Beasts Are Boundless

Chapter 815 Ice Mine Cave

Ye Qiong knew more about this area than the warriors who came later.

However, the large troops behind were actually tribes living on the west side of the Dinglong Mountains. Because of their constant migration, Ye Qiong couldn't compare to some of the old people in the team.

Ye Qiong has walked the road from the canyon a few times, but they are all in the summer. From the peak, Ye Qiong just rode the Thunder to fly in the summer. The specific conditions on the ground are still the same. Not clearly enough.

So after discussing with the warriors for a while, Ye Qiong asked the two warriors to invite some old men in the team to come over.

After a while, several old men who were over 100 years old and still fit and healthy followed the two warriors.

The posture of the old man on Xue Xing, before the age of fifty, is the same, between fifty and one hundred years old, and after one hundred years old, it is the same.

Generally speaking, before the age of 100, you cannot see the old state, but after the age of 100, it will be different. There will be an aging period of about ten years. This posture is almost always maintained until the age of

After one hundred and fifty years old, it belongs to waiting for destiny, some will die soon, and some will continue to extend their lifespan, reaching more than two hundred years old!

The twilight years are still very long.

Like those old men in the Ye Qiong tribe, such as Kuang Baichi, who is over seventy years old and can swing a hammer better than the young guys, Ye Qiong's bone crystal equipment, his apprentices, really can't make it

Judging from Kuang Baichi's current physical condition, it's not a big problem to continue to build Ye Qiong's equipment for decades. At least within a dozen years, the quality of the weapons from Kuang Baichi's hands will only improve, not decline.

Several elderly people looked at the map in Ye Qiong's hand and expressed their amazement. They explored such a large area and marked them very clearly.

In today's environment, it is really rare!

After expressing his opinion, an old man with wrinkles on his face caught Ye Qiong's attention. The old man's knowledge and conversation made Ye Qiong feel that this old man seemed to have something...

After asking, I found out that the old man is already one hundred and sixty years old!

This is also the first time Ye Qiong has come into contact with the elderly of this age group.

Even though the elders in the Ye Qiong tribe were all over 100 years old, they seemed to be stuck at the age limit, and none of them were over 150 years old.

Judging from the old man's actions and words, Ye Qiong felt that if he maintained this state, if he was in the central tribe and didn't worry about the attacks of beast hordes and mad crowds, it would not be a problem to live for a few more decades.

The things in the old man's mind are very precious.

The final result of the negotiation is to take the road of the peak, the road is difficult, and the kind that needs to go over mountains and mountains.

There may also be a crisis in food, but there is no need to worry about being blocked by snow, so there are gains and losses.

The team started to move towards the southeast, Ye Qiong turned over and rode on Duo Dian, still driving ahead.

After three days...

The main force passed the first peak, and the supplies and food they carried were still abundant. In order to let the main force behind them keep up, the speed was still very slow, so they had time to spare, carrying Ye Qiong and advancing in the group. hunting in the direction.

After the battle with the Thunder Madman King, the number of magical beasts in this area has become very rare.

Walking all the way from the rock pile base, there was no shadow of a monster.

Under normal circumstances, the beast tide will gather the beasts together. During the process of migrating and attacking humans, some beasts will be left behind, so in the wild, you can see that kind of lonely beasts.

There is another situation, that is, the older monsters, when they feel that their bodies can no longer rush with the beasts, they will take the initiative to withdraw from the beasts. Most of these beasts have become Carrion's prey.

However, thin dead camels are bigger than horses, and even those beasts who retreated from the beast horde due to illness, age, or injury depend on their specific strength rank.

A dying guard beast can kill a carrion beast with a slap. With a little physical strength, three or five carrion beasts can’t get close. After they break away from the beast tide, they also need to hunt. Fill your stomach.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, in the wild in the winter of Xue Xing, the more common ones are carrion beasts, while magical beasts are relatively rare, but they are not extinct.

Now Ye Qiong walked all the way from the rubble base with a large army, giving the impression that the monsters suddenly disappeared.

Or maybe...

He couldn't survive the crazy blizzard in front of him, he died in the snow, and after being buried, he disappeared completely.

If you want to see their figures again, you can only wait for the spring to come. The corpses of monsters buried in heavy snow will not rot, but within a certain range, they can still be caught by the sensitive sense of smell of scavengers.

After digging a snow hole, you don't have to worry about food for a few months or even a whole winter. This is luck.

When the team advanced to noon on the fifth day, it suddenly became lively...

Above the sky, a black shadow visible to the naked eye fell.

The first thing I discovered was a few children in the team. After discovering the shadow, they started screaming and screaming. Soon, the people in the large team were not very calm.

Ye Qiong was still riding on his back, feeling the abnormality of the large army behind him. He turned around and looked over. He quickly followed the big guy's line of sight and caught the black figure who was chasing after him from high school.

This height...

At this speed, the only things that rapidly fell from the sky were those gray-white behemoths floating in the high-altitude area.

The direction where the shadow appeared was located in the southwest direction of the large army, and the distance was still uncertain.

Those gray and white giant beasts are auspicious symbols for many tribes. After they die, they will fall from the sky. If they can fall around some small tribes, it means a small tribe, a few All the food for the month!

Looking at the black shadow falling down towards the peak of the Dinglong Mountains, Ye Qiong really wanted to go there and take a look.

Ye Qiong has been curious about this gray-white beast that can float high in the sky without falling down.

But I haven't had the chance to meet them for a long time. I've seen them fall before, but the distance is too far, and it's winter, so I can't get past them.

When I brought a large army back to the central tribe, I didn't expect to encounter a giant beast falling, which is the place where it fell, and it was not very friendly.

Wangshan ran dead horse, although it doesn't seem to be far, but if you really rush over there, you will know how far it is.

Ye Qiong took out the map and calculated the distance. The giant beast fell on top of the peak, and it was about to roll down.

Now the position of the main force has already traveled about half of the distance. If it is fast, it will take another seven or eight days. If it is slow, it will take about ten days to reach the Alpine base.

After more than ten seconds, as a white fireworks exploded above the Dinglong Mountains, the gray-white behemoth that was quickly chased down from the air finally reached the ground!


With the sound of an explosion, the ground began to tremble slightly, and then calmed down again.

Everyone looked at the huge figure that rolled down from the mid-mountain above the peak of the Dinglong Mountains. In addition to the shock, there was also an invisible sense of oppression. This gray-white behemoth, which is larger than the lord-level beast, is calculated by 100 meters in length.

Although there is still a gap compared with other beasts, but this kind of weight falls from high altitude, coupled with Xue Xing's strong gravitational force, so when it comes into contact with the ground, the kinetic energy it carries is Very scary!


to the point where it can trigger a small earthquake.

If this energy is converted, it already has the power of a small-yield tactical nuclear bomb.

However, the sound of the explosion coming from the air was not caused by the impact, but a sonic explosion of pressure. That is to say, there is a high probability that there is an air cavity in the body of this gray-white behemoth.

Seeing the figure of the giant beast tumbling down from the peak, Ye Qiong's curiosity couldn't be stopped.

Looking left and right, I looked at the road and the road to go next. At this point in time, there is still no danger.

If you just look at it in the past, if the speed is fast enough, it seems...

Be able to get back before dark at night.

Considering that in the ice area at this time, the snow surface is not at this time, and the amount of snow in some low-lying areas may already be more than ten meters, or even twenty or thirty meters deep.

If Duo Duan accidentally fell, it would be very troublesome to escape from the snow that was more than 20 meters away.

So in theory, although you can go back and forth today, in reality, it may take at least a day or even two or three days!

If you decide to go and have a look, you have to make sure that the team will not have any trouble in the next two days.

The rare giant beast fell, but Ye Qiong thought about taking this team back first, then turning back and looking over there.

But if you count the time, it will take at least a month. Although the size of the giant beast is very large, it can't hold back the surrounding carrion beasts after gathering for a month.

At that time, it is very likely that there will be no slag left.

After the giant beast calmed down, the team continued to move forward, but Ye Qiong's mind did not calm down.

Lying on the back of Duo Duo, staring at the sky in a daze.

The sky is not too clean now...

The kind that is so clean and intoxicating that there is not even a speck of dust in the air.

The blue mother star is still charming and beautiful, and Ye Qiong and Duan's figures are also a unique landscape in the eyes of the people behind.


Ye Qiong suddenly turned over and jumped off Dian Dian's back!

Then he waved at the soldiers behind him.

After arranging the events for the next two days to them, Ye Qiong turned around and jumped on Dian Dian's back, and then slapped Dian Dian's forehead twice. Under the watchful eyes of the people, they rushed towards the area where the giant beast fell to the Dinglong Mountains.

The figure of one person and one beast gradually became smaller, and it seemed to be a bit lonely, and the large group also began to move forward, slowly advancing towards the northern mountain base of the Ye Qiong tribe.

After Ye Qiong and Dian Dian left, everyone felt something different, the sense of security seemed to be gone.

And what was waiting for them in front of them became unknown.

They were gathered one by one by Ye Qiong. Now Ye Qiong and Dawdow have left, and there are no soldiers from the Ye Qiong tribe to guide them, so in the next time, some stronger soldiers are needed to lead the army forward. .

If there is no running-in at the rock pile in front of the base, everyone has seen the strong hunting traces of the Ye Qiong tribe. It is estimated that some people will be skeptical and want to run away!

Fortunately, after the running-in of the rock pile base, the cohesion of this large army has now risen.

After Ye Qiong and Dian Dian left, apart from feeling that their sense of security was much weaker, the team continued to move forward in an orderly manner.


Above the Dinglong Mountains!

A ten-thousand-year-old ice area above the peak!

An isolated ice cave is hidden in this icy area. It is more appropriate to describe it as an ice mine rather than an ice cave.

Yes, a...

Countless years ago, the ice mines were mined by humans!

The diameter of the entire ice mine is hundreds of meters, and it is inserted obliquely downward under the ground at an angle of about fifteen degrees to the ground!

An ice mine with a diameter of hundreds of meters stayed on top of the highest peak of the Dinglong Mountains.




From the inside of the ice mine, there was a sudden sound of vibration. The ten thousand-year-old snow above the ice mine, some relatively soft areas, began to fall off under this vibration.

Suddenly, the entire entrance of the ice mine cave seemed to be snowing...

From the outside, it looks like a water curtain hole.

Listening carefully to the vibrations coming from the mine, it feels like some kind of giant beast is crawling outside!

The stellar light shines on the Dinglong Mountains. Only on the clearest days, the peaks above the Dinglong Mountains, the stellar light has the opportunity to shine in. On ordinary days, the above is covered by clouds.

As if attracted by some kind of mysterious magnetic field, the cloud layer is the kind that does not disperse all year round, even in summer, the cloud layer is there!

The rare stellar light shines in the ice cave, and the light is refracted beautifully and dazzlingly with the ice layer in the ice cave.

This scene seems to have not happened in many years...

The last super blizzard not only lasted for more than a month on the west side of the Dinglong Mountains, but also blew away a lot of clouds above the Dinglong Mountains!

Inside the ice mine cave, the dull footsteps became louder and louder.

It seems to have reached the entrance of the ice mine...

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