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The total flower of Huahui bought a bunch of gifts, with me to Luo Director to give him a sin.

Although I am reluctant, I have to endure for Hua, I have to endure it, and I will follow him.

"Qin Zheng, this matter, I don't evaluate your right, because the adult's world, there is no right.

On one side of Hua, I said to me. "But I want to tell you that the world's world is responsible and consequence, we have to consider the responsibility of the shoulders and do it later. The consequences, I think you are very clear about what you are impulsive, and after the impulsive responsibility, what do you bear? "

"Sorry, China.

I said, "I know that I shouldn't have the urge, but ... that is my character, I don't have any way to explain to you. As for the consequences, I will try my best to help you save the loss.

"Do you think this is still saved?"

Hua said that "Luo Director is a fool, he will never give us that place!

Hey, I have no way, I can only try to have a miracle happening ... "

On one side of China, I said, suddenly, a Mercedes-Benz off-road vehicle suddenly came out from the left side, and the Hua was smashed, hurried to the right!

Before the car went to Huadong's car, it suddenly had a brake, stopped in front of Huadong's car, Hua walked bustened to brake, the car tire and ground friction made a huge sound, this is the car, there is some I hit the car.

The sudden danger scared me and Hua Shao.


Hua total the swearing words, then drive the car under the car, I am busy with the car.

I didn't expect Chen Rui, the grandson came down from the Mercedes-Benz.

This guy is also a green eyes, obviously, yesterday is not light.

I estimate that he will suddenly block us on the road, and 80% is to retaliate.

I didn't expect that he was a person in the car.

"Oh, it's so clever, I have encountered here.

Chen Rui smiled.

"I said that you are sick?"

China's total airway.

"Hey, China, why are you so angry?"

Chen Rui smiled, "Oh, it's right, you really ruined, the company is gone, the ground is completely no play, Hua Guo Tian, ​​you will have no everything, oh, it is really a bit wrong."

Hua always glassed with him, and he did not send.

Chen Rui looked at me, smiled, "Qin Zheng, you are really good, don't see you yesterday, but I don't blame you at all. On the contrary, I have to thank you.

Originally, I was still worried yesterday. The old guy was impulsive to give him a lot of people. I didn't expect it. You came out of the hero to save the beauty, thoroughly gave him a lot, it is really fun.

You said that you can help me this, I don't know how to thank you, I have a daughter, I have a heart to make me a son-in-law.

"Chen Rui, you don't deceive it too!"

China has an angry.

"This is called bullying too much?"

Chen Rui smiled, "Then you are too fragile, I tell you, this is just starting, know what I will do? I am going to the director, right, yes, I am doing something. Absolutely, I just want to give this matter once, let you even have a very chance, so, hurry with your baby, go home, then, you want Don't think about it, I am going to take it down with my friends, let you be right, this is the end!

After finishing, he got a car and went to drive.

The color of Huadong's face is looking at Chen Rui's car, and there is no talk.

"That Hua, let's ... still don't go?"

I asked carefully.

"What do you say?"

The Huaong finally got on the car, I also followed the car, and he was silent, and the car will go back in a word.

I am lying in bed at night, my mood is heavy, can't sleep.

In fact, I really feel that I have not done anything, even if I don't know Mi, I can't see her, I will stop it, I will stop it.

Although I always think that I have not done something, it is like Huadi said that I did that thing, the consequences, but clearly prove that I was really wrong.

This really makes me feel awkward, is it possible to live in the future, just talk about responsibility and consequences, don't care? That is really a complicated world, I am very reluctant to become like this, but the reality is brutally told me. If you want to make a career, you must integrate into the world, learn The rules of the world.

I am thinking, how can I help Hua always save this? Go to Jia total? At present, maybe Jia has only to help this, he has such a government relationship, but I think I want to go, I can't open this mouth, Jia He promised to invest, it is already a place, now again, now again Let him come to talk about things about the land, this is not equal to all of us, all do you have to do it? What is it called? This is obviously not.

Go to That Luo Director? Let him hit me, out of the air? I think this is even more likely, his level of officials, even if you want to retaliate, it will not be so simple, not to mention Chen Rui is in which this road is not possible.

I didn't have an idea at a time, I feel like a mess.

For a long time, I feel that I have some faceless faces, I have encountered him in the hospital. He doesn't speak very much. It is just a long to smoke, just half a month, I feel that he looks like attainment. A lot.

This makes me feel guilty, and I feel more free.

The turn of the thing appeared after a few days.

Take care of Lu Yiting in the hospital that day, Huaong is also, suddenly my mobile phone rang, I found it is a strange number, pick up.

"Hey, is it Mr. Qin Zheng?"

There is a sound of a young man there.

"Ang, I am, which position you?"

I asked.

"I am the secretary of the Director, Luo Secretary lets you and Hua went to his office at two o'clock in the afternoon.

He said, "Don't forget, two points.

I am, the secretary of Luo Director? He gave us to meet? "okay, I get it.

Hanging up the phone, I am very excited about a time, "China is always.

Hua is looking at the mobile phone, the head is not lifted, "Well?"

"Luo Director let us go to his office in the afternoon.

I said.


He still just should have.

Suddenly, he suddenly reacted, looked up, "What do you say?"

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