Beautiful Aunt Next Door

Chapter 258 is invincible

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The weather is not good outside the window, the high-rise building of the autumn rain, the black cloud is low, the rain-raining squatters, like a steel concrete jungle, seems to be calm, but it is full of unknown dangerous.

Lu Yuting sat in my opposite, we held a cup of coffee, indoor lights were somewhat dark, I sat in the opposite side, I couldn't see her expression.

"Qin Zheng, you are looking for me ... what do you want?"

Lu Yuting asked me.


I am very confusing for a while, I have been prepared for a long time, and I can't tell the exit.

"Why is you so hesitating?"

Lu Yating laughed, "What is it coming.


I am anxious to be sweaty and can break up, but it is difficult to teeth.

Lu Yating smiled and looked at me, stirring coffee with a look, "I have to get married, what else can't be said? Say.

I am panicked, one is connected, but it is always unknown.

Lu Yanting still laughed, suddenly said, "Qin Zheng, let me guess.

I glanced, look at her.

Lu Yiting laughed, "I guess, you want to say, let's have a boy or girl in the future?"

After I finished her, I was laughing, but I still laughed with my heart.

"Okay, I am joking with you.

Lu Yanting said, "You are so tangled, you must not discuss these, right?"

I nodded.

She laughed, "I guess, you must be ... I want to break up with me, right?"

I am very surprised to look at her, but she still laughs, but smile, I can't see any reluctance.

"You ... you ... how do you know?"

I asked surprised.

"Be sure to be with you, is it together?"

Lu Yiting laughed.

"how do you know?"

"I can tell.

Lu Yiting drank a coffee and said, "You are with her, there is a thing in your eyes, there is something that is usually, and I am with me, but I know, I have seen it before.

"Well, since you all understand, then I don't hide, YA Ting, I ... I know this is a bit cruel, but I have to say this, I have to say it, otherwise, so. It is not good for us, in fact ... "

Lu Yating interrupted me, "You don't have to say, I understand.

I am a glimpse.

Lu Yating said, "I know what you want to say, in fact, you have been installed in your heart, in your heart, is full of her heart, I have never I like me, right?"

"You can't say that, don't like you, I like you, just ... I think, that is not love.

I said.

"So, is you going to break up with me today?"

She asked.

"YA Ting, I don't want to lie to you again, I don't want to lie to yourself, in advance, it is good for us."

I said.

Lu Yuti nodded, she still laughed, my mystery smiled.

I also didn't think of it. After I said these, she actually responded, I really didn't think it was.

"So ... need me to bless you?"

Lu Yiting laughed.

"No, YA Ting, just ask you not to hate me.

I said.

"how could be.

Lu Yating laughed, "I love you so much, will not hate you.

"Don't this, YA Ting.

I said.

"In any case, when we are together, you have given me a lot of happiness, I am very grateful to you.

Lu Yanting just smiled and said, "Don't worry about me, I have nothing to do, I often dream, but I can find it back every time, now, I know, I have thoroughly lost you, forever I also found it back, I am relieved, I will not be sad, I will bless you in that place, bless her than I love you, I think, in that place, I will encounter people who love me.

My heart is like a knife, and I am very awkward. "Where?"

Lu Yiting has been smiling, suddenly changed at the moment, the lines on the face become sputum, her tears big hot air dropped, then she pointed out the sky outside the window, said, "It is there.

I got, she suddenly got up, rapidly went to the window, I suddenly realized what, hurriedly chased it!

But it was late, she did not hesitate to jump from the window, but I didn't grab her, I looked at her body fell, I went away from me, I couldn't help but yell, "YA Ting!

YA Ting!

So shouted, I woke up.

This suddenly found that I was sitting in the bed of the presidential suite, and all this, but only a dream, this is long enough.

It can be looked up, I found that the United States stood there, obviously, she heard the shouts I just.

But she didn't say anything, just said, "Be a nightmare?"


"Go to wash it, isn't it going to work today?"

The aunt said, "The toothpaste is squeezed, the hotel has breakfast, go to eat together for a while.

I nodded, then went to the bathroom to wash.

I remembered the dream just now, and I have a lingering.

This dream is too true, even the dialogue in the dream is so true, Lu Yanting said, it is what she will say.

However, there is also an untrue place, such as that cafe, I have never been to, and some people will open the café in so high, and the cafe is in our two guests, and the café connects windows nothing.

But why do I think that is true? Now I think of it, the cruel entanglement, the kind of heart is like a knife.

I held a water, washed my face, looked at myself in the mirror, and I worried about it. People said that there is a forever. Lu Yuting will not really like the dream ... After the washing is completed, I went to the hall with the beauty, where there is a free breakfast.

I have breakfast in front of it, and I still think about that dream in my heart.

"Qin Zheng, where are you still there?"

The aunt suddenly asked me.


"That will, take me to the triangle park.

She said.

"What do you do?"

I asked.

"Ama play.

Mei said.

"That horse directors ..."

"Sign the contract, how can you finish it.

Mei said, "You don't have to worry, you may not contact it later.

I glance, she is so firm, just to let me rest assured, now, look at me.

I gently held her hand, said, "Meiyi, wait for my good news, come back today, I will reply to you.

Meiyi smiled, but there is still worrying and entanglement in the look, but nodded.

After breaking breakfast, I took a taxi to the park and then went to the company.

Standing at the company's door, I saw that Lu Yating stood in front of my seat, it seems to be waiting for me, I can't help but think of it, but I think of the beauty, my inner or firm, I entered the company.

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