Near's movements, reinforced by the power of the hawk, are so fast that even I, pulled up by physical strengthening, can't keep up.

Reefa, who manages to chase me through the transition and the changeover, is just a bunch of legs waiting for me to get attacked right now.



Take the jumping kick at me with the knife pattern. [M]

In the form of rolling from the back to the ground, it releases electric shock from the palm as it jumps and prevents pursuit.

"I hope you don't forget me!"

"Ha, you can't forget! Because she's my sister!!"

Nea accepts the nails created by Reefa in the shadows, with the same ice nails.

To Nea's words, Reefa returns a slightly unpleasant reaction.

"... disgusting!"

"What's disgusting!?"


Nea stopped the move!

I deform the lime from a sword to a rope, and then I wrap it with electric shock and hawk wind.

"Go, Electric Haklope!"

"The worst thing ever...!?"

Rope headed to track Near with aid from the wind.

That's not a direct hit just to rip Nia's leg off.

"I knew you were hilarious!!"



Flying through the air with no scaffolding due to the force of the wind, she strikes with a blizzard.

Pull the lime back and take Nia's protruding nails as she has them deformed into a double sword.

"Grungy, heavy...!"

"Wouldn't it be rude to be heavy on a girl!!"

"Normal girls don't get into the Demon King Army, there isn't!!"

He surpasses his arm with physical enhancement only for a moment and manages to bring it into melee combat with Reefa after pushing it back.

"Reefa, get down!"


I see Reefa give in, then I snap right in front of him with a sickle.

Auxiliary to the wind, but originally that form of Nea's movement is extraordinary!

If you're simply surpassing Reefa's... maybe you're waking up to a special force like her ability to create a split.

If you have something in mind -,

"No way...!"

A blizzard that is now continuing to deprive me and Reefa of their health.

We manage to prevent it in a state of physical strengthening and pure demonic awakening, but if we solve it, we are in an environment that won't last five minutes.

But on the contrary, such an environment is the one that can maximize Nea's power.

"The blizzard is making you stronger...!?"

"Well, I don't know about that!"

Naturally, you can't even answer me.

Assemble the operation in your head as you fist down the impending debris.

"Kite, give me the magic!"


When I give Reefa the magic of a pure demon, Nia bursts into me just to make me do so.

With my magic, Reefa stops in the shadows.

"In the middle of the battle, it's not good enough to supply or anything!"

"He is my partner and squire. It's no strange story to support me!! And he 's-"

You two are talking about something while fighting, but this is a good opportunity!

Grant magic to the hakuro beside you with your two swords raised on top.

"Reefa!! Now blow that place away!"


"Those aren't the words of those who support you...?"

Confirming that the silent Reefa escaped the scene in the shadows, he cages the power of the hakuro wind that gave my magic to the two swords and releases them at once.

The wind runs over the snowstorm, swallowing Nea.

But you can't wipe out the blizzard completely, plus Nea gets up with a fine face.

"... I was about to hit you"

"I know you would avoid it. I trust you."


Still wrapped in shadows from toe to top of head, so I have no idea the look on my face.

He doesn't seem angry for now, so he exchanges words until Nea strikes again.

"Kite, the transformation will be solved soon"

"That's an odd encounter. I don't have much magic left."

From what I've seen, Nea and Hakuro look fine.

I guess this overly extreme environment makes it so, except for that, it's tremendous toughness.

"Sif, did you come up with the operation?"

"Approximately. Kite, are you sure you want to use that? I don't think it's a good idea to use it in action..."

"Make a point, don't you?"

"... um, let's swing by as usual"

Schiff, happy to say so over his head, tells us about the operation.

Understanding a short, concise explanation, Riefa widens the shadow at her feet.

"Shadow jump. Fine, kite!"

"Let's go! Everyone!!"

When Reefa jumps into the shadow he spreads, he jumps high in the sky with recoil like a trampoline.

Unexpectedly looking up at this one, I turn the lime into a cage hand, gripping it forcefully.

"If the blizzard gets in the way, until you blow it up!!"

"Become!? No way -"

"Tamer's Knuckle!!"

Hit the ground with a cage hand with deformed lime at the same time as the landing, a magic shield, flames and wind all combined.

Forced to endure and remain conscious of the intense shock that transmits the right arm.

In an instant the heat spreads all around him in his fist wrapped around the burst of flames rolled out, temporarily leaving the blizzard.

"If the blizzard goes away! This one!!"

On top of that, a large number of identities are created from the perimeter of Nea, killing them to Nea.

While she manipulates the wind and shadows, me and Reefa rush in each other's direction.



Knock your hands off to make a high touch without mistake.

In a moment, I can connect Reefa's right hand with my left hand in a line made of shadows.

"From here...!"

Hiding in Reefa's body and traveling at full speed to surround him, I pinch Nia as I go.

Naturally, she noticed our presence, and she put up her ice claws...

"Attack, you would have thought!"

"They're not attacking me!?"

Avoid Nia's offense and pass beside her at the same time as Reefa, who runs straight ahead.

Moments later, the shadowy rope that was connected to my hand and Reefa's makes a circle and ties her body together.

"--- heh, this is!"

"After all, my sister is alone! I don't know how important it is to work with someone I trust! So beat us here!!"

Reefa, who pulled the rope forcefully, ties Nea's body.

There's not enough time for me and Reefa to hold Nea...!

"If you stop moving even for a moment, Reefa will do it!!"

Release an electric shock from your palm gloves, then head to the reefer that is tied up.

Nea smiles when she looks at me and protests me in captivity.

"Electric shock again!? That won't work for me!!"

"Oh, the electric shock to hurt you won't work! But this electric shock is different!!"

I don't know if I'll succeed.

But he pushes his right hand out on Nea's shoulder as he chops on it.

"Ha, I knew it would work -"

"Billible Electrical Shock/Strong"


An electric shock that focuses primarily on keeping the opponent moving, not to inflict pain.

Interpretation, a technique for punishing - a technique that can stop most of your opponents from moving for a moment...!


"Ha ha! This is the Billy Electric Shock we've developed for further punishment! All right, now is the time, Reefa!!"

"Don't do that to me! Absolutely!!"

You should have a full body taste of the tingling after the front seat......!

But only the first move through. If you get used to it, you won't be able to use it again in that fight.

Reefa manipulates and restrains the shadow to Nea, who has sat up to him.

"heavy shadow moves/silly sister tied"

That's enough to remind me of a minnow. Nea wrapped in a shadow in a goose cross.

Are you already recovering from the paralysis of the billibility electrical shock, or are you trying to get out of that state of restraint?


"... ugh, I knew it was gorilla. I'll get out of here like this....... on top of it, hum!!"


Reefa, who looks so tired, punches Nea in the head with a goo.

Together with the pleasant sound of Gong!, she also reverts to what she was freeing the demonic powers to go with it when Nea faints.

"... I'm not strong enough to hit you. Oh, it's okay, this kid."

"Don't worry. This is just about as good for your sister."

"Oh yeah..."

What kind of life did you usually lead, these sisters?

But whatever it was, we succeeded in capturing Nia, the Demon King's Army executive.

As she faints, so does the snowstorm around her.

"... annoyed"

"It's not over yet."

"Yeah, I know"

Confirming Nia tied with shadows, a large wolf emerged from a space of nothing - a hawk.

I am relieved that you have finally returned to your sanity to a calm appearance, unlike earlier.

"Still, you'll be tied to Nea, but I'll definitely do something about it"


Nea was stunned, but she wasn't helped by the hawk connected by the contract.

But maybe we can finally free up the main body of the hawk.

Thinking about it, I was happy enough that the struggle to fight her would also be written off.

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