Beasts Are Boundless

Chapter 269 Weird Voice

Duan raised his head and looked towards the position on the right in front...

"Dah dah dah dah dah..."

The rain falls on the ground, and in the low-lying areas between some stones, it gathers into some small pools of water. After the water drops in, it will make a ticking sound, and some other sounds will make it very noisy.

It is such a noisy sound, but if the body is not exposed to the rain, it will make people's minds calm down.

Ye Qiong rode on Dian Dian's back and continued to move towards the location of the Troubled World Base with the soldiers.

More than 20 rafts were piled up with the corpses of Lie Lin Weasel and giant Lie Lin Weasel, some of which had already been disposed of and turned into piles of meat.

Ye Qiong always felt that something wasn't quite right, so he asked Rong Ling to call the soldiers and speed up.

After the dark clouds covered the sky, the starlight could not shine down, and on the ground, only the faint light of the wooden barrel grease lamp remained.

While guiding the soldiers forward, it also gave the soldiers a warm feeling in their hearts.

Although the light of the barrel grease lamp is very faint, it is relatively speaking.

Because in the dark night, this kind of light has been able to spread very far.

After taking the soldiers forward for two kilometers, suddenly, they stood there blankly...

Then he started to growl in a low voice, Ye Qiong frowned, and immediately waved to the soldiers to stop first.

Just after Duan responded, the army behind the team in charge of the finale immediately slumped down and took a fighting stance.

Ye Qiong glanced back at the warriors, and saw the army that responded the same way.

"Ready to fight!"

Ye Qiong immediately realized that there must be something that made Dian Dian and Da Jun feel threatened, and the two of them could have this kind of reaction.

It is impossible to sense the wrong things at the same time, and Ye Qiong himself was also a little uneasy, and just now felt that something was not right.

The soldiers immediately put down the raft and took out the weapons from their waists.

Ye Qiong took out the bone crystal longbow behind him.

The arrows during the day were all collected again by the soldiers. Except for the three scrapped arrows, the remaining twenty-seven arrows were still intact after the blood was wiped away, and there was no problem in combat.

Putting his body on Duan's back, Ye Qiong listened.

"Uncle Rong, let the soldiers light up all the grease lamps! Put them on the periphery and plug them directly on the ground to ensure the light source." Ye Qiong turned back and shouted at Rong Ling.

Rong Ling nodded and went to make arrangements immediately.

When the crisis came, Ye Qiong had to make a judgment immediately, whether to blow out all the grease lamps or turn them on to ensure the light source.

In the night of Xue Xing, this kind of analysis ability and decision-making ability must be possessed, and it needs to be judged in the shortest time. After the choice, it will directly affect the outcome of the battle.

Now Ye Qiong's judgment is that the role of the light source is greater than the role of the secret after blowing out.

Judging from the current situation, they were seen by the other party, and it was too late to blow out the grease lamp, so if there was a battle next, the light source would be very important.

After all, the eyeless monsters I saw in the cave last time didn't need any light source at all.

For humans, after losing the light source, there is no way for the soldiers to judge whether they are enemies or friends, so it is a very dangerous thing.

In the shortest period of time, the soldiers used fire sticks to light all the ten wooden barrel grease lamps in storage, plus the previous six, a total of sixteen wooden barrel grease lamps. After lighting, the soldiers were killed. They were inserted into the surrounding ground at the fastest speed.

Immediately...the surroundings felt a lot brighter.


From the far upper right, there are some strange sounds...

It sounds very rhythmic, and this sound is getting closer and closer.

Duan has lowered his body slightly, completely entering a combat state, and his body can burst out with very powerful power at any time.

On the other hand, Ye Qiong, who was on his back, was still frowning tightly, his eyes fixed on the front right, holding the bone crystal longbow in his left hand, and holding the arrow in his right hand on the bowstring.

Feeling the strange and very rhythmic sound getting closer and closer, Ye Qiong's face became more and more solemn.

Ye Qiong suddenly looked at more than 20 rafts not far behind him, and the corpse of Lie Lin Weasel on the raft.

Then looked left and right.

"Put the meat down first, go over there!" Ye Qiong shouted suddenly behind him.

Then I patted Duo, who immediately ran towards a high slope on the left.

The soldiers followed immediately.

Gaopo was only fifty meters away, and after a few breaths, he arrived.

After the soldiers rushed over in the shortest time, they set up a formation.

In the darkness, the place where the barrels of grease had been placed was now empty, and there were only more than twenty rafts full of corpses.

The rain slapped on the corpse on the raft, still making a dense ticking sound, and the strange rhythmic sound in the distance sounded a few hundred meters away.

Ye Qiong listened carefully to the sound that came, this very rhythmic sound...

It seems to be a giant beast, jumping!

Every time they landed, they would make a very strange sound. The closer they got, the more clearly Ye Qiong could hear them. Now, it was certain that this sound was the sound of a giant beast landing.

Being able to spread such a long distance is enough to show that this giant beast is really huge!

Huge giant!

At the very least, a monster of the size of the army can never make such a sound when jumping up and down.

Ye Qiong's heart began to beat faster, and the fighting hormone in his body began to secrete frantically, and he could no longer feel the coldness of the surrounding rain.

"Uncle Rong! Take the warriors to retreat there. Once the archer follows behind and breaks, all the meat will be given up, and don't make any noise!"

Ye Qiong stared right ahead, suddenly turned back to look at Rong Ling and said.

Rongling immediately gathered all the fighters together and started to retreat in the direction Ye Qiong pointed just now without turning his head. stand up.

Ye Qiong looked at Dian Dian under him, then looked at the army, pointed to the direction in which the soldiers were retreating, then slapped Dian Dian on the forehead, then turned over and jumped off Dian Dian's back.

Dian Dian immediately followed the retreating team and looked back at Ye Qiong from time to time. Ye Qiong's figure disappeared in the position just now, and when it reappeared, it had already appeared in front of the army.

After making a mute gesture at the army, Ye Qiong immediately turned over and rode on the back of the army.

Then quietly, following the team.

The wooden barrel grease lamp behind him was still emitting a faint yellowish light, and it became the most eye-catching place within a radius of more than ten kilometers!

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