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I walked into the company, Lu Yiting hurriedly stood up from my seat.

I took me and entered her office.


I don't understand.

"Come, you try this."

Lu Yating said, from her bag, I took a new box with a sense of technology.

"what is this?"

I don't ask.

She disassembles the box, and she has taken a red electronic watch. I have pulled my wrist, I put it on it.

"Why suddenly sent me a watch? I haven't arrived yet.

I said.

"This is not an ordinary watch, this is the latest technology self-protection system watch.

Lu Yanting said that he said, "This is this, I have been bought for you, I will send it to me this morning."

"Self-protection? What do you mean?"

"Since it is called a self-protection system, it is of course to protect you, although I have been to protect you with you twenty-four hours, but I am worried, if I have anything to be around you, and Chen Jizhen's father and son are for you. If you start, you can protect yourself.

Lu Yuting said.

"Drop? Open it, can you call Ottman to save me?"

I said.

"Don't don't know, you look, it looks just an ordinary electronic watch, but it has built-in satellite positioning system, I have already connected it and my mobile phone, where you are, I know.

Lu Yuting said.

"What is this?"

"Catch, in case you have something you, I know where you are.

Lu Yating laughed, "Look at you, I dare to carry me outside, I'm stealing!"

I glanced, look at Lu Yuting, thinking she knows what.

But I saw it for a while, I found that she is really just a joke.

"Oh, let you have a joke, what is it?"

Lu Yutou saw me and didn't talk, and came over and touched my face. "After you see it open the cover, this is not a lot of small digital buttons. This is actually a phone, if you encounter an emergency, you can Use this steal call alarm.

Of course, if your phone has no electricity, you don't have to worry about contact, you can use this phone.

Lu Yiting sent me this thing very much, and laughed.

But my heart is not a taste. She actually worried that Chen's father and son were black hands to me. I bought such a thing for me in the night. This ... "Ok, I bought this, of course, not to monitor you, I am not bored. And I also know that you are not that kind of person, your wife loves you so much, you will definitely not carry me, do something sorry outside, right? "

Lu Yuting looked at me.

I feel heavy, I don't know how to answer.

"Hey, your kid will not really have something? I can tell you, if you really dare to do things that you can't afford your house, I have interrupted your belief?"

Lu Yiting laughed.

"That's fine, I have this watch, you have to play me, I will report.

I also laughed.

Lu Yanting also laughed, she suddenly remembered what, said, "Right, what did you say today?"

I glance, "Oh, I am not convenient here, I am going to work, I will find a place after get off work.

Lu Yating looked at me, "What is your mystery? I told you, don't spend money, give me a surprise buying, we don't need, my dad said, next company may face financial problems. , Let's get married, he may not help too much, so we have to pay some money.

I ... "No, not to say that.

I said.

"Some things.


Lu Yiting said, "Then, let's take off work, just, my girlfriend recommended a special hot pot restaurant, authentic Chongqing taste, we can eat less, I will help you at this time, Really uns, you are not eating delicious hot pot, go eat together in the afternoon.


I promised, this walked out of her office, returning to my office, and the more complicated.

The fear of last night is not reasonable, true, in the face of Lu Yuting, I really don't have the courage.

However, my heart is already very firm, no matter another difficult, today I must say this, otherwise, I will become more difficult, the more complicated.

Moreover, the beauty of her is not easy to make this step, I don't want her to wait for me.

I know that kind of taste.

When I was in the morning, I still have been thinking about this. I secretly got the amount of Lu Yiting, I remembered the nightmare last night, I couldn't help but worry, after get off work, if I really said, she will be one What kind of reaction is it? So just got God.

"Qin Zheng, Qin Zheng, what are you doing?"

I heard the general called me, this has come back from the chaos of my thoughts, but I found out that everyone stared at me, but I didn't know what happened, so I was so angry.

Everyone laughed.

Hua is always not blaming me, but said, "Qin Zheng, I let you tell you a few words, what do you send?"

General manager? I understand this, I originally opened this meeting today, it is to give me a promotion, let me be the general manager of the company!

I am busy smiling, and then published a very official promotion, I am grateful to the company's training, thank the general appreciation, thank you for your support of my work, I will continue to make a good success in the future. The like.

All promotion is not all this? After breaking, Hua Pong called me into his office. I feel that he should be a little unsatisfactory to me in the meeting. After all, it is a meeting for me. But I am got, it is really Can't say it.

Probably told me to go in to criticize me.

So, I will take the initiative to apologize to China, "China, I am sorry, I ..."

"Okay, Qin Zheng, don't say, I know why you are going today.

Hua always said.

I am a glimpse.

"Is it because Ya Ting said that Jian said, saying that Ji Anti-the child is, so you worry that they will revenue you?"

Hua always said.

I didn't expect him to criticize me.

"You can rest assured that it is not so serious, I just want you to be careful, Chen Rui's person, sometimes there is a little love to drill the horns, of course, it is not absolute, it is better to add some care. Don't have any psychology burden.

Besides, if he really dares to give me the future, I will not let him go.

Huaong smiled.

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