Beautiful Aunt Next Door

Chapter 401, don't leave me.

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"What is your child yesterday? Say it is good to hide, you ran your own yourself!

Lu Da blames me.

"The United States has a problem, I am going to help.

I said, "Let's say that Ma Ning is not there?"

"Ma Ning is stupid, I gave him a gesture, saying that I called me, who knew that the grandson ran over and called me.

Lu Da has said.

"The effect is reached."

Ma Ning said, "means means not important.

"Then you have a good excuse!

Lu Da has a gas, "You guess this grandson runs over, this is stupid than running, how are you here? Your wife is going to be born, you still have a mood to drink coffee? You said his special Is it stupid? "

I didn't hold back.

Ma Ning said, "I don't want to completely break the girl's mind, so that she will be wrapped in you later.


"Then why don't you see people?"

I asked, "I think that the girl is very good, it is also in line with your big wave of long hair.

"Too forces.

Lu Da has frowning, "she does not waste time, open the door, I will walk the theme, ask my house how much, is there a mortgage, what brand is there, there is no car loan, what do you say?"

"Hey, you are very surprised, is it true now?"

Ma Ning said.

"It can't be so straightforward?"

Lu Da has said, "This is the same as buying things.

"Normal, no matter what we are willing to admit, we are already in an era that needs to prove love with money.

Ma Ning drunk a wine, complained, "said that love is a fart, but it is a shame. You have no money to have no room, just talk to the girl, take this when you have no money.

Lu Da has a fire, "What do you mean? What is the ability to say?

I saw that he did some fire, hurriedly stopped him.

"I do not have either.

Ma Ning praised a wine, smirk, "Otherwise, how can the swallow leave me to marry someone else?

I am a big glimpse.

"Let's talk."

I said, "How long have you been divided?"

Ma Ning took out the mobile phone, opened, handed it to me, "Look, people can pass the card, can you fake?"

I looked at it with Lu Da, I found that it is a reply of the swallows. There are two bright red marriage certificates. The two hands are more than a peach heart. The communication is: Walk tired, can see the best scenery, I have the most right person.

I have a face with Lu Da, no wonder this kid called us to drink, from one come here, he has been drinking it, it is this reason.

"This woman is really disgusting!

Lu Da has to say, "Totten out, do you have a circle of friends? Do you deliberately? Also said that you are so disgusting, but also the best scenery!

Do you have a sick person? "

Ma Ning smiled, "The best scenery is a set of one hundred and six big houses, the super-large floor window, can the scenery are good?"

Lu Da has a shot of his shoulders, "Brothers are her losses, this kind of very poor eye, early see early.

"You don't have to comfort me.

Ma Ning continued to swallow, smiled, "I see the special open, love is a business, the two sides feel good, if you sign the contract, if you feel that you don't have oil water, just shoot two scattered, just simple.

What special vows are just a special bed, it is cool, and it's hard to listen to it. It's still a house, who is really a pen!

I have a look at him with Lu Da, and my heart is not a taste.

"Say what is too far away, she wants to go home with her parents, they are special!

Ma Ning said, "Now not to find a coastal.

Ma Ning and Swallows are all of us, the longest time, the feeling is also the best, and even the name of the child is all kind, but now, suddenly become this picture, really let People are embarrassed.

That night, I have no persuade with Lu Da, and I know that I can't persuade him, and I will give him with him.

Ma Ning is drinking, a smile, don't know what he is laughing, anyway, I have been laughing, saying something I don't have the margin, let the Lu Da have to find a venue, after you have to drink the wine, find a place to go.

I am not a taste with Lu Da, because he has never been willing to go to those places, just because of the swallow.

In fact, I would rather see him crying, so it will be better, but he has not cryed, and I have been smirking.

After a while, Ma Ning went to the bathroom and did not come back for a long time.

I am preparing to see, I suddenly say that someone said, "Qin Zheng, Ma Ning?"

I have turned back to Lu Da, and I found out the swallows behind them.

Lu Da has the airway, "What do you have to do?"

"Ma Ning called me.

Swallows said, "He's okay?"

"Is there anything to be off!

Lu Da has a man, "You still have a face care about him? Run to see him joke?"

The swallow was shocked.

I am afraid that Lu Da has to do it, I am busy talking to him. "You go see what Malian is going."

Lu Daomei went to the bathroom, I said to the swallow, "Sitting.

The Yan Zi sat down and said to me, "Qin Zheng, I and Ma Ning ... I have been in this step, in fact, I am not good, I am not good, in fact ... I have always love him very much in my heart ... "

I interrupted her, "Swallow, we have a good year, you have your choice, I can understand, but please don't say this, you can leave him, but you can't insult him.

Swallows, sighed, said, "No matter what, I hope you take care of him.

"This doesn't have to say it."

I said, "He is my brother.

Lu Da has helped Ma Ning, Malining has not been like it, just obviously spit, a wine.

Seeing the swallow, he still laughed, "How come you?"

"Isn't you call me?"

Swallows said.

"I call you?"

Ma Ning said, "Why don't I remember, you are now a woman, I call you?"

Swallows stood up, "Ma Ning, don't do this, do you?"

"What's wrong with me?"

Ma Ning said, "I am fine, you don't think you have left me, I have to find it, I will tell you, I will see you not pleading, I have long thought about the life of the flower, I will live. Just asked them to find a lady, they won't have a big house with me, give them money, they will be willing to sleep with me!


Swallows stood up, "I am gone.

It's going to have turned it.


Lu Da has.

When the swallow walked to the door, Ma Ning suddenly broke away from Lu Da, and stepped up!

I have not reacted it with Lu Da, see him to pull the swallow's hand, "Swallow, don't go, I am wrong, I am wrong, except for you, who I don't want!

I am not interested in other women, don't you leave me, do you? "

People in the bar suddenly look at them.

Swallows look back, look at Malining, "Malining, don't do this? I have passed, I have already put down, I hope you can put down, I wish you happiness.

It's going to have turned it.


Ma Ning yelled in her back.

Swallow turns back.

Ma Ning looked at her, half-awaited, suddenly !

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