Help Hakuro.

With that heart, I tried to calm him down on his back, but it didn't work with the power of my pure demon.

On the contrary, you were more annoyed about me on your back than you were earlier, and clinging was swinging so close to the limit.

"Damn, I knew I couldn't do it!"

"Cu, cu!"

"Lime, once you leave! Don't push it!!"

As it is, the lime body that binds the Spirit may chop a thousand.

I absolutely hate that, so I instructed Lime to remove the restraint and get off its back in a way that would be shaken off by a hawk.

"Huh... Cold!?"

Rolling down the ground, the cold wind blows from behind.

——— Signs of Reefa and Nea changed?

"Hey, what..."

"Kite, the war is changing over there."

Watch Reefa as she guards the hawk.

Where they were fighting, there were local blizzards and black shadows in the form of reefers sprung out of the ground repeatedly disappearing.

"Hell, is that...?"

Inside, the two of them are fighting with a beastly roar.

... So wait, it's like those two are getting closer this way -,



"Wait, wait, wait!!"

At the earliest possible moment, the two men, who are in a punching battle between the carnivores, fly over here as they work together.

Having seen the imminent sight of a snowstorm and a shadow as they moved, I wrap a flame around my sword and give them an impending chill.

"Oh, it's too dangerous...!"

The two of you who noticed me look at this one at the same time.

Reefa is wrapped in black magic and Nea is wrapped all over her body in white magic.

Contours are the people, but their faces and contours are the ones that can tell, but the only discernible parts are pale and radiant eyes and mouths.

And most importantly -,

"Cold...... ugh!"


You don't like the cold. Yulan looks spicy.

Reflect on how you can manage this situation while warming Yulan with a blazing sword in his left hand.

Nia's ability to awaken her powers as a demon is probably this indiscriminately blowing blizzard.

It is an aggressive ability to create a favourable environment of its own, freezing and crushing enemies with overwhelming physical abilities and magic.

"Mr. Kirt!"


Nea changes her target to me, and she jumps.

I don't know the look on your face, but I know you're biting me with joy, so I rush to cage Lime and stop him with Yulan's defense.

"Are you the same as Reefa!!"

"Let's get some magic!"

Avoid delightful bites in a hurry.

Yay, you're overpowering me with physical enhancement because you're pretty much freeing up demonic powers...!?

"Shiv, electric shock!"

"Uhm, get away from Kite!"

An electric shock is flushed from the hand you are grasping.

With a flash of discharge, Nia's body is paralyzed but she quickly looks up fine.

Normal electric shock doesn't frighten you...!

"I'm a little paralyzed, but it doesn't work!"

"Exactly, endurance gorilla...!"


Nia upset for some reason.

So Reefa showers her with a strong flying kick and blows it away.

"Go away because your sister will be empowered when kite comes!!"

"Don't be impotent!!"

"Reefa!! You're totally imprinted!! Because I won't forgive you anymore!!"

That one's pissed off for some reason!!

When Nea holds her palm above her, a hawk appears beside her that I was on my back earlier.

The hakuro, silently overlooking Nea, transforms into the wind itself as it is - disappearing, as it is sucked into Nea.

At that next moment, the blowing snowstorm becomes even stronger, and I see the wind wrapped around Nea's own body.

"Haunted hakuro...!? Schiff, what's going on!?"

"Probably wrapped hawks around themselves like gear and improved their abilities!"

After being forced to serve, are you treating me like a tool...!

"What an outrageous guy to do...!"

"That's what Kite always does when it comes to gear...?"

Turn the lime into a scythe as you pass through Reefa's grunt.

The blade wrapped the flame, and I waved the momentum, and I wrapped the hakuro in myself, just like Nea.

"Hakuro, help your body! Help me!!"


It's not as good as Nea's, but it prevents the aid of her own movement and the blizzard that just pierces her skin.

Cold air endures with physical strengthening!!

"Reefa, let's do it!"


When they lay down their weapons together, Nia's figure scratches out in an instant.

---, up!

"Great Umbrella!"

Attract the reefer here and prevent the attack from above with an umbrella deformed by the lime.

Where the shock is slammed from above, Reefa jumps out of the umbrella and stretches out a blade made of shadows, but they cut the sky without being able to capture Nea's appearance.

"Not to that extent!"

"Attack in numbers!!"

Several figures pop out of Reefa's feet and scatter around him.

Follow her as she continuously switches between her scattered body and her own position as she predicts Nia's movements moving at high speeds with the force of the wind.

"Hang in there! If you get caught in mindfulness!?"

"I don't like it because I want to have more fun! Oh, my God!"


I avoided Reefa's attack trying to catch him in the shadows, beating a kick that caught cold air as Nea flipped in the air.

Visually watching the kicked reefa sink into the shadows, I wave a sword to Nea, who landed with full physical strengthening.


"Yeah, I'll pinch him!"

In conjunction with my attack, Reefa flies out of Nea's shadow and rolls out her nails.

"Sweet sweet!"

But Nea let the wind go and blew me and Reefa's body off on the spot.

... Huh, the cold makes me feel dull.

The reefer in the shadows is still there, but even as it is, the limits of physical strengthening will come to me.

"We have to settle this as soon as possible, this one's over...!"

Then, at worst, I risk being taken away by the Demon King's Army.

I absolutely don't like that.

Don't let my pure demon power be exploited by the demon king's army!

"Pure Demon...? Did you have that hand?"

"Kite, are you going to do something again!?"


After communicating the operation in a low voice to the demons of use, he spots Nea avoiding the attack of Reefa.

If I can't capture Nea at my speed, I just need her to come over here.

I create magic bullets that gather the magic of pure demons in my palms. [M]

"Pure Demon Ball!"

"" Mmm!? "

Reefa has caught it too, but pushes the magic of the pure demon straight to herself.

Then Nea, who blew the wind on Reefa, hits him at an unusual rate.

"The Pure Devil confused me!!"

"... Ha!? Dangerous!?"

A sword protruding into the counter can be avoided.

Oh, did you get me back just before you hit me?

But the operation is still going on.

"This is a trick! Pure Demon Whee Whee!! It's a move with no advantage but demons dropping by!"

"That doesn't make me sad to say it myself...?"

Normally, I got sympathetic.

Slightly hurt, I stick my finger to Nea.

"You have to turn your consciousness to me whether you respond or not!!"

"I wonder if you know the risk of that being attacked by me!!"


Well, you're going to attack me, and I'm going to send a signal to the demons.

Momentarily, the lime that sucked up my magic deformed at the same time, covering my head to toe.

Knight's full body armor.

From above, Yulan creates a superimposed wall of magic and covers it.

"Become!? With that!"

Nea lets the ice take the shape of a sharp nail and taps it.

But it's played by Yulan's magic and Lime's armor, and it doesn't even convey shock to me inside.

On the contrary, it's hard enough to shatter the ice in Nea's hand.

"What do you say! This is Tamer's Armor on the Iron Wall!"

"Or stiff...!?"

Nea is moving her hands like she's paralyzed and has tears in her eyes.

This is the highest strength armor achieved by the Mithril Slime and Magic Wall.

I laugh at things I don't usually laugh at because they look great.

"If you're the fastest, I'm the hardest! Ha ha!!"

"Ca, kite"

"Ha ha... what's up, Schiff?"

"I like the armor... how does it work off the spot...?"

... that? I can't move my body.

I don't mind covering my whole body with lime and armor, but for the convenience of lime deformation, my armor and armor are all connected so I have no joints.


"Reefa, help! I can't move either!!"

"Are you nuts, kite!?"


On the contrary, my body is swallowed by Reefa's shadow while the bewildered Near stops moving.

At the next moment, he moved me a little further away, so I let Tamer's Armor disarm me there.

"Thank you, thank you.... come on, don't do it. Your sister."


"... sorry"

A frightened look, even in a transformed state.

In the meantime, apologize, and watch Nia.

"But it's Ari as a strategy to attract with pure demon magic"

"I'm used to it, I can stand it. There's a risk that Kate's magic will strengthen your sister... but that's how much you have to risk to catch her."

And I need another hand.

I can create a gap in Nea for sure, something.

"… try that one"

Reminds me of one of a few handbills.

I don't know if it works, but it's worth a try.

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