Beautiful Aunt Next Door

Chapter 252 Dream Proposal

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I am sitting on the taxi, looking at the zone of the Lu Yiting home that is gradually far away, just like a thief.

Although I was driven away by the father and son of Chen Jizhou, I still feel very arrogant, as if I took someone to drive away.

I guess Chen Jizhen's father with him, I am afraid it is to talk about the dismantled stock, or the shares will threaten the general, see Chen Rui's toes.

However, he estimated that it did not expect that Hua always prepared, I have helped him to get Jia total to invest in Bihai Blue Sky project, so it is not very afraid that he is withdrawn.

I think of this, I feel a little bit a little.

What I didn't think is that my position is close to the Blue Crystal Restaurant, only ten minutes, the car will stop in the door of the Blue Crystal Restaurant.

I paid the money and hurried into the restaurant.

I entered the restaurant, I immediately found a question, I didn't know where they were.

The Blue Crystal Restaurant did not have a name. At that time, it was just a small restaurant, and later I didn't know who was packaged into a happy high-end European restaurant. I suddenly fired, and I was refurbished for a few years. , Became the highest standard of coastal couples.

Nowadays, there are six floors, three-story hall, and three-layer box upstairs. How do I know where the aunt and that director are.

I took out the phone to Chen Mei male, but he did not pick it up.

It seems that it is really only to find it.

In the hall, the lights are inexplicab, the music is pleasant, and a couple wearing a dog-like couple is sharing dinner under the romantic candlelight, and my face is in the middle of them, but I didn't find a sister in them.

Just as I was prepared to find the second floor hall, I suddenly heard the voice of the singer.

I glanced, seeing not far a beautiful evening dress, the skirt of the elegant evening dress, got it in Horse Director.

It turns out that the time they went to the restaurant, not the time to marry.

I am busy, they didn't pay attention to me.

I looked at the beauty in the dark. Her legs have been restored, and there is no different, she is still so radiant, just like a magnet, instantly attract all men's eyes.

And that fat man director, wearing a suit, standing around her, attracting countless envy and jealous eyes, which makes me feel resentful, because that position, always is mine!

I sent them to the elevator on the third floor.

I am also busy going on the third floor.

It can be stopped in the elevator, and it is stopped by a waiter in the corridor. "Mr. Hello, the third floor is out of the field today, you can't go in, you have a total of a few, I will help you contact your choice.

I am a glimpse, it is a rich second generation, actually in the Blue Crystal Restaurant.

"Oh, don't have it, I will go down myself."

I am polite, "What is your name?"

He glanced, "My name is Ma Dong.

"Okay, thank you.

I said, then turn into the elevator on the second floor.

I went on the third floor from the steps on the second floor, and the stepper also stood a waiter and stopped me.

"You go to Madong,"

I said, "The manager let him go to see him.

The man is a bit, it is estimated to be a bit unclear, but listening to me called the name of Ma Dong, nod, "Oh, I know.

I saw him going to the elevator, and he didn't pay attention, then quietly slipped into the hall.

There is no lights in the hall, black, only the position of the dream and the director, showing two candlesticks.

At this moment, the director of the horse is talking to the beauty, and the beauty is laughing, so after I walked in the light and foot, they didn't notice.

I stand in the dark, looking at the beauty, watching this scene, inexplicably sad, she is still my beauty? Due to quiet, although it is far from far, it is still able to hear them.

Mei said, "Government Bin (the name of Ma Director), how can I suddenly come here today?"

That director laughed, "Because today, here should hold a award ceremony.

Auntie, "Awards? What award?"

That director smiled, "The best heroine, you will know.

"What is your mystery?"

I asked in the United States.

"You will know if you have.

The Horse Mars said.

Say that two people continue to dine, I stand not far away, I think, this guy doesn't know what kind of marriage to marry, but it is so black, it is estimated that I can't come.

In the side, I think, if he really squats to the United States, how should I stop? Suddenly, even the candlesticks on their tables were out, the whole hall was caught in a dark.

The beauty is very good, "How do you blow the candlestick?"

Na Ma director did not speak.

I got, this guy wouldn't want to be black against the beauty? Just thinking, suddenly I don't know where the music rang, and then a bunch of light shines, I was surprised to find that the beauty of the United States appeared on a wall of the hall, that is probably the fragment of her new movie, A smile, it's a beautiful.

Then, on the other four walls, they played a beautiful picture at the same time. On such a huge screen, the beauty of the United States is more beautiful and amazing.

For a time, the whole space is a beautiful figure.

I heard a surprise, I understand why he is going to eat in such a black place.

Then slowly, the screen on the four-sided wall is dark, the music is gradually stopped, I think, this is the marriage, I am thinking, I am at this time, suddenly, there is a hall Stereo projection, then the music sounded again, a photo of Zhang Meyi, as a three-dimensional projection in the center ... This three-dimensional projection, I have never seen it in the reality, just like hovering in the air.

It can be seen, these photos should be that the director is taking advantage of the beauty, but every photo has a striking number, 1, 2, 3 ... a one of the past ... Each piece is a plaque, some is a rose petal, and there is a feeling of dreams ... I was shocked by such a scene, I couldn't help but worry, such a romantic way, which one Women will not be angry? Or until the 100th, it slowly fixed.

Na Ma director took the aunt to the center of the hall, then a huge o'clock of Oscar golden rings and a bunch of roses declined, and the director said, turned into a real thing!

Then he handed the rose to the beauty, then lifted the ring, kneel, "Mei Qi, met your 100th day, you can bring me different happiness every day, with you, I am really happy, I hope that you can do the best heroine in my life, marry me, ok? "

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