Beautiful Aunt Next Door

Chapter 274 is her

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For the sudden summary of this Luo Director, I have a little accident and general.

The general is driving, one is very doubtful, "Qin Zheng, have you found him?"


Hua is harmonious, "that is strange, what is he looking for us?"

"Is it possible, he wants to give us a place?"

China always shakes his head. "Do you think it?"

I am also confused, "Is it not Chen Rui?"

Hua is always in thought, and the face is dignified.

When I arrived in the Municipal Government, I was still rich, and I was in the car and waited for a while.

When the time is almost almost, we are preparing to go upstairs. I didn't expect to see Chen Rui's car to come over and stopped.

I really made me guess, really this bastard is what ghosts.

Can Chen Rui see us, it seems to be a little accident, "What do you run?"

"Where is we doing with you?"

Huaong also has no good air.

Chen Rui smiled, "I said Hua Guo Tian, ​​you will not really do it, can you still get it? Don't dream, tell you, today, Luo said to me, just want to follow me The thing is there.

I have listened to Hua, and I am angry. Since this Luo has promised to give Chen Rui, why still call us? What is the heart to stimulate us? It is also a little too naive? Chen Rui looked at us, smiled, "Okay, hurry back, don't be shameful, think about giving gifts? You now give him a gold ingot, you can't come, you can get this place, I special What is your surname!

After finishing, he is proud.

According to my temper, it must be left at the time, but Huaong always is not me, although Chen Rui has said this, but he decided to endure the anger, he probably he didn't want to have a sin.

When it's almost two points, Hua always took me to the office of the Rover.

We knocked on the door, and then the secretary of the Rover gave us a door and put us in.

When we went in, Chen Rui is already there, and talking with the Rover, see us coming in, the face is not good.

The Rover is very enthusiastic, standing up, welcomes us, "Come, China, Qin Zheng, come to sit.

He actually gave us a smoke, which is completely unsatisfactory.

Chen Rui is obviously a foggy water, asked, "Luo, you are not ... Looking for me, what is it?"

Rob smiled, "Yes.

"That ... what are you talking about?"

Chen Rui asked.

The Rob smiled and said, "Oh, this is the case, there is no outsider, I will go straight, Jinshuiwan's place, I think it is, or decided to bid to China.

I have been surprised with Hua.

Approve to us? However, it is clear that Chen Rui is surprised more than us, completely, and the face is very ugly.

"Rob, you are ... What do you mean?"

Chen Rui asked.

Luo Secretary smiled and said, "This is nothing, I originally promised to give me the country very early, he also gave me a plan, I also saw him, I have seen his plan. I think it is very good, I can't talk about such a big leader.

"But the Rob, they have ..."

The Luo has smiled and interrupted his words. "That night is the disaster of alcohol, this person, drink some wine is easy, but when you drink, what can you do, how can you be true? I have to be careful, then I have no sense of mind.

Chen Rui is stupid, "But the Rob, you are not said to give it to me before ..."

Luo laughed, "Yes, because of this, I also called you today. I have something to say, I don't have anyone, this place, it is indeed that I promise the country. I know that you also want, it doesn't matter, there is a chance, the development zone is still more, you look, as long as planning is reasonable, I want to give you a batch, do you think? "

People said that he said so, he can say anything, no more, you have to promise, just his face, just like a fly.

Hua Hua is grateful to the Rover, and the Rover has a few sentences, putting some proposals, secretary coming in to say that he will send us, let us come out.

From his office, Chen Rui couldn't help himself, he grabbed the general collar of Hua, "Hua Guo Tian, ​​what is your special?"

Huaong pushed him, laughed, "I didn't do anything, then, I just did it, you still don't know? Are you not sent people to stare?"

Chen Rui has been in a hurry, he looked back at me, "is your kid!

I laughed, "What is me? Chen Shu, I seem to remember that some people have said before going to go, if we can get this place, you have to comply with our surname? Um ... Qin Rui, China, do you think it is good? "

Hua is not talking, just a smile.


Chen Rui is excited.

"Don't be excited, Chen Shu.

I laughed. "I think about it three, still count, don't be called Qin Rui, it is a bit hard to say, the key is that our old Qin family has so many years, except for a Qin, there is no big defeat, you If it is coming, it may be the second.


Chen Rui is crazy, "Laozi wants to teach you today, you don't know who Laozi is!

After that, he will rush it to me, but I have been stopped by Hua, "Chen Rui, you don't think you have a bit background, you can do it for what you want, I tell you, you have found some people, I have found some Things, you are so much.

Chen Ruiyi.

"Let's go.

Huaong always said.

When I arrived in the car, Hua Charm didn't worry, took my shoulder, "Qin Zheng, your kid!

I secretly touch me!

I am also happy, but I don't want to be greedy. "General, in fact, I don't know what happened. Just now, I am an angry Chen Rui.

"Isn't it you?"

China is always more unsaveted, "Who will it be?"

This is a bit bizailing.

I suddenly made a heart, I remembered that Mia had told me, "Is it her?"


China asked.

"It is ... The girl of the Director of the last Luo.

I said.

"she was?"

China has also been surprised, "this ... maybe?"

"Although I feel unlikely, now, only this may.

I said.

"That ... you ask her, if it is really a favor, you have to thank her.

Hua always said.

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