After checking the spirit beast egg, Feng Ling summoned Night Hidden Butterfly, gave Night Hidden Butterfly some energy blocks as dinner, and then went to take a shower.

After taking a shower, Feng Ling saw Night Hidden Butterfly holding the spirit beast egg, and not training skills as usual. This surprised Feng Ling a little, but then she thought that Night Hidden Butterfly didn't seem to have any other activities except training.

"Why didn't you practice your skills today? Are you too tired?"After thinking about it, Feng Ling asked, what if I don't practice in the future?


I have to protect the spirit beast egg.

"Until the spirit beast eggs hatch? You have to keep guarding them all the time?" Feng Ling was so shocked that she was speechless.

Feng Ling had no good way to convince Ye Yindie for a moment. She looked around unconsciously, and then saw the flower nest that had won the prize before and said,"Do you want to put your nest next to my bed, so that we can sleep together while guarding the spirit beast eggs?""

""Hidden! Hidden!"

Seeing the night-hidden butterfly excitedly spinning around in front of him, Feng Ling���"Then you should train your skills first. I will clean up the mess first, and then you can sleep with the spirit beast egg at night.""

""Yin Yin."

After hearing that, the Night Hidden Butterfly could sleep with the spirit beast egg at night, and cried a few times excitedly. After nodding, it hurried to train its skills. After all, it used to sleep after training.

Seeing the Night Hidden Butterfly training like before, Feng Ling patted his chest and breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, most spirit beasts don't have high IQs, otherwise Feng Ling really doesn't know what to do.

After moving all the items on the small table beside the bed, Feng Ling moved the flower nest belonging to the Night Hidden Butterfly up, thought about it, and put the spirit beast egg in the middle of the nest.

After all, the beds in the school dormitory are not very big. It’s not big. Rather than letting the spirit beast egg fall to the ground, it’s better to put it directly in the flower nest of the night-hidden butterfly.

After doing everything, Feng Ling picked up her phone and found that there were several messages on her phone, all of which were tagged to her.

Feng Ling clicked on the message sent to her by Ruanmianmian first.

Yingbangbang: [Fuck, you’re on the hot topic, sister! ]

Yingbangbang: [You’re so brave! ]

Yingbangbang: [The three good citizens are around me! ]

Not only Ruanmianmian, but also people in the class group have tagged her, and even the head teacher Lao Zhao has tagged her personally!

Feng Ling directly pulled the chat history up there.

Zhao Huaiyang said,"@All members should learn a lot from @Fengling classmate!"

Zhao Huaiyang said,"Police report, thanking the 15-year-old girl for... Click the link to enter the hot topic app to view the full text."

Looking at the link sent by the head teacher, Feng Ling clicked it directly.

After jumping to the hot app, Feng Ling looked at the content and found that this was the police notice, which contained the video of the bus and the police officer's law enforcement recorder video.

There were also some comments below, because it happened today, so it became a little hot.

"This reaction ability is amazing!"

"I was sitting in the back seat at the time. If it weren't for this little girl, I might have been in the hospital."

"I heard that it was the (Penglai) Hong Kong and Macao Sea C-level No. 64 secret realm. A crack appeared in the secret realm and many spirit beasts ran out."

"What should I do? I am in Canghai District and I dare not go out!"

"Don't worry upstairs, all the escaped spirit beasts have been caught back"

"Ah, isn't this the guy who won third place in the freshman competition recently with a mid-level insect spirit beast?"

After reading all the content, Feng Ling glanced at the comment area and prepared to return to the class group. After all, the head teacher had tagged her, so she couldn't not reply...

Feng Ling thought about it and decided to reply to the soft message first.

【Stop it, I'm scared to death……】

Yingbangbang: [Why did you take so long to reply to me? People in the class group were also tagging you!】

【I'm taking a statement at the police station. I just came back.】

【I'll go see what's going on in the group first. 】

Feng Ling ended the topic with Ruanmianmian first, and then sent a message in the class group:"I just came back, thank you teacher and everyone for your concern."

Li Yan:"Feng Ling, how come you react so quickly?"

Liu Xia:"Yes, yes, in the later video, I just heard someone finish talking, and you have already let the Night Hidden Butterfly use the spinning skill!"

Li Lan:"Yes, is there any secret!"

This is also the reason why everyone has been waiting until now. After all, if there is really a secret, will it give you an extra chance of survival when you are in danger?

Feng Ling thought for a while before replying:"I also launched the attack because I felt that the sunlight above me was blocked, and I heard someone say it was a raven bird. It was an accident."

Zhang Xiaoming:"Then you are also very powerful. I wouldn't notice this at all."

Li Yan:"Indeed, I might just think it was a cloud, and maybe I would look up."

Li Lan:……


Feng Ling took a look at the group, great! She found that no one was discussing her affairs. After all, many of her affairs could not stand up to scrutiny. She could not say that she was doing it because of Congcong.

【I wish I had the skill mentioned in the group.]

Yingbangbang: [But you did find it very quickly. You attacked the head when you found the sunlight above your head changed, even though it was an accident.] When

Fengling said this, she didn't even believe it herself. After all, Fengling knew that it was a high-level ghost-type spirit beast. Ghost-type spirit beasts have no entity, so how could they block the sunlight...

After finishing the chat, Fengling lay on the bed, closed her eyes and thought about what happened today, especially the last time she ran around to escape. Fengling felt that the roller coaster she rode in her previous life was not as exciting as this. It seems that she needs to practice more physical training in the future...

Fengling fell asleep unconsciously with her eyes closed. Yeyindie, who was practicing skills beside her, found that her beastmaster had stopped releasing skills after falling asleep.

After covering her beastmaster with a quilt, she flew back to the flower nest where the spirit beast eggs were placed. Yeyindie, who had just closed her eyes, flew up again. She remembered that her beastmaster would turn off the lights when he went to bed.

After turning off the lights, the Night Hidden Butterfly flew back to the spirit beast egg and lay down, using its wings to stick to the spirit beast egg to sleep. Its own beastmaster said that the spirit beast egg must be given a lot of care so that it can come out of the egg quickly.


After waking up, Feng Ling saw that she was covered with a quilt. She wondered if she felt cold after falling asleep last night, so she turned into the quilt? Yes, it's possible.

Feng Ling got up a little early today. After sitting on the bed and thinking for a while, she got up and washed up as usual to prepare the energy meal for Night Hidden Butterfly. She mixed the tree fruit powder according to a certain proportion and stirred it evenly. After it was done, she put it in a bowl and put it on the table.

Now Feng Ling can basically make energy meals of various flavors, and the taste is not bad. The basic proportion can be grasped. Looking at the energy meal that has been prepared, Feng Ling felt a little emotional. After all, she has worked hard to study for so long, and now she has finally made some achievements.

When Feng Ling came back from the school breakfast for free, Night Hidden Butterfly had already gotten up and eaten the energy meal in the bowl, and was already training her skills.

Feng Ling then remembered something, took out her mobile phone, opened the hotspot APP and searched up and down, and found that there was no hot spot about her last night. Feng Ling was satisfied and turned off the phone.

After resting for a while, Feng Ling prepared to exercise her physical fitness. After all, yesterday's experience made her deeply understand that running faster can really save her life.

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