Beautiful Aunt Next Door

Chapter 485, the request of the United States

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He asked me.

I know that Zhang San just wants to marry Liu Ziwen.

It can make this matter, Zhang San looks very clear, Liu Ziwen is love Luo Feng, and is not a general love.

Such a woman really wants to marry you, do you dare? Zhang San sighed, said, "In fact, I have told you that I will know Luo Feng's existence, and I know that she has always lived such a person. But I said, I said, I don't care because I still Underestimated Luo Feng in her heart.

Now, I really don't dare, and then, I have to become a unrendearable tourist, what to marry her? Say it like you? "

Zhang San's look is awkward, which makes me a time I don't know how to give him an idea.

I was silent to send him home, Zhang San took the car, said, "I said that there will be no things, you have to follow.

Can you see it? He now wants to do business, this is for Liu Ziwen, can't do anything.

"Zhang San, no matter what, I hope you can cheer.

I said to him.

"I and Lu Yiting are also facing a big problem. Her Dad is against us, and I also give me a condition, I have to earn $ 10 million within a year, and I will only consider our things.

I am also very big, but I am not so strong. "

He smiled, "Qin Zheng, you are standing and talking, we are different, you and Lu Yating no matter how trouble, but she is always only you.

If I also have this premise, so much difficulties can also face it.

I have no words, I know, at this time, he will trap in the horn tip, and whoever persuaded will not be useful.

He smiled, "Don't worry, I am not so fragile, don't worry about me, I am not going to put the street, I will go.

"Then you have to be careful, you didn't listen to what he just said.

I said.

"If I am so bold, I will not do the police.

After finishing, he will waved my hand and go in.

I looked at his back, long sigh.

... After putting Zhang San, I rushed to return to the coffee shop of the United States.

Meishen saw me back, asked, "How? What? Is there anything?"

"It's basically solved.

I said, "I can still come back later.

"What happened to Zhang San?"

"I asked in the United States," I didn't listen to you for some time. Is he to get married? "

I will tell the beginning of the matter to the beauty of the child.

After the beauty listened, he would not sigh, "Zhang San is too back, how can this kind of thing?"

I am sighing.

"What attitude is Liu Ziwen now?"

I asked in the United States.

"Listening to Lu Feng, she should be married to Zhang San.

I said, "But now this situation, Zhang San did not have this courage.

"Since she can make this decision bravely,"

I don't understand, "Zhang San, what is he afraid?"

"Do you dare to get married in a heart?"

"I do not think so.

Mei said, "I think, Liu Ziwen is married to Zhang San, and may not only escape Luo Feng.

I glance, "Why do you say this?"

"Don't you be because of her heart more than some?"

The United Asked.

"Do you think this?"

I asked.


Mei said, "Although I know much about Liu Ziwen, I don't think that she is a very calm girl. Most of them, women are really sensible, easy to urge, and easy to impulse When I made a decision, I have been there for so long, she has gone to that stage, I think it is, this time she makes the decision should be loyal to her heart.

I am a glimpse.

"If she really wants to go with Luo Feng, if she is really Ai Feng, but there is no Zhang San, then should they have already been together? Why she still wants to be Heldo Married? "

Mei said.

I suddenly felt that the beauty said it seems to be reasonable, it seems that men look different from the perspective of things.

"Then do you think Zhang San should marry her?"

Mei said, "I think they should talk about it. If I have not guess, Zhang San is not willing to talk to Liu Ziwen?"


"That's right,"

Mei said, "You advise Zhang San, let them talk about it, don't let go, if you are over, it is thenest.

I looked at the beauty, "I really didn't see it, you look so thorough about this.

Auntie laugacuated, "It's just that the authorities are clear, my own business is not the same, if I am at the beginning, I ..."

When she said, she had a complicated look at me. I didn't say it, but smiled. "Don't say these, or talk about the right thing, you said that you want to start a business?"


I said, "I plan to open an advertising company.

"Or do you do real estate?"

I asked in the United States.

"You can do it, but also advertising and brand planning of other products.

I said.

"That's quite good.

Mei said, "I think you have the ability to have this, you can do it, why don't you do it early?"

I got, I didn't want to tell the beauty, I am because of Lu Yuting's confidence in entrepreneurship.

"There is no consideration before,"

I laughed, "I have no money again. Now the opportunity is mature, I started doing it, nor is it late.

Besides, they are all in a house. You are booked, I have to keep up with your pace.

The beauty smiled, didn't say anything.

"Do you want to go to Beijing?"

I asked.


She said.

"How is this urgent?"

I asked.

"There is a very important play, saying that the original set of stamped suddenly, the company has no way, it is recommended to me.

Auntie said, "So, it is more urgent.

"That is a good thing!

I said, "You didn't get some of the big play and roles, this should be dominated, maybe it is red, how to see you is not happy?"

The aunt looked at me, quietly sighed, said, "Qin Zheng, some things don't think so simple, in fact, this script has been sent for a few days ... but I have been tangled in my heart. do not go.

"Why is it entangled?"

I asked.

The beauty of the eyebrows, hesitated and half, but did not say anything, and finally laughed. "Forget it, don't say it, I have made a decision.

Her state makes me worry, but I don't understand, this is obviously a good opportunity, why do she be so difficult and entangled? "Qin Zheng, I ... I have a request ..."

I asked in the United States.

I glance, "What are you talking about, what is you talking to me?"

"That one……"

She took a long time, Shen Yu half, only said, "I think, go to you for one night tonight, can you?"

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