Beautiful Aunt Next Door

Chapter 253, the reason

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I stood there and looked not far away. They were marriage, staying there for a time.

This marriage marriage is too romantic, even even the romantic that I can't imagine, it is really too big to the woman's killing.

So, even I think that in such an atmosphere, even if it is a strange woman, I am afraid that it is difficult to resist.

Not don't say, they may have already feelings before.

I saw the beauty of my mouth, very surprised, I was very touched, I feel, I really have something to come here.

Why do I stop people's happiness? I think, I will leave before they find me.

At this time, the beauty suddenly said, "Zheng Bin, you ... how suddenly ... You are not joking?"

"I want to give you a surprise when we meet one hundred days.

The horse has said, "I certainly haven't joked, although I usually like to be joking with you, but I have never thought about jokes, I have always been serious and seriously considering the relationship between us.

Movie is my belief, you are also.

Life is so long, it is painful and then interesting, I am willing to handle my rest of my life, are you willing to know all the emotions of your life? "

The beauty is there, there is no talk for a long time.

It seems that she is touched too powerful, and it is coming.

I thought that this would be an ending, ready to turn around, but I didn't think that the aunt suddenly said.

"Government, you first get together, I ... I want ... I may have no way to promise you.

I was in there, hurried turned and turned back.

The director of the horse is still there, and it is stunned, surprised, "Mei Qi, you ... what do you say?"

The beauty is red, and the sound is also a bit swallowed. "Thank you for your feelings for me, thank you for your taking care of me, thank you for your preparation today, this is what I can think, the most romantic , Even more dreams, I have to be romantic, I am really touched, but ... politicin, I really don't have a way to accept this love, so please forgive me, live up to your hard work ... "

The director of the horse is there, very unexpected, "Why? How is we right? We all have your own artistic pursuit, I can lead my life, you can also play my heroine, just like Jia Shu and his wife, and We are so happy together, so happy, so freedom, why are you not willing to be with me? "

The beauty can't speak more.

My heart jumped straight, at this moment, I also showed the reasons why I have to say in the United States.

"Government Bin, you get up, don't ask so much.

Mei said, "I ... I really can't promise you ..."

The director stands up, looking at the beauty, a unbelievable expression, "Meiqi, you ... you refuse me, will not be because ... surname Qin's kid?"

Auntie, looked at him, then, silently documented ... I can't describe my feelings, I am standing there, watching the movie face of the beautiful, although the face is calm, But my heart, crazy hit my chest, I could hear it, its crazy rhythm ... I know, I always know that my heart has me!

I have always known ... Ma director is more incredible, "Why? Mei Qi, I really can't believe that you like him?"

The beauty is down, there is no answer.

The guild is not still not allowed, "Objectively said that he is still a good time, but you are not the same, with him to contact him, he is very immature, he is even very simple, he is fundamentally Not suitable for you!

The beauty paused half, only looked up, smiled and said, "You are right, Qin Zheng is indeed mature, especially simple, even sometimes, you can say that you are naive, he can run I am sick, stirring me with others, he can go to our company, pretending to scare people, these are what I don't like, but I don't know why, my heart ... I can't let go.

Before encountering him, I am experiencing the most terrible stage of life. I thought that I won't feel my feelings, I can't fall in love with someone, or even, I have never thought about it, I have never thought about it. I am in my heart, it is like that emotions ... "

I listened to these, my heart had to melt, my tears can't be defeated, and I will go down on the cheeks.

Ma director listened to some collapse, and some desperate, "Why? I really can't understand, why you will fall in love with such a person, so simple, even the case, but he is not with other girls now? You What can I get? "

Auntie, said, "You said right, we may really, will not be together, but politicin, I am now halfway, I am afraid it is hard to put down him, so I don't want to be so stunned to accept you. Asking for marriage, this is not responsible for you ... so ... Sorry ... "

Ma director looked at her, some desperate, "Mei Qi, I really didn't think of it, I will lose alone, do you know how long is my heart? How long does it take to prepare this marriage? How long? I have never I have never thought about you will refuse me, really ... we are so happy together, don't you like what we are together? "

Mei said, "Government Bin, as a friend, you are really good, take care of me, but I ... I am really ... Sorry ..."

Horse director cried, and the beauty turned and left, and the director of the horse was unwind, and she pulled the beauty. "Meiqi, do you really do this?"

The beautiful voice is swallowed, "Government Bin, this is not unpredictable, I can't be responsible for my feelings, and I can't be responsible for you ..."

The director of the horse suddenly hugged the beauty, the dead, said, "No, Meiqi, you can't go this, I can't, I don't want you, ask me, good together, okay? ? I really have taken you as my life ... "

On the one side, I started to kiss the United States in one side.

The beauty is panic, hurriedly struggling, "Government Bin, don't you do this!

I hurried forward, I took the beauty from him from him. When I blocked her, then a punch was played on the face of Ma Guard!

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