Beautiful Aunt Next Door

Chapter 487, song, love

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I didn't say anything.

This makes me feel uncomfortable, but she is not willing to say anything, let me have a handless.

At home, I opened the door and let her go in.

The aunt came in, did not sit down, but standing there, it is, it seems to be the same here for the first time.

I remembered that when she came to me for the first time, it is true that it is worth it.

At the time, Lu Yating was also, that night I got to participate in the dance of Lu Yuting School, and that night, Lu Yuting wrote to me for the first time.

In the eyes, it can be imagined, but it has passed a lot of time, many things, and completely different moods.

"Beautiful, why do you see this room, not the first time.

I asked.

"It's nothing.

Auntie smiled, "Just, you can think of a lot of things.

When I am in Beijing, I will still think of this, I remember the bits and pieces, I don't know why, I will feel that my heart is very warm.

"It may be better than heating in our community.

I laughed.

The aunt laughed.

She doesn't say anything, I don't know what to say, sit there, silent.

"Beautiful, then ... I will go first.

I said.

Although I obviously feel a little abnormal, but she will not say anything, I know what I can't ask.

Moreover, I am also afraid that Lu Yuting suddenly sent a video or called.

After the beauty listened, he nodded and silently.

I stand up and get together, and I am going to leave.

"Give you the key, you go to me."

Mei said.

"no need.

I said, "I have to go to Zhang Sana to deal with it, anyway, I have something to say to him.

The aunt has collected the key.

"Then I am gone.

I said.

"Qin Zheng ..."

She called me.

I turned back and looked at the beauty.

"Don't ... have you accompany me for a while?"

Mei said.

I got, I found a little praying in my eyes, which made me feel surprised. What happened? I put down the coat and I didn't think so, she looks like this, I always have worry.

"Beautiful, don't ... you still talk to me, what happened to you?"

I said, "You look like ... I am worried about you.

"I'm nothing."

The aunt said, "I ... just want to listen to you, play the piano, sing the song song, just like it.


I sat in front of the sofa, took a guitar, put it, and looked at the strings, listened to the tone, asked, "What do you want to listen? Is the one" love price "?"

"No, I want to hear Xu Wei's" hometown ".

She said.

I glanced, this is when I first had a birthday, I gave her a song to her. Songs on the square.

At this time, she suddenly heard this song, it seems to have something special.

But since she wants to listen, I played a prelude, brewing my emotions, singing to her: The sunset is again reflected in my face again, I still reflect my uneasy heart, what is the soil, this is still so desolate? The endless journey is so long, I will always be a long-lived prodigal, you are my woman in the sea ... Music this thing is really amazing, if you are at a specific time, a specific mood, listen The song, then these mood will be recorded in these melody, after a long time, the mood of the time may have been forgotten, but when this music sounds, the mood will be magical again, passing through the dust. Years, let you return to the scene in an instant.

At this time, I suddenly sang such a song. I made me back to that night in an instant.

I stood on the square, under the city's bright lights, looked at the bustling people, sang this song, at that time, my mood of the United States was in an instant, a little bit of my heart. .

After singing, I found that the Nuki's eyes became awkward, and the eyes were quiet.

"Don't sing it.

I put down the Qin, "these old songs, too shocked tears.

The beauty is like coming out of the kind of emotion, "No, I want to listen, sing one."

After finishing her piano, I handed me again. "There is no other requirement, but I can't satisfy me."

I have to pick up the piano, "Okay, what else, what?"

"I want to listen to a song" dusk "that I used to like it, will you?"

Mei Xu asked me.

I am a glimpse, this is once I am very like a song, spend a dark time, just, I haven't elapsed for a long time.

I nodded, I thought about it, then played a prelude, sang: "After the whole summer / sadness is not good / driving on the road, there is no side of the road, the feeling of yourself / singing is not finished Song / Tired, there is still a dark circle / emotional world injury in the inevitable / dusk, then the ultimate black night / still remember to say from your mouth / goodbye to resolutely, like iron / dim, there is a flanestological illusion / dusk skyline / Draw a separation / love to enter the neopping night / still remember the tears of your eyes / sadness / in the chaos, there is a kind of tears burns, the horizon / cut happiness joy / love is already over ... "

I haven't been sang such a sad song for a long time. I sing it, I remembered the original mood in an instant. It is not a taste.

And the United States, there is already a tear.

She works hard to control her emotions, rubbing tears, laughing, "I got an old age, that is, listening to the first old song will also tears.

She picked up my smoke from the coffee table, and took a root, pumped it.

I haven't seen her for a long time.

She smokes and strives to restrain her emotions and let me continue to sing.

But I feel that her emotions seem to have can't control it.

She stood up, went to the window, opened the window, let the cold wind that she is blowing her glamorous face, the smoke on the mouth also has become a claw with the wind.

The beautiful side face, let me feel shocked at a moment.

"Beautiful, what happened to you?"

I walked over and asked.

"Do you know? These two songs are two songs in my life.

The beauty of the tears, a smoke, spit it out, blown by the night wind, "That is my love, but you know what Qin Zheng, my love will never be good ... never. ...... "

I am a glimpse, this "hometown", is me, then "dusk" obviously refers to that person.

She leaned against the window frame, she cried desperate, and made me feel distressed, and she was always helped. She refused, so I didn't know why she suddenly collapsed in such a night, but did not drink, but it was like a drunk. .

In the cold night wind, she looked at me in the cold night wind, and the body slightly shakes, "Hug me, okay?"

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