Kite is more doomed than usual.

Riding on the spirits of the wind, they are raging around there, and the demons involved are only blown up helplessly.

I'm reminded that it's like usual for him to do something he doesn't know what that means, but only this time, that's flashy.

"Reefa, you're stronger! You have a high nose as a sister!"

"Shut up."

While Kate was dealing with the Spirit of the Wind, I continued to engage my sister.

Fighting as they freed each other of their demonic powers.

In previous fights, I couldn't even pull that out, but now I can fight enough against my sister...!


A shadow-covered knife and a sword wrapped in cold air collide against each other.

Bring the knife backwards and swing it down, pulling the remnants of the black magic.

Continuous bumping attacks.

Kicking out to turn around, landing backwards, I yell at my sister who comes using the same moves.

"Don't imitate my moves!"

"Fine, sisters, so it's easier to understand similarities, right?"

Superior...... heh!

I'll smash that spare time.

Spread the shadow at your feet and sharpen your nerves.

What emerges from the shadows is a black figure who looked just like me.

"--- Shadow transfer. It's two on one now."

"Such a lookout!"

"See for yourself if you see it down!!"

Run out at the same time as the shadows.

A shadow that made me go ahead slaps my sister in the nail, but she ignores the shadow and releases a rubble of ice at me.

"You're not as powerful as the main body! Then ignore it and attack you..."

"I knew your sister was simple."

Activate the metastasis in the shadow and switch shadow positions with me.

Having taken my sister's back as it was, I slap a flying kick in where I'm upset.

"Another blow!"

Replace the position with the shadow that preceded him when he was kicked away, slapping the nail wrapped around his arm thoughtfully.


It was critical and defended by the ice on my arm, but the look on my sister's face was different than anything I had ever felt I could afford.

"--- Ah! I see, we can simply replace them as they are instead of just being two!"

"Which is me, I can tell!?"

"Haha! Funny! Then me too!"

That's the word, sister to try and free up more magic.

Ice covers her sister's limbs, wrapped in more cold air than just now, and grows from around her waist like a tail connected by a number of joints made of ice.

It had a disastrous shape more like a tail of a boned dragon than an animal tail.

"... if you think about it, your tail just grew!

"What the fuck! Don't you see how convenient this is!?"

"I'm not even real, but my tail is stretched!"

When I point to something like a tail made of magic, my sister reacts just saying it's out of her heart.

"Now you know with this attack, Reefa...!"

My sister, with her limbs on the ground, stares at me like a four-legged beast.

What are you doing...!

Standing with the shadows, my sister slaps the ice tail that grows on the ground and approaches me with an unusual acceleration.


"Ah, that!"

Ice tails that rotate and wiggle your body wide.

Makes it look like a whip. Avoid it, and the next thing you know, an ice claw wrapped around a limb looms.

"Shadow transfer!"

Let the shadow interrupt forward, turn it into a wall, and then pull it back.

But instead of asking me to let it, the ice tail is slammed to the ground again, and with that force my sister bursts into this way.

A sharp tail thrusts this way before it even tries to create a new shadow and intercept it.


I've been sticking my tail out like a spear...!?

Looking at the stabbed ground, he says it's dangerous at the point of stabbing from being frozen in an instant.

——— It's a simple, extreme tactic like a sister, but it's meshing with a surprisingly powerful sister tactic.

"The gorilla grows its tail...!"

"Come on, don't call me a gorilla!? Whenever they say that, it hurts plain!"

"I've told Kite many times and imprinted it!"

"Wait, it looks beautiful!"

I am seriously shocked by the percentages.

After all, understand that my efforts were not in vain.

"Fuck you...!"

Claws bump into each other, and wiggled tails scatter the cold air.

The power is better on your sister, but there's a lot of trouble here.

"---The tail is aiding in the movement……!"

Beat it to the ground and accelerate.

Aid for stabbing and moving there.

Turn to the attack and you will launch a powerful attack: a thrust and a shove.

It's really simple, but it's troublesome.


It's more like being used to fighting a nasty opponent than a nasty sister like that!

"I don't do anything weirder than Kate, so I can handle it at all...!"

"Usually, what is he doing...!?"

Compared to how scared Kate was when Meliá was manipulating her, there's no way she'd be so scared as to have a tail on a gorilla!

Allow the attacking tail to be separated, releasing a series of shadow attacks from your feet.


A spear made of ice develops and shoots around his sister, who leaps and points her hand at him.

While clashing shadow and ice weapons in the air, I also cut with a knife with shadow.

"How long have you been doing this!"

"Well! Honestly, I wonder what's going on in the environment!"

Knife the protruding tail.

When it comes to the current environment, you mean the Demon King Army...?

"Do it alone and isolate yourself? That sounds like your sister too!!"

"Either that or they're doing whatever they want! Well, until now, I thought that would be good, but that's it!"

Ice sword on both arms wielded at the same time.

To go with that, he takes the shadow shield from his feet and kicks it into the defenseless flank - but it's also prevented by the ice tail.

"The Demon King's army feels kind of dangerous right now! This way, my skin always bothers me, or it's like there's a hell of a monster close to me, like that!"

"That's what the Demon King said!?"

"I don't know that! I've never seen you before!! But I'm pretty sure you're the worst boss ever!!"

Can you imagine a fearless sister saying that much and the Demon King has tremendous strength...?

We continue to attack with all our might as we speak, but both attacks are blocked and just destroy our surroundings.

It is not clear.

Once I have lowered back and increased my magic, I place my hands on my own extended shadow - try to lift it up as it is.

"Swallow! Big Shadow Swallow (thanks only)!!"

Throw the lifted shadow, with centrifugal force, at your sister.

The black magic falling from the sky goes towards the enemy with physical mass, like a tsunami.

Previously on my way to St. Real, it was a move I thought with Kite in the carriage...! I never had a chance to use it because there was too much damage around - but if my sister is the other person, there is no reason not to use it.

"Wow! I can't believe you have that move!!"

"Swallow into the shadows and catch them!!"

"I wonder if it will be that easy!"

To match that voice, white magic emanates from the ice sword that covers your sister's hands.

Cold air, enough to tell at this distance.

Collecting it on the blade, she waved down her upward sword at the same time.


The unleashed ice slaughter hits each other.

Keep shadowing the loss...!

"Oh, no way, Reefa's big shadow Dafu!? Not good!"

"Was that such a move name?!?"

"We're gonna get caught up!"

——— I saw my moves. Kite says something, but through! Because this move is definitely not like Daifuk!!

Cage your full strength and push out your magic.

Then I see a crack entering the ice sword my sister was beating into the shadows.

"--- I can't stand it...!?"

"Right here!"

Last push.

Moment after moment, the sword and ice in your sister's hands crack to pieces.

But so you ran out of this move. The shadow can disappear in an instant.

"... Phew..."

Breathe slowly and look at your sister who has lost her double sword.

After she quietly stared at the swords that had only become patterns, she threw them to the ground so that there was nothing untrained.

"Well, let's continue"

"... you lost your sword and you're still willing to go on?"

To my words my sister leans her neck.

"You know that, don't you? Reefa, you and I still don't mean it."


"One more step, you should be able to unlock the power of the demon?"

My sister was right, I knew it.

If I can, then naturally I can release the demonic powers even further to my sister.

"I've been sure I could do this for a long time, Kate, but I think it's up to me to get your blood done. So did you, Kate, because of you, you were able to move on to the next stage, right?"


Take out the magic apparatus that is silently filled with Kate's magic as she sees it covered in the likeness of a white beard from her sister's feet.

While it serves to restore my power, my pure demonic awakening can evolve into the next phase by using this simultaneously.

But it is also a dangerous evolution to lose oneself.

After training with Mr. Will, he has improved somewhat, but there is still the danger of a runoff.


Glimpse of Kite clinging desperately on the spirits of the storming wind, then activate the magic in both hands at the same time.

As pure demon power flows through my whole body, my whole body is also wrapped in black magic made of shadows, waving and bouncing it off my arms, while at the same time revealing myself and my sister.

"Come on, let's make up our minds in the next fight!"


My sister, who turned her whole body white as snow, and me in shadow.

With each other's full strength, it was now time for a serious battle to begin.

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