*After turning on the hidden breath, I can't turn on the perception at the same time, so you have to be careful. *Although Congcong can't turn on two abilities at the same time, he still has the sense of wind chimes

"Why do I feel like this raven is coming for me?"After all, when the graffiti bird was on the bus, it attacked the direction where Feng Ling was sitting. And after everyone ran away, it also chased in the direction where Feng Ling ran. This made Feng Ling wonder if the raven's target was her.

*Could it be because of the spirit beast egg? *After hearing what Feng Ling said, Cong Cong also felt a little strange

"Could it be that my spirit beast egg is a raven egg?" Feng Ling opened her mouth slightly, not knowing how such a bold idea could pop up in her mind. After all, rare ghost, psychic, and fairy spirit beasts were all quite expensive, and this was not something Feng Ling could afford.

*This is not clear, but it is possible that the life energy fluctuations of the spirit beast egg attracted the raven bird. The life energy of this spirit beast egg itself is relatively weak, and it gradually recovered its vitality after we got along with it. It is possible that in the process of gradually recovering its vitality, it attracted the raven bird. After all, life energy and negative emotional energy are the favorite foods of the ghost system. *

In addition to absorbing the life energy of the spirit, the ghost system also likes the energy of negative emotions. It is said that one of the reasons why the ghost system likes to play pranks is to make the other party unlucky and produce negative emotions so that they can absorb emotional energy.

"Then will I be discovered if I hold the spirit beast egg?"If it is really because of the fluctuation of the life energy in the spirit beast egg that the raven follows me, then I am not safe now.

*I can only hide the host and my own breath, but not anything else... How about we throw away the egg, host? *After several shocks, Congcong has understood the importance of money and personal safety.

After all, now as long as the wind chime cools down, it will also cool down. Although this feeling is very fresh and extremely exciting, Congcong said he doesn't want to experience it!

"How can I do this? This is already our companion, I have to protect it! Even though it's just an egg now!" Feng Ling was still reluctant to part with it. After all, it was still 200,000 star coins. If it weren't for the fact that she was the third place in the freshman competition, she wouldn't be able to afford it.

"Since the breath of the spirit beast egg cannot be concealed, then open up your perception! The raven bird disappeared again."Looking at the empty front and the quiet surroundings, Feng Ling felt a little uneasy.

Ghost-type spirit beasts have no entity. They can hide their bodies, but if they want to use skills, their invisibility will be distorted for a moment.

Although the Night Hidden Butterfly with insect and poison attributes will not be restrained by the ghost system, its poison and insect skills can only cause half the damage to the ghost-type spirit beasts. Except for the flying wing attack that can cause full damage to the ghost system, the rest of the skills are basic ordinary skills that are completely ineffective against the ghost system.

Now Feng Ling is the only one near the entire bus. No one knows where the others have run to. The unlucky guy who was caught instead of Feng Ling has fallen to the ground after his spirit was sucked away.

Feng Ling slowly moved his body and crawled to the other side of the car, ready to flip out from under the car if there is any movement. After all, it is not conducive to escape under the car.

Feng Ling is not sure whether the raven bird is attracted by the spirit beast egg, and the Night Hidden Butterfly does not have much advantage, so he dare not act rashly.

"I don't know when the people from the Spirit Beast Control Bureau will arrive?" Feng Ling complained to Cong Cong to relieve her inner anxiety, while carefully observing the surrounding environment.

The Central Control Department of the Spirit Beast Control Bureau received a call from the public to report that the raven bird in the bus incident had attacked the rear of the bus, and all the people in the bus had fled. One of them fell near the bus after being caught by the raven bird and sucked the life energy. There was also a little girl hiding under the bus. The

Central Control Department urgently commanded the police officers in the Spirit Beast Control Area to go to support, and then contacted the people in the rescue center...

After a while, there was still no movement around. Just when Feng Ling thought that the raven bird had left and was about to breathe a sigh of relief, she felt that the surroundings were too quiet.

Then she thought that silence was normal. After all, everyone had run away. If there was still movement, it could only be the raven bird. After all, even if the Spirit Beast Control Bureau rode the flying spirit beasts as fast as possible, it would take a certain amount of time.

""Is there anyone else down there?" Feng Ling was so excited when she heard the voice that she bumped into a bump when she looked up...

Feng Ling climbed out while touching her head, and shouted loudly:"There's someone, there's someone, I'm here."

After Feng Ling climbed out, she immediately made a seal with both hands and summoned her own Night Hidden Butterfly.

One of the police officers heard the voice and said something to the teammates around him, then moved towards Feng Ling. After seeing a little girl crawling out from under the car, she looked at him with tearful eyes. The police officer

's expression softened a lot, and just when he wanted to say a few words to comfort him, he heard the teammate who was responsible for detecting the surrounding energy in the headset shouting:"The raven is above you, get out of that place!"

The police officer was about to go forward to hug the other party and run away quickly, when he heard the little girl in front of him shouting to the Night Hidden Butterfly beside him:"Spin silk with all your strength up there."

After receiving Congcong's reminder, Fengling immediately gave instructions to the Night Hidden Butterfly, and the Raven Bird's movements were also blocked by the Night Hidden Butterfly's silk-spinning skills.

The police officer on the other side did not stop his actions. Holding Fengling, he quickly jumped onto the Falcon White Bird who was waiting on the side. The well-trained Falcon White Bird quickly took off and moved away from this place.

After the Night Hidden Butterfly fired its silk to interfere with the Raven Bird, Fengling quickly made a seal and summoned it back to the spiritual space.

At this time, other people also rushed to the front of Fengling and attacked the Raven Bird. With the cooperation of many people, the Raven Bird quickly lost its combat capability and fainted on the ground.

After everything was over, Fengling needed to make an emergency record. After combining the records of Fengling and others, it was known that Fengling was the first to discover the problem, and Fengling's subsequent use of silk to protect others from harm made the local police A notice was issued.

Feng Ling, who was in the middle, was holding a banner and smiling at the camera. In fact, Feng Ling knew in her heart that the police needed Feng Ling, a 15-year-old girl, to divert the public's attention, so as to avoid today's incident from causing a bad impact.

It must be said that the food in the police station was delicious, and the police also gave her a 10,000 star coin Three Good Citizens Award. Thinking of this, Feng Ling's smile became even brighter...

Afterwards, the police took Feng Ling back to school on the Falcon White Weng. Feng Ling, who was flying on a spirit beast for the first time, seemed a little excited, but the wind on her face was a little painful...

After returning to school, Feng Ling quickly opened her backpack, took out the spirit beast egg inside, put it on the bed and observed it carefully. After finding that there was no problem, Feng Ling quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

God knows how nervous Feng Ling was when she was at the police station. She was afraid that they would look at her bag, and then she would not be able to explain the source of the spirit beast egg.

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