok...I had a bad mind, sorry, blame me, blame me, I shouldn't have played with your tongue……"

Perfect: 'I like to be played with……’

What? Kitsuneya Shichi was shocked!

"No no no! Absolutely not!!!"


"The tongue must be hidden! No one can play with it! It must not be played with by anyone! Don't even mention such a thing!"



The sky gradually brightened, and soon, voices were heard from the square not far away, and the staff came to work.

Finally, Kitsune Shichi, carrying the small ball-shaped perfection, staggered, tired and exhausted, towards the teleportation array.

Around her, there was a dark aura lingering.

……Education failed, defeat...

A few seconds later, someone unwilling to give up picked up the phone again and dialed a familiar number:

"Hello, is this the bookstore owner? It's me, yes, it's me again. You're finally at work? I need a set of"Energy Body Animal Pet Psychology", urgent, super urgent, super urgent! Please mail it to the Liuheng City Animal Pet Registration Center, and I'll wait for you at the door.……"


"【Blessed Slime】?"

At the registration window, Yu Xin pushed up her glasses and after strictly confirming that the registration target was only a"senior" she became much calmer.

"Yes, it is.……"

Kitsune Shichi smiled softly. To make herself look more festive, she even went to a street shop and bought a bright red dress, paired with red Mary Jane shoes. She was red from head to toe.

She even wore a small blessing amulet on her hands and bought a string of huge wooden beads, which had the effect of praying for others.……

"Dark, isn't this a bad name?"

Yu Xin mentioned it tactfully, but she didn't stop typing.

When she got to the skill column, she felt something was wrong, so she stopped and looked at it carefully.

Soul mark? Curse skill?

All attack skills are curses?

Yu Xin was silent, and then looked at the red girl outside the glass. The latter had black eyes and a pure smile. At first glance, she was very pure and lovely... But this red dress + cursed beast pet... It's really scary.


It was suddenly very cold.

Yu Xin's typing movements suddenly accelerated, and at the same time, she seemed to be talking to herself inadvertently.

"【Blessed Slime], well, I suddenly think this name is very good, dangerous……【"Evil Detonation" and"Curse Tracking" can all be purified, and only"Erosion Flame" is used as a means of attack. Slime is lazy and will not actively attack humans, so it will maintain the normal level and not upgrade it to"High Risk"."

After that, Yu Xin stamped and submitted the application.

Soon, it passed the review. It was only 9:10 at this time. Everyone had just started work, and the approval efficiency was extremely fast. Moreover, after seeing the title - the new evolution of slime - everyone had the same thought: it's just a slime, it doesn't matter. They were even too lazy to click it and passed it.

"Should we make the evolution conditions of [Blessed Slime] public? A reward of 350,000 yuan will be given."

Yu Xin put out an application form.

That's right, she has now specially prepared a drawer for Comrade Xiaohu to store information, and also pasted a fox sticker.

"Not open to the public."

Fox Seven shook her head, took the paper, put the two tickets under the application form, and stuffed them back to Yu Xin.

Those were the bonus tickets given by the competition organizer to the contestants, three per person, Fox Seven gave one to Karachi, and she didn't know what to do with the remaining two.

She had been using her perception, and she had heard someone say before that Yu Xin had a boyfriend, and it would be a good opportunity for the two of them to go to the competition together.

"Tickets?" Yu Xin took it out directly, a little surprised,"You signed up for the Star Cup?"

"Well, I'm going to have some fun."

Of course, Fox Seven had checked that the Beast Pet Registration Center is a private enterprise, so there is no problem of bribery. Moreover, the value of this ticket is also average. It is not expensive for Yu Xin's salary level. Whether to accept or refuse, there is no pressure.

"Oh, the game at 7:30? I will be off work by then, and I will go with my boyfriend to cheer you on!"

Yu Xin was also very happy, she did not refuse, because she knew that Hu Shiqi had no parents, and she thought that the ticket was a surplus, so she accepted it.

The difference between the player's gift ticket and the general ticket is that as the player advances, this ticket can be used multiple times. Assuming that they can make it to the official StarCraft Cup, it can also be used to deduct the starship ticket. After all, the players are also fighting for the glory of the stars, and this can be regarded as a family benefit.

However, Hu Shiqi knew that she would only be eliminated in the first round, she just wanted to have some fun and feel the atmosphere.

The preliminaries of the StarCraft Cup are big In the melee mode, the beastmaster and the beast pets team up to fight, and at least three beast pets are required, with attack + defense + treatment, none of which can be missing.

The official Star Cup competition is 1V1, but this 1V1 is divided into two types: beastmaster 1V1. Beast pets are counted as part of the beastmaster's strength, and as many as possible can be used; beast pet 1V1. As the name suggests, two beast pets fight one-on-one, and uncontracted beast pets are allowed to sign up on their own.

Kitsune Shichi is very self-aware.

This time, she is not going to win. She just wants to be a blessing boy.

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