Beautiful Aunt Next Door

Chapter 486 Some abnormalities

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This request made me feel unexpected.

In such context, she suddenly raised to me to live there, and it seems to have any other meaning.

And for me, it is undoubtedly difficult.

It is not worried about what we will happen. I have lived for so long, and there is no happening between us, and even when we ran on the room.

What can happen now in so many things? Under such emotions, the aunt puts forward such a request, which is obviously other reasons.

But I think of Lu Yiting, I feel that I feel about it.

Although I understand, we won't happen, but Jietating is intended.

We have died because of these misunderstandings, and feelings, now she will leave everything, re-accept our feelings, I don't want her to have any concerns, don't want it, even if she won't know.

The aunt saw that I was hard, I thought she would step, change my mind, who knew, she said, "You don't misunderstand, I ... I just want to go to Beijing, then live there, if You are real, you live in me, let me stay there alone, just one night, can you? "

I got, faintly, and the aunt seems to be abnormal.

But she said so, I have only promised.

...... I am going to drive a car to send a woman.

But the beauty said, "Don't drive it, do you walk with me?"

"However, it seems to be not close.

"Nothing, I just want to go.

She said.

I got more and more, she had a heart.

Winter night, the street of the car, the wind, and the wind, with dry cold.

The neon of the city is still bright and bright.

Even in such a cold season, the city's nightlife is still not tired.

Walking on the street, watching a strange joy in a bright window, dining couple, brothers drunken joy, smile on the business field, occasionally coming in a few very old love songs, Let the night become vivid.

I am walking side by side and walking on the street, I always silently.

Beauty is a heart, and I am in thinking about the upcoming entrepreneurial, and then walking, not only thinking about business, I think a lot of things.

I don't know, I have been gone for a long time.

"Qin Zheng, have you ever thought about it, leaving this city, never come back?"

The aunt suddenly asked me.

I came back from distant thoughts, some of the questions she suddenly mentioned, I didn't know what she thought and asked such a problem.

"It seems that I have never thought.

I said, "If you have to say, there is also, when high school is selected, I have had this idea. At that time, I just want to escape my mother's bondage. The farther, the better, it can be the best in Ocean University. Choose, still did not go, later got learned, the view to parents changed, no longer so confused, so there is no such thing, maybe, I have an inexplicable fear for strange things.

The beauty is nod, and if I think about it, "I once thought of ever, when I was against him, I took the city, I left the city with the happiness, and there was no relief. I thought I would never return here again.

Can you finally come back ... "

She said that this is helpless, saying, "The world outside is always as beautiful, maybe, this is my fate, I have been fighting, but finally, I will flee it arranged. ...... "

"Beautiful, you are today ... what happened?"

I still didn't hold back.

Her words are too large, too weird.

"It's nothing.

The beauty smiled and said, "I just remembered some of the things in the past. I feel that life is really a dream, and many things happen, the end, completely expectation.

"for example?"

"For example, you.



The aunt said, "Now think about it, my life is a lot of turns, because you.

"Why do you say that?"

"At that time, I owe so much money, no one will help me, I have no ability to repay, at that time, I really plan to run.

The beauty caught the memories and said. A local person married ... "

"Do you think so?"


"Then you will definitely be found.


"Where is the remote rural area, which is rude, married you the same wife, so you can't stand it or have exposed.

I said.

The beauty laughed, "" You think more, beautiful people, in that environment, no two years, and others have no separate.

"Since you know, do this?"

"I have no way.

Mei Xi said, "For us, those money are not much, easy to take it, you can come to the time, it is really the end of the road, the people who borrow, I have no way, I can only do it so, if not you, everything really can't ... "

"Your woman like this, even if I don't help you, there will be someone else to help you.

I said, "Is that Guo Zhengyi at that time? Is it going to help you?"

"Don't mention the disgusting person with me.

The United States is too evil, "I would rather marry the village!"

I laughed.

Auntie said, "Really, I remembered these, I really don't know how to thank you ..."

She said these, I really don't know how to answer, I think she is inundantly tonight.

"Beautiful, what happened to you?"

I asked, "How to feel so many emotions today, you are going to Beijing to be the protagonist, and not to be a boy, why is so much sweet?"

The aunt did not speak, looked up at night, stunned sigh, leaving a long string of white gas.

"Qin Zheng, waiting for the United States next time, I don't know if it is the beauty you know ..."

She said.

"It is definitely not that the beauty I know, when you come back next time, 80% is already the sky star.

I said.

The beauty smiled, "Go.

She took a few steps. When I didn't go, I found that her smile had already disappeared.

"Beautiful, I think you must have something, what's wrong? Can you tell me?"

I asked.

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