Beautiful Aunt Next Door

Chapter 215 fractures

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I put Lu Yating, this is coming out, I took the phone.

It's so late, I don't know what I have to call me.

And so sudden, I didn't have a little mental preparation.

I got the phone, let me accidentally, the voice came from the phone, but it is not a sister, but a man.

"Qin Zheng, where are you?"

I am a glimpse, it is Chen Menu.

"At home.

I said, "How did you think of calling me?"

"Still, I don't know your phone, I can only call you with my sister's mobile phone.

Chen Meng said.

"I have lived here for so long, I don't have to save my phone, are you still?"

I said, "Is there something?"

"Nothing is nothing.

He said.

"My sister is hospitalized.

I rely, this is not a matter? "Received? She ... what happened?"

I asked.

"I was injured.

Chen Meng said.


I hurriedly asked.

"kind of.

He said, "The fracture, no bed.

"When is there?"

I asked.

"Just now, oh, you ask so much? Hurry and see her.

He said.

I hesitated, because Lu Yanting was drunk, it also needs to take care of it.

"Hey, can you hear?"

He saw that I didn't speak, thinking that there is no signal.

"can hear.

"Just in the second hospital, not far from you, can you come in twenty minutes?"

He asked.

"But I ..."

"But can you come, can you come? How is it so worn?"

Chen Meng said.

"Well, then you are waiting for me.

I said.

Hanging Chen Mei male phone, I returned to the bedroom, see Lu Yiting half closed eyes, eyebrows slightly, alcohol let her have some uncomfortable, the mouth is anxious to call my name, "Qin Zheng, Qin Zheng ..."

I hurriedly grabbed her hand, "I am, what about it.

Although she is still drunk, she didn't open her eyes, but heard my voice, I was caught by my hand, and I smiled sweetly, as if I suddenly.

"Don't leave me ... don't ... leave me ..."

She is tightly holding my hand, I am afraid that I will fly away.

I looked at her look, my heart was more entangled, do you want to go to the hospital to see the beauty? The United States is hurt, I am really worried, but the appearance of Lu Yating, how can I bear to let her go out? Tangled half, I suddenly found that I didn't have it necessary to entangle, anyway, I was only hurt, I just glanced, anyway, she had Chen Menan and that director took place, I went to see, I used to use it for a long time, very It's coming back.

Thinking here, I decided, gently took out the hand that was held by Lu Yuting, and then gave her a quilt, and came out.

Just prepared to leave, but I think that Lu Yating has been drinking wine. Once woke up, it must be drinking water, so I burn water and put it in the place she reached out, this is leaving.

I took a taxi to the hospital.

The night is deep, most of the car on the street has also been hillful, no more traffic jam, so the car is very fast.

I sat in the back row and looked at the night of the window, and the mood was still.

On the one hand, I hope that Lu Yant will not wake up before I go back, she is a girl who is extremely lack of security, and she woke up in most nights. I don't have it, I will definitely be very uncomfortable.

On the other hand, it is about the United States.

It seems that she finally agreed to the head of the horse and took the movie.

If this is the case, they will get along with all the best, the director must launch a violent offensive to her, I don't know how the beauty will deal with it, will it be ... she has promised him? The car quickly sailed to the second hospital. After I paid the money, I found that Chen Mei male was waiting for me at the door of the hall.

I hurriedly and asked, "How is it?"

"It turns out that you care about her?"

When I saw me, I extended my hand, pointing at the watch, "Look at it, I have gone thirty-four minutes, so the long half of the teeth, you are too worn. ? "

"Even if you want to show off your newly bought table, you will not be like this.

I said, "Do you say that you are there? I will be afraid of what will I be later? OK, don't talk nonsense, take me to go to the ward.

"No, not so urgent, she has already slept."

Chen Meng said.

"What are you calling me so much?"

I said.

"I said Qin Zheng, I am constantly creating opportunities, how do you not feel that your kid doesn't know?"

He said, "My sister is so heavy, you can take care of her in the first time, is she touched? Under this movement, is it almost become?"

I am a laughter, if I just move, I can promote me and the United States, then we have already become.

"Not, Qin Zheng, I found out how much you have recently been slow to you and her?"

Chen Meimei said, "Hey? Emphasis is not loved? If you are like this, you will live up to you last. Let you create a chance.

I am, "Last? What opportunities you create?"

"Do you not know if you are in combination?"

Chen Meimei was disappointed. "My sister was drunk that day, told me to pick her up, then I got her, she didn't tell you that I sent her?"

I glanced, it turned out that the night of the night was he sent.

"It turned out to be you.

"Staple, or how can she go to your door?"

Chen Meng said, "Qin Zheng, you have honestly tell me, are you not interested in my sister?"

I looked at him, some accidents, "How do you be so optimistic about me and your sister? It used to be the most important.

Chen Meng said, "Yes, I used to be a little more for you, but I think you should be able to understand, after all, you are more small than me, I am going to school, you still wear open trousers, you are my brother, don't twist .

But later, I really feel that you are not bad, I hope that my sister has a good destination, so I will thrown the secular concept, fulfill your two.

I am a lot of moon, I will leave the world.

"The most important thing is, I am really annoying the man!

Chen Men male said, "Compared with him, I can still accept you relatively.

I glance, "Men? Which man?"

"A dog's dart, Cheng Tian and my sister stick together, I am annoying.

Chen Meng said.


It seems that everything is as expected, the only thing I don't know is that the beauty of her ... has fallen.


Chen Mei men shocked, "You will finish it? You don't know, he is chasing my sister!

"I know.

I said.

"Do you know?"

Chen Mei men were more shocked. "You know you this performance? Is it not necessary to wait for their children?"

I am shocked, "Your sister is pregnant?"

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