Beautiful Aunt Next Door

Chapter 216 stays

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"No, I am playing a party.

Chen Meng said.

I ... "You look, you still care.

Chen Mei said, "What are you doing? Someone is chasing your woman, you still seem to have nothing to do?"

"Then your sister ... until the end ... Is there anything with him?"

I asked.

"I really don't know."

Chen Mei said, "But I think, my sister should not look at him? He is so wretched, a constipation face, not there is two stinky money, put him.

"That is not necessarily.

I said, "You are not your sister, how do you know what she like?"

"I don't like anyway.

Chen Meng said, "I always want to accompany the bed two days, let me go out.

I laughed, although I knew that these may have been ignored, but he did, but I still made me feel a little.

"Hey, Qin Zheng, do you have a laugh?"

Chen Meimei said, "Can you recognize the current situation? People in violent pursuit of my sister, but also a rich second generation of native, open, Porsche, I can help you to take the door to the ward. May not help you with your sister's heart!

I glance, the guy is still a rich second generation.

"Male, thank you."

I said, "But in the future, don't do this, I am with the United States ... may ... no chance.


Chen Meimei asked, "You don't like her very much? You have done so much for her. To tell the truth, I have been touched by it. You will give up? Or do you really make love?"

"This is two yards, even if I have sex, because I am, I am, I can't see it.

I said, "We ... there are too many concerns ... and say, now he also pursues, there may be no hope.


Chen Mei is in a hurry, "Are you a man? How can you have such confidence? Do you have such a easy-to-face director?"

I am sighing, saying, "Otherwise, what? One, there is still a lot of problems that cannot be solved, I have not considered it, maybe, she is not so much. like me.

Chen Meimei helplessly shook his head, suffering from the heart, "I said Qin Zheng, is your kid not a bad eye? When you are now, even this problem is clear? My sister is really like you, do you really unclear?"

I hil, said, "she has never said, and I have never been sure, and I have been pondering, I have been trying to figure out, sometimes it is very certain, sometimes it is very vague ..."

"So I just said that you are a shortcomings!

Chen Mei male is not polite, "Do you know why she is drunk? She is for you!

I am a glimpse.

Chen Meng continued, "When I received a call that day, she was drunk. When I cried, I thought it was bullied, asked her how she didn't say, give me anxious, but she is Blur, what can't be said, just a hard drink, give me an angry, I will say, how about you, how? I can't care!

I pretend to leave, and when she took me, I guess what she said to me? "

"Say what?"

"She said, Qin Zheng, don't go, don't go!

Don't leave me, I like you!

Chen Meng said.

I am, my chest is like a stick, and I can't slow half a day, I am there.

This ... I really didn't think that the United States actually said this, and still drunk, saying, that is, that is from the heart.

And I saw Chen Meimei so excited, obviously he is not lie to me, and there is no reason to lie to me.

"Qin Zheng, I tell you, even if my sister, she did have a few, but she is also the best woman,"

Chen Meimei said, "If you don't know the goods, don't you see it? People have to know the goods, if you don't hurry, don't blame you, don't blame you!

I am sighing, my mood is complicated.

"Okay, you will go to my sister, I am gone.

He said.

I glance, "Where are you going?"

"I still have something,"

Chen Meng said, "I have been taken care of my sister these two days, and our school has activities today, leaders are all, don't go.

"Wait a minute,"

I said, "Do you just say that your sister is nothing to say? How did you say it for two days?"

Chen Mei male, found that lies were exposed by me, but still scorned straightforward, "I wore that director, this is a good opportunity to create my sister, you still think about this day two days. ? "

I ... "Ok, hurry, I wake up for a while, I woke up to drink water to the toilet, no one helped her.

Chen Meng said.

"But I still have something ..."

"What is important than this? It's okay, don't talk nonsense, hurry, just like this, I have to hurry!

Chen Menan said in a hurry.

"Wait a minute!

I called him.

"I said that your kid is endless?"

Chen Mei is angry. "Don't know if it is? I am not for you? Say you is absent from your eyes." "

"Then you at least tell me about the ward.

I am helpless.


He laughed, "5302 ward, 4 beds.

After he left, I was relieved in the vast night sky, and then turned into the hospital and went to the ward of the United States.

This is still a separate ward, you can enjoy the treatment of the independent ward in the Popular hospital such as the Second Hospital, it is really not easy. I want to be hospitalized in the past, and I can't get a bed after spending money.

The beauty can enjoy such a treatment, it is obvious, it is the trial of that horse.

It seems that I have a gap between the director of the horse, and there is another one.

Moreover, this one is still a one that most women value.

I looked into it, put the door, seeing the beauty lying on the hospital bed.

I walked over and sat on the chair next to it, and carefully ended the beautiful face.

I have to admit that when I have a moon, I will see myself again, my heart, still suddenly warm.

The beauty is quiet and lying there, the face is bleak, and it is very fragrant.

I sat next to her, I remembered that Chen Mei male gave me the scene of the night, and the night was drunk. She mistaken Chen Mei man as me, crying with his hand, let me go The look, I can imagine her expression, her look.

This makes me feel a burst of heartbreak.

I don't understand why I am clear that two kinds of lovers, but can't be together, to bear such pains? This may be the sorrow of human beings, our brain is too developed, the feelings are too abundant, there are always too many concerns, but too many, but, even the simplest happiness cannot be grasped.

I have seen a sentence before, I will leave the station, more love for the church of the wedding.

I don't understand it before, now it seems that people who really love each other, always because there are too many difficulties to go to the end.

I and the aunt, although at this moment, I finally determined her feelings to me, but I have already separated it again, how can I go back? I am thinking, suddenly the phone rang, I hurried out the phone, I found that Lu Yuting came.

Broken, she woke up.

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