Beasts Are Boundless

Chapter 268 The Rainy Night Of Murphy's Theorem

In the wild of Xue Xing, whether it is spring, summer, autumn or winter, taking it lightly is courting death...

Seeing that, the night of Xue Xing is about to fall.

As for this area, the area currently being explored by the Ye Qiong tribe is only tens of kilometers. As for what lies beyond these tens of kilometers, it is completely unknown.

As the stars descended from the tops of the distant mountains, the sky began to get darker and darker, until it was completely dark, and with the night came the wind.

This area, which has been sunny for a long time, seems to be raining today.

Ye Qiong looked at the dark clouds that were gradually gathering in the sky and began to worry.

Half of the meat of Lie Lin Weasel has already been transported back to the Ruan Shihe Base, and there is still half left.

Half of them have been dealt with by the soldiers, and they can be directly packed in the raft and brought back when the time comes.

The bodies of the ferrets that have not been disposed of have been piled together.

It is as high as a hill now.

The soldiers who stayed to guard spread out a little, and were responsible for guarding the surrounding area.

The remaining warriors are all transporting Lie Lin Weasel's corpse.

And around the soldiers, there are two huge guys.

Dajun and Dazed.

At dusk, Dang Dian returned to the Chaotic Dump base, and then came here with the returning soldiers.

With the two of them watching, the fighters can relax a bit and not be so nervous.

Ye Qiong sat on the top of the mountain, looked at the dark clouds above his head, and looked at the warriors under the mountain.

The soldiers were swaying.

Ye Qiong looked at the soldiers, Duan and the army at the foot of the mountain, there were several bonfires, and fell into contemplation.

After the wind gradually became stronger, Ye Qiong rode on the Demonic Wolf in the Snow Region and came to the bottom of the mountain. In the distance, the team responsible for transportation also appeared. A dozen torches in a row were stretched out by the wind. There are enchanting Hokage, very eye-catching.

The soldiers who came back did not have any time to rest, so they continued to work immediately, spread out all the trapped rafts, and then began to carry Lie Lin Weasel's body.

In general, two-thirds of the corpses of the giant ferret and the common ferret have been transported back.

A total of four back and forth.

If you want to get the remaining one-third back, this time will definitely not be finished. The team heading south is estimated to have just arrived in the tribe now, and it will take some time to rush over.

After thinking about it, Ye Qiong decided that he had to give up some Lie Lin Weasel's corpses.

Fortunately, this time, with the help of the army and Dian Dian, the way back can be faster, and the number of rafts is still insufficient, so the two of them are still responsible for vigilance, and they can exchange with the soldiers on the way.

As the raindrops fell, the wind was a little lighter, but it seemed that it would soon turn into heavy rain.

It is a very uncomfortable thing to travel on the rainy night of Xuexing. This time, the soldiers did not bring rain gear, they were all sackcloth vests. The speed must be accelerated. Although the temperature will not be too low on rainy nights in summer, it will be different if the wind blows after the rain.

"Tattoo... huh..."

The rain dripped on the body, making a ticking sound, the torches had been extinguished, and the soldiers took out several wooden barrel grease lamps.

The wooden barrel grease lamp taken out now is an upgraded and enhanced version, which is windproof, similar to a lantern. It is surrounded by wooden boards, and then continues to surround a sandwich with that kind of thin hemp rope.

Although the light transmittance is far worse than that of glass, in the dark night, it belongs to emergency supplies that can save lives, and many tribes don’t have it yet.

Several wooden barrel grease lamps, in the wind and rain, add a strong sense of security to the hearts of warriors and tribesmen.

If there is no light source, it is very difficult to walk in such a dark night. First of all, you can't even tell the direction. Compared with the thunderstorm night, at least you can know your position when the thunder is thundering.

This kind of rainy night with no wind basically will not thunder, and it will last for a long time, and it will not end within three or five days.

Naturally, there is no weather forecast on Xuexing. Even Ye Qiong can only make a rough calculation based on the changes in the clouds during the day.

As for whether it will rain, or what kind of weather it will turn into, without modern technology, it is impossible to judge and predict.

The team continued to move forward. The soldiers began to feel the coolness of the rainy night. Compared with the scorching heat during the day, the cold was the most difficult to endure. Especially when it was raining, the body would lose a lot of heat in a short period of time.

At this time, the pores of the skin will begin to shrink, and the metabolism of the internal organs will be accelerated to ensure that the body needs heat.

Therefore, it will lead to cold hands and feet, but the brain cannot feel it, because the accelerated metabolism of the internal organs, the first thing to ensure is the supply of the brain, as for the limbs, they will lean back first.

But this icy chill can be felt by others, as long as you touch your limbs.

Ye Qiong rode on Duan's back, looking back from time to time, the rain had already soaked his body.

No matter how good Ye Qiong's physique or strength is, facing this kind of natural environment, he still felt deeply uncomfortable and started to hold both hands, thinking of countermeasures.

There are bucket hats and rain scorpions at the rock pile base. If you go back now, it will be too late, not to mention more than 100, so many bucket hats and rain scorpions, at least a dozen people can finish them.

The rafts in the chaotic base were all used to hold the corpse of Lie Lin Weasel, and there were no extra vehicles.

It is indeed a rather uncomfortable question.

In fact, it's okay to get a little rain. It's okay to feel uncomfortable for a while. There are still more than 20 kilometers left. At the current speed of the soldiers, it is estimated that they can arrive in about two hours, and it will not be life-threatening.

What Ye Qiong is more worried about is such a rainy night.

According to Murphy's theorem...

When a person is more afraid of what will happen, the more will happen!

In the distance, on the top of a mountain about five kilometers away from Ye Qiong and the soldiers.

As the ground trembled, a huge head emerged from the cracked soil.

Accompanied by the erosion of soil and rain, this giant head with a diameter of five meters was covered with fine knots. After the head emerged from the ground, the next step was the body...

Ye Qiong rubbed his arms, suddenly felt a bad intuition, couldn't help rubbing his nose, then looked around.

Duan also seems to be a little strange, the head that had been lowered suddenly lifted up!

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