This time, the venue of the Interstellar Cup qualifiers on Blue Star was set in the North District of Tonghua City in Ning'an Province.

Fox Seven only just found out that Ning'an Province is actually the Ning'an Forest, but within Blue Star, this forest has been designated as a separate province.

Tonghua City is a small forest area separated by rivers and mountains, also known as the"Tonghua Forest".

The North District of Tonghua City is equivalent to the"northern forest of the Tonghua Forest". This is roughly how it is divided.

The qualifiers start at 7:30 in the evening. It's only ten o'clock now, and while there is still time, Fox Seven went to the agency to test her mental power.

Sure enough, her mental power has been upgraded.

"……It is indeed level 15, Ms. Kitsuneya. Although you have leveled up quickly recently, your soul is very stable and solid. This may be a unique phenomenon of SSS.……"

The inspector's eyes widened, and he checked three times before he confirmed that he was right - in less than a month, she went from level 11 to level 15? Where did this monster come from? Could this be the legendary"3S miracle"? How could this girl be so calm?

As an ordinary person, the inspector was madly complaining in his heart while deftly dismantling the testing equipment for Kitsune Shichi. He had to pretend to be knowledgeable and calmly took out the test certificate from the printer, signed it and put it on the table.

If it weren't for his years of professional ethics, he would have wanted to post this bizarre certificate online on the spot.……

"Yeah, thank you.……"

A few minutes later, Fox Seven left with the certificate, feeling nothing, just"as expected".

Because of this perfect upgrade, she did not gain any new skills, and the reason - according to netizens, is that"living people are not worthy of possessing the skills of the dead".

So in the end, she was fed back with mental power.

This is too normal.

So, someone took the teleportation array and went directly to Ning'an Province, and after two transfers, he arrived in the north of Tonghua City.

Coming out of the teleportation array, Fox Seven looked up and saw continuous gray-green in the distance. In the sky above his head, he could vaguely see a huge shadow flying through the clouds.

Here, the fragrance of plants is particularly strong.

But in the human gathering area, Tonghua City also has high-rise buildings, and vehicles are passing by the street. Several human-shaped beast pets hold hands, while walking on the road, they communicate about several popular skirts and study the best time to get them.

Fox Seven stood on the street and sent a location to Karachi, but Karachi did not reply.

Yes, a certain irritable plant is making money to support the family. It works 4 to 18 hours a day. The specific working hours depend on the hospital's schedule. Although it is hard work, it is happy to do it.

For Karachi, making money is a by-product, and practicing skills is the real thing. After only a few days, [Endless Life] has been rolled up to the advanced level by it...

Super Roll King, it is so terrifying.

PS, Karachi uses a female image to the outside world, and because of its dedication to work and ridiculously strong healing skills, it has been widely praised on the Internet. In just one week, it has single-handedly reversed the society's view of the three words [Karaachi].

Especially the Nine-Tailed Province, who loves white-haired beast pets, is said to have established a"Pure White Karachi" fan club.

Let me ask, who can refuse a beautiful angel with white hair and red eyes who is a healing system?

In short, everyone on the Internet does not know the truth and firmly believes in Karachi's identity as a"healing system". Some netizens are even eager to make their own turmeric vines work harder, evolve into bloodthirsty and violent vines, and transform into an angel sister...

Kitsune Yashichi gave a thumbs up

——You will also get little brothers, little white rattan, and the delicious Karachi tea.


It was almost twelve o'clock when a rainstorm suddenly came. After lunch, Fox Seven walked around the small shopping mall in Tonghua North District and bought a few new clothes for himself, Perfect, and Karachi.

Especially Karachi, because of her gender, she can try many styles, so Fox Seven bought a lot all the way, as if she had a big Barbie.

Until someone was tired of shopping, he had to find a hotel to rest.……

"Oh, right, my mother ore?!"

Kitsune Shichi suddenly remembered this. She had been so obsessed with studying recently, and with Karachi supervising her with a small whip, her mind was full of second-grade exam questions, and she actually forgot about the black crystal mother ore! With her mental power [Perception] open,

Kitsune Shichi closed her eyes and detected several humming sounds that sounded like electric currents.

……Could there be a camera?

Kitsune Shichi was worried and asked the front desk for advice. She directly cut off the power in the whole house. After checking again, the sound of electricity disappeared.

She drew the curtains, took out the black crystal ore from the space in the dim light and placed it on the bed. She opened the system interface, hesitated for two seconds, reached out and touched"click to wake up".

At that moment, Kitsune Shichi's breath was choked, her heartbeat suddenly soared, and her mental strength seemed to be swept away by a hurricane!

Oh no, I feel dizzy!

The bridge of souls lit up immediately, and before the eyes began to blacken, Kitsune Shichi immediately stuck to the soul body on the opposite side of the bridge and took a big sip - after doing so, she breathed hard in almost an instant, her vision stopped shaking, and her eyes became clear again.

"Phew...what happened? That was close.……"

Kitsune Shichi patted her heart, exhaled, and checked the big boy who had just been sucked: his energy had not decreased, and he was in good condition. At this moment, he was lying quietly on top of her head, very well-behaved, and even a little confused, not knowing what had just happened.

Although she didn't quite understand, Kitsune Shichi vaguely felt that... this [Dark Body] was really outrageous.

So she continued to suck... until...——""Crack!"

A crisp sound of shells breaking came from the darkness.

A black object jumped up, about the size of a quail egg (?) ,""Pah" it fell on the palm of Fox Seven's hand, hard, cold, smooth and round.

Fox Seven subconsciously pinched it, it really looked like a quail egg, with a dent underneath.

"Meow~~~BAA Baa baa~~~~"

As if very happy, the quail egg made a sweet cry, and it chirped when pressed.

Because it was too dark, Kitsune Shichi couldn't see the details clearly, so she walked to the window and opened the curtains with a"swish".

"It's really pitch black. You don't even have a mouth. How did you make a sound? It's so weird.……"

Kitsune Shichi muttered to himself and opened the system interface


【[Attribute]: Light

【Level: Primary

【[Racial Level]: Myth

【Skills]: Blessing of Dawn (——)

【Status]: Indestructible (——), Language proficiency (average)

【[Evolution Degree]: 0.1%

【Evolutionary Path】:???——???——???——???——???——???——???

Dawn Blessing?

Kitsune was stunned. How come she had heard of this skill before? It sounded familiar...?

She held the quail egg in her hand and quickly checked online:

Dawn Blessing ]: Causal interference skill. Greatly increases the success rate of events and keeps the target away from misfortune."(〃∀〃)Meow~~~"

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