The second sturdy warrior, with hemp rope tied around his waist and a wooden barrel filled with burning coal in his hand, walked slowly behind the first warrior in the face of the blizzard.

The current posture of the two warriors is still bowed. Heavy armor also had to be blown away by the storm.

On Shimen's side, there are more than a dozen warriors of the same height.

In this case, the advantage in weight is revealed.

A fighter who is too thin will definitely not be able to complete this kind of task, let alone work, just go out in the wind and not be blown away, it is already very good.

Ye Qiong carried a bundle of hemp rope in his hand and handed it to a soldier behind him. The soldier tied the hemp rope around his waist, and then, like the soldier in front, he held a bag containing burning coals in his hand. of wooden barrels and walked over.

The second strong warrior, after reaching the first warrior, while trying to maintain his balance, he poured half of the coal in the barrel into the small pit on the ground.


In the small pit, white smoke immediately came out, and the ice cubes below began to melt rapidly. After the melting, the temperature of the water was rising rapidly. At the same time, some of the coal blocks below changed from red to red. black!

The second soldier followed the hemp rope, pulled a long spear over, and pulled the hemp rope that was much thinner on the spear, and pulled it off suddenly!

Then he raised the spear high, exhausted his whole body, as if he was making a mess, and started his work.

The long spear in the soldier's hand was like a chisel for pounding garlic, and the coals in the pit were like garlic.

As the spear vibrated up and down, the water in the pit immediately became turbid, and soon turned black. The temperature of the water became hotter as the coal center was chiseled. The iron head under the spear is getting deeper and deeper!

After the depth of the spear entering the ground was almost the same, the soldier finally exerted force, and the spear stood upright in the center of the small pit, and the gun barrel and the ground formed a vertical state.

The second sturdy warrior did not let go of his hands, but maintained this posture.

The first soldier has now advanced to the position where the second spear is to be inserted. After squatting down, he began to repeat the action just now, using an iron pick to smash the ground.

After waiting for the small pit on the ground to appear, he continued to stand up with the help of the iron pick's grip, and half squatted forward.

The third warrior with a wooden barrel had already come to the new pit, poured the fully burned coal in the barrel into the pit, and then began to chisel up and down with a long pole.


This cycle went on and on. After about half an hour, the soldiers stared at the storm, and they all went out, and the second soldier who went out with a wooden barrel has also returned, and the exposed part of his face can be seen. That purple black.

Just in the position where he was half-squatting, the small hole dug out has turned black, and the shape is no longer liquid, but solid!

It has been connected to the ground, and at the same time, there is that long gun!

The current long spear seems to be welded to death in the ice layer, not to mention the wind, even if a few soldiers are together, they may not be able to pull it out.

A long spear was used by the soldiers in the simplest and most clumsy way, and it was firmly linked to the inside.

With the leverage point, the transportation of materials and physical objects will not be difficult, and the danger will be greatly reduced.


A soldier's feet were unstable, and after losing his balance, he immediately fell on the ground, followed by the upper body that had just been attached to the ground. After bouncing on the ground, Gu Feng found an opportunity. The body, involuntarily, started to slide along the wind direction directly on the ground!

There is only one iron pickaxe, and in this soldier's hand, there is only that wooden barrel.


The hemp rope around his waist finally moved to the left and right, and with a tense voice, the fallen warrior only felt that his waist was violently strangled, and he felt a little breathless.

However, as the hemp rope tightened, the body lying on the ground finally stopped.

The other end of the hemp rope was bound to the boulder behind the stone gate.

After the hemp rope was taut, the warrior finally found a leverage point, stretched out his right hand and grabbed it on the hemp rope, and continued to stand up against the strong wind!

If there is no hemp rope to hold the soldier in time, he will hit a boulder directly after a dozen meters or so.

What is terrifying is not the internal injury caused by the impact, but the location of the boulder over there. There is still no place to borrow. The smooth surface of the boulder cannot be grasped by fingers.

If it continues to be blown in the direction of the wind by the strong wind, it is unknown where it can be blown.

Following the hemp rope, the soldier climbed back into the stone gate.

Three hours later, the figures of more than a dozen soldiers have disappeared...

For a whole day, the soldiers finally put the collected spears on the ice surface, and then used hemp rope to link all the spears and guns together.

Hemp rope, swaying in the air!

Blown by the gust of wind, the long spears above the ground were completely solid and connected to the ground. Under each spear, there was a circular black area.

After the darkness fell, Ye Qiong and the soldiers finally arrived at the small altar in the canyon in the blizzard.

Some of the materials inside were left over from the tribe that was attacked by the Lie Lin Weasel last year.

After tying up the food stored inside, Ye Qiong took the soldiers and started their return journey.

One trip is definitely not enough. There is more than one small altar on the side of the canyon. Materials and food are scattered and stored.

Therefore, in order to make the nearly 700 people in the rock pile base survive the blizzard, they still need to charge towards the other small altars.

The duration of this snowstorm also exceeded Ye Qiong's expectations.

Originally, Ye Qiong's budget was from ten days to half a month, and the normal snowstorm time was that long.

Therefore, the food storage in the rock pile base is also subject to 20 days.

For now, that's not enough, and the blizzard hasn't shown any signs of abating.

The snowstorm this time has refreshed Ye Qiong's knowledge in the past ten years. Whether it is the size of the snowflakes or the wind, it is the biggest one in the past few years.

There is also one thing that has to be considered, and that is the current environment of Xue Xing, whether it is moving towards warmth, or...

The cold is approaching!

In Ye Qiong's tribe, the oldest elders are more than 100 years old. It seems that they are not too young, but compared with the long-lived elders in some super tribes, they are still a lot worse.

According to their recollections, it seems that they are heading towards severe cold. In other words, the climate evolution after Xuexing is likely to completely become an ice-covered planet with no summer and only cold winter!

In that case, it is impossible for humans to continue to survive on the snow star.

At the same time, it also means that there is not much time left for human beings to survive.

After the ground is frozen, the only way for humans to survive is to go under the ground.

However, as far as the technological level of Ye Qiong and the nearby tribes is concerned, they have no ability to survive under the ground for a long time. At least until the electrical energy is not used skillfully, human beings must rely on the light energy emitted by stars to survive. .

Vegetation and all living things on the surface, the same!

After bringing back the first wave of food, Ye Qiong continued to bring the soldiers, with hemp rope tied around his waist and against the cold wind, went to the small altar in the canyon and brought the second batch of food.

It is now necessary to persevere through this blizzard as much as possible, but it is still unknown how long this blizzard will last.

Ye Qiong is also a little fortunate in his heart now. Fortunately, he didn't encounter this blizzard when he was in the wild. Otherwise, there would be no food supplies.

Although the rock pile base is not suitable for long-term survival in winter, it is perfect for transitioning from this blizzard.

Three days later, the three small altars in the canyon were linked together by the soldiers using various iron weapons and hemp ropes.

All the food stored in the three small altars was transported to the rock pile base.

The current food storage is enough for the 700 people at the rock pile base to last for ten days.

Ten days later, even if the blizzard hasn't passed, the wind will definitely ease by then.


As Ye Qiong expected, five days later, the snowstorm finally showed signs of weakening.

That is, the area at the center of the storm has passed.

This blizzard, which came slowly and went slowly, was still very powerful. After nearly a month, it finally...

It's over!

The visibility in the wild is slowly improving.

Three days later, the visibility returned to 100 meters, and the wind was not enough to threaten the soldiers.

The tribesmen of various tribes who had been in the house for a month were finally able to walk out of the house and stroll outside.

The sky was still grey and snowflakes were falling.

Time is precious, and while waiting for the snowstorm to stop, Ye Qiong gave the soldiers a new task.

That is to start packing supplies and food, ready to hit the road.

This blizzard has passed, as short as half a month, as long as a few months, there will be no large-scale blizzard.

Therefore, we must take advantage of this time to bring the survivors of these various tribes back to the central tribe.

Only when you reach the central tribe is it truly safe.

The food on the rock pile base is enough to eat on the road, but if you continue to stay like this, it will definitely not be enough.

The soldiers began to get busy, and the tribesmen of various tribes also gathered to help.

In the early morning two days later, after the sky lit up, everyone at the Rock Pile Base gathered together.

The blizzard has not completely stopped yet, but the sky can already see the stars above the clouds, and the wind continues to decrease.

The current blizzard does not affect human activities in the wild.

Ye Qiong rode Dawn at the front of the team, which was considered to be opening the way.

After more than a month of snowstorms, the amount of snowfall is still terrifying, so when moving forward, try to walk as close to the mountain as possible.

Those empty plains, the snow on the ground, the deeper areas, may have exceeded ten meters!

Before the wind blows the snow until the porcelain is solid, it is very important to grasp the experience of walking in the wild.

Ye Qiong and Dian Dian have a lot of experience in this area.

Mountains, high slopes, boulder areas, the link between two peaks, these places are all natural passages and will not be affected by snowfall.

This point is a bit similar to the sand dunes in the desert, but unlike the sand dunes, these hard places are hidden under the snow and need to be found with field experience.

If you stay there, the fault tolerance rate is very high!

There was no way, after all, the body shape was there. Even if he really encountered a snow-covered area with a depth of ten meters, DengDeng could climb out with Ye Qiong.

It's just that the speed is much slower.

Ye Qiong rode to the front to clear the way, and the line behind dragged for a long time.

After the blizzard, within a certain period of time, it is a safe period. Carrion beasts and beast tides cannot walk on the snow, so the warning distance at this time can not be so far.

If some fighters get stuck in the deep snow area because of the guard, it will be very troublesome and troublesome. It is easy to fall, but it is difficult to climb out again. What is even more difficult is that if a guard team falls, more needs to be arranged. Soldiers rescued in the past had a great impact on the team's forward speed.

Ye Qiong sat on the dumb neck, took out the animal skin map folded around his waist, and was planning the next route.

In the current situation, there are two routes that are quite suitable.

One is to walk along the canyon like in summer, so if you encounter food problems on the way, you can also break the ice layer of the ice area in the canyon and get some fish to eat.

But the disadvantage is that most of the roads on the edge of the canyon are flat, and it will be very comfortable to walk in summer, but it is difficult to judge how deep the snow is if you move forward after a blizzard.

There is also a route, which is to go southeast for a while, and then enter the series of peaks in the central area between the canyon and the Dinglong Mountains.

Generally speaking, walking towards the peak, there is no snow on the top of the mountain, so it is safer. The biggest problem is that you have to climb the mountain. It seems to be not very friendly to some elderly people and children in the team.

Ye Qiong shouted a few times at the back of the team, and several fighters quickly ran over.

The current position of the team is an area similar to a fork in the road. If you continue to go forward, it will be the road in the canyon. If you turn left, and if you go diagonally to the southeast, it will be the road of the peak. Reach the Alpine base north of the central tribe.

Suddenly turning over, Ye Qiong took the map in his hand and jumped to the ground, intending to discuss with these few warriors who already have authority in the team to see which way to choose...

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