Beautiful Aunt Next Door

Chapter 400 does not understand your look

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"How? Is ity? You are not very generous? Do you talk?"

Affi is excited.

Auntie looks a little guilty, but I know that she is not because of the defenses that Liu Law, but only because of me.

"Affe, do you have sick?"

I said, "You don't look at it, what is his virtue, but you can watch him, the beauty of the beauty, can you see him?"

"Qin Zheng, you know a fart!"

Affi twisted with fire, "Tianming he has always been very good for me, just these days, I suddenly is not right, I only know that she is behind her ghost!

Chen Meiqi, you are my best good friend, you know that my woman is like a true love, why are you going to me? "

"Your love is too easy? I worship you with your head and think about why he picks up your lawsuit free, do you think he is really?"

I am airful, "I have been very sympathetic for you before, now it seems that people Ma Jian leaves you, nor does it reason, you ..."

The aunt interrupted my words, said, "Well, Qin Zheng, don't say anything, Affe, I don't want to say, how do you think about it? From today, I will take you again. Things, I am not surnamed!

"I don't have friends like you!"

Affi is also air, "Let's do it!"

I don't think you!

"You, hurry back, the jumping building is jumping, and it is a mistake at the same time.

I am airful, "I am a waste of air!"

Affi is a bokey, "Qin Zheng, you think you protect her, she can really do it to you? I tell you, she wants to hang you, you are also divided, she is with you? She is purely to enjoy this feeling of being surrounded by men!


The face of the beauty is white, "you ... you gave me!

"Chen Meiqi, you will be retribution!"

Afi squatting, turned to leave.

The beauty is pale, and the breathing is not smooth for a time. It is unstable.

I am busy holding her, "Ok, don't be angry, I think this is not a bad thing, one thing to recognize a person, cost-effective, or if she doesn't necessarily have to pit you.

The beauty is not sent, silently tears, look very sad.

I can understand her pain. In fact, when we were hurt by the outsiders, they can be strong, and they can be misunderstood and hurt by the closest people. It is the most deadly.

"I am nothing, go."

The beauty wiped tears and sighed.

"I will accompany you for a while."

I said.

"no need.

I said, "I think I am quiet.

I have to nod, "Then you ..."

"I am fine.

The aunt said, "I am still quiet.

"Well, then I will go first.

Although I am worried about her, she wants someone to quiet, I have to leave.

Qin Zheng.

She called me.

I turned back.

"That one……"

Auntie hesitated, said, "She just ... the words, you ... don't be true, that day ... I just did a nightmare, there is nothing else ..."

I am a glimpse, "I understand.

I went to the corner of the street and looked back. I saw the beauty still standing in the same place, looking at me ... ... After leaving the beauty, I walked alone in the street, I remembered that Afi said that the beauty of the beauty If my name is, my mood is complicated.

This situation is what I don't want to see.

After I firmly confident in Lu Yiting, I have already made my mind from my heart.

I also hope that she can put down and restart her life.

I don't want her to have a memorable, this is good for us.

In fact, from the last time and her conversation, I can see some clues and traces, but I am not sure, now it seems that it is true.

I thought that after she went to Beijing, she slowed down.

Who knows, leaving the coast, it seems that she did not let her free.

I remembered, late at night, she called me, but did not say anything, that is she can't let go.

In fact, think that her woman is really like this. Once put in feelings, it is difficult to come out, from her to her ex-boyfriend.

This is really painful, between us, seems to have always been in a state of tangled screws, has been constantly hesitating and missed.

Of course, this can't blame her, and we can't blame me, or maybe we are responsible.

Perhaps, this world is the most invincible is the love between men and women. It is not allowed by people, and it is always missed. Everyone wants to pay for what, can eventually hold it. Sand, one is all, both hands are empty.

We read too many love stories, knowing a lot of love, but finally did not have a strong love.

Sometimes, I really want to sleep, I have finished all my life, and there is not so much pain.

... I am a person who is unimpled in the street. Suddenly the phone rang, I took it out, I found that Lu Yanting called the phone, I took it up.

"Hey, YA Ting.

"Qin Zheng, what are you doing?"

She asked me.

"I ... is on the street.

"What are you doing in the street?"

She asked me.

"Don't worry, just walk away.

I said, "What about you?"

"Outside the hotel.

She said, "That ... I said that I want to go back with my dad.

"How did he say?"

I asked.

"He smashed me, I bombed me out.

Lu Yuting said some grievances.

"how about you?"

I asked, "What do you think?"

"I do not know either……"

She sighed.

I am somewhat disappointed, saying, "Are you not all decided by yourself? This time ... Do you want to do yourself?"

"However, it is really that I have come to ask, he pays me a follow-up tuition fee, and now I will go back for a month, I don't say it ..."

She slowly said.

I am a glimpse, although I know what she is saying, I have some disappointment in my heart. I didn't talk at a time.

"Are you angry?"

Lu Yuting asked.


I said, "I think almost the same, I have psychological preparation.

"Then you ... stick to it again.

Lu Yanting said, "It's also over for a few months. When I arrive, I will reunite it with you. In fact, there is not much time, right?"


Although I promised, I can't taste it, I miss a certain level, and I have a huge pain and suffering one minute, let alone a few months.

I have recently thought of these days, happy motivation, suddenly didn't, let me have a loss in a time ... "YA Ting, I have thought about you, I can't remember your look ..."

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