Although this is currently the largest antique market in Qingdao, there are very few merchants with operating licenses, and the main products are modern calligraphy and painting, furniture, stones and some porcelain. It is estimated that today may be the reason for Tuesday afternoon. Not all the stalls in the open-air market have been displayed, and there are not many people in the entire market.

Cao Binger looked left and right, picked out an antique store that looked rather gorgeous, and walked in.

In the antique shop of more than several hundred square meters, except for a few idiots wearing suits on such a hot day in front of the porcelain counter on the southernmost wall, there are not many people in the whole shop. The way to get rich lies in the things left by the ancestors. The boss, who was a little fatter, saw a fashionable girl coming in. Apart from his eyes suddenly lighting up, he didn't intend to strike up a conversation at all. He continued to turn his head and stand behind the men in suits and ties with a pious smile on his face.

With her hands behind her back, she slowly came to the counter where ancient coins were exhibited. Looking at the moss-green ancient coins, Cao Binger looked left and right for a long time, but she didn't see where the scrap copper was worth. Hundreds of dollars on it.

"Little sister, do you also collect?" While Cao Binger was wondering whether the money made was worth the money, the boss took advantage of the chattering Japanese to appreciate a vase from an official kiln in the Qing Dynasty. In the gap, he came over and said hello to her.

Those who play with antiques have a particularly poisonous eye. They can tell which dynasty those old things were produced in, and how can they not guess what modern people think? The boss concluded from Cao Binger's fashionable and glamorous appearance that she belongs to the kind of prodigal son who has money and has nowhere to spend. Prodigal sons don't just refer to male citizens, sometimes those ladies can better explain what a real prodigal son is.

It's a pity that the boss was wrong today.

In terms of accomplishments in antiques, ten Cao Binger are not as good as this boss, but if it is only about who is more experienced and pretends to be rich, a hundred bosses are not Cao Binger's opponent.

"Is there anything more valuable than this? For example, a jade pendant or..." Cao Binger tapped the glass on the counter with her left hand, then opened her right hand, revealing the jade wrench engraved with Pegasus and Sirius: " can take out other things You can also give something as a gift.”

"Hehe." The boss was secretly happy when he saw the beautiful girl's tone of voice, no wonder his ears were ringing all night last night, so it turned out that someone came to give money today. After smiling, he glanced at the finger pull in the girl's palm: "Little sister, our Liu Ji antique store is one of the best in Qingdao. If you come here today to shop for treasures, then you have come to the right place, let alone one that is many times better than your finger pull." ..."

It turns out that this thing is called a wrench, and it turns out that this wrench is not very valuable. Looking at this wrench, Cao Binger thought to himself. Although she didn't intend to really sell this finger wrench, she couldn't help being a little disappointed when she heard that there were many times more expensive than her own finger wrench. It's like people are not saying that the value is worthless, but saying that Qin Zhaoren is worthless.

"Then how much do you think my finger is worth?" Originally, Cao Binger came here today with a jade finger, and she planned to find someone to appraise it without spending money. But in order to prevent people from seeing her intentions, she intentionally showed a trace of disdain at the corner of her mouth, and it was brought out in this sentence, do you know that my finger-wringing is actually very valuable. As for whether people would say that she was cheated so much that she didn't care, anyway, this finger pull was not bought with money.

After asking a question but not hearing the boss' answer, Cao Bing'er looked up wonderingly, but saw the boss staring at the jade wrench in her palm with bright eyes. The greed revealed in those eyes startled her, she quickly bent her fingers to hold the jade wrench in her hand, and looked at the boss vigilantly: "What do you want to do?"

Is this the Flying Wolf Wrench in the late Tang Dynasty introduced in "Chinese Antique Culture"?

The boss only felt that it was difficult to breathe, but he didn't feel it at all, because now all he had in his mind was the finger wrench in the girl's hand. It wasn't until Cao Bing'er put away the wrench that he woke up from the shock: "Sister, little sister, where did you buy the wrench? Can you show me?"

Through the boss's gaffe, Cao Bing'er had already concluded that the jade wrench in her hand might be worth something, and the feeling of annoyance just now immediately improved, but her face still showed disapproval, and she said lightly: "Oh, you can take a look. As for Where did you buy it, that is, from a stall not far from your shop, and it cost less than five hundred yuan... What, boss, do you like this thing?" After finishing speaking, he squeezed the wrench in his hand Li handed it to the boss: "You'd better look carefully, I still don't know which dynasty it belongs to."

Just from the cloud that seems to flow on the finger, the boss with decades of collecting experience can conclude that even if this finger is not the flying wolf finger in the book, it is definitely not ordinary.

You got this treasure for less than 500 yuan? ! Hearing that Cao Binger spent less than 500 yuan, the boss called out to Tianqu in his heart: I wandered around here all day, why didn't I see this finger puller?

"Okay, you've seen it, right? Is it the real thing? If you want to collect it, how much will you pay?" You can't always show good things. If you don't buy them after seeing them, wouldn't it be a loss for me? Cao Bing'er withdrew her finger, deliberately revealing that she wanted to sell it.

Regretfully looking at the retracted finger, the boss swallowed and spit, and then he heard Cao Binger's question clearly. After being stunned, he was ecstatic, and blurted out: "I can't tell which dynasty it is, but I really want to Buy it, but...will you sell it?"

"Of course it can be sold, but only if the price is reasonable." Cao Binger was afraid that he would offer a price of 1200 yuan higher than 500 yuan, so she deliberately put the wrench on her left thumb to show off in front of the boss: "I just don't know. How much did the boss come up with?"

Hearing Cao Binger's tone really meant to transfer the finger puller, the boss regretted that he hadn't seen the finger puller first, and his mood immediately improved, and he couldn't wait to stretch out a hand in front of Cao Binger's eyes: "I, I made this number?"

"Cut! You pay five hundred, you think I'm a fool, I told you, it was close to five hundred when I bought it, and the few tens of dollars you gave me as a favor fee is not enough for me to eat an ice cream, girl. "Cao Binger's face was full of dozens of dollars that were not considered as money: "Forget it, it seems that you don't really want it, I think I'd better go to other places, maybe I can meet someone who is better than me. You are generous."

"No, no, no!" The boss explained repeatedly: "It's not 500 yuan, it's 5,000 yuan. I'll give you 5,000 yuan to turn your finger."

"Five thousand?!" Cao Binger's jaw almost fell to the ground. Although she could 'earn' a hundred and eighty dollars a day on the bus, she was still taken aback by the price that the boss asked for five thousand yuan for this finger wrench. It seems that this time I really found a treasure. It's just such a broken finger. Although it feels good in the hand, I didn't expect it to be worth 5,000 yuan.

Facing Cao Binger's astonishment, the boss thought she thought the price was low, completely forgetting what Cao Binger said just now that he bought it for 500 yuan. The child who was afraid that the wolf would really fly away was afraid that the wolf would really fly away, so he made a bloody look again: "If five thousand yuan is too little...then ten thousand yuan, and the price can no longer be higher than this .”

The boss is playing hard to get, but Cao Binger has mastered it since she was 16.

It seems that this wrench is not only worth 10,000 yuan, there should be more space. Cao Binger thought so in her heart, and put her palm in front of the boss on purpose: "Hey, you have to see what is engraved on it, although I don't need the money, girl, but I don't like being taken advantage of play."

Although Cao Binger's small hands are fine and slender and pretty, but the boss now only sees the finger wrench engraved with flying wolves and galloping horses. He could see everything clearly. That's right, that's right, it's the legendary Flying Wolf who pulls his fingers. If you can buy it today, you don't have to worry about not opening it for ten years. After calculating the profit in his mind, the boss gritted his teeth and ruthlessly quoted another price: "50,000 yuan! This is the limit. In Qing Island, no one will offer you this price again except me."

The higher the boss's quotation, the more afraid Cao Bing'er felt. Now she finally knows that no matter who the finger is, it is not something that can be thrown away casually. The owner of an antique shop who has become a human being is willing to pay 50,000 yuan for this finger ring, which means that this finger ring must be worth at least 100,000 yuan. No matter how good-tempered that "godfather" is, after he slowly figured out that the finger was stolen by him, he would hate himself to death.

"Fifty thousand is okay? I can only take out so much... If you are still not satisfied, you can take whatever is in my store, it's a sticker." Seeing Cao Binger's face was watery, the boss said nothing. As for the language, the confidence is getting weaker and weaker. If it weren't for the fact that there were still a few Japanese in the store, I'm afraid he would have robbed it outright.

"It's less than 500,000 yuan." For some reason, Cao Binger had the idea of ​​returning it to the original owner as soon as possible after thinking about how anxious Qin Zhao would be if he lost the finger ring. She is not short of money now, but rather short of money. 50,000 yuan plus any random pasted antiques will allow her and grandma to live in peace and security for a long time. But for some reason, money lost its place in her heart for the first time.

Five hundred thousand! ? Just when the boss was in despair, he suddenly heard someone behind him say in blunt Chinese: "500,000, I bought it." The boss turned around, and the person who said this was just those few Japanese who were appreciating the official kilns of the Qing Dynasty. tourists.

Shan Kou, who is not as tall as Cao Binger, can live, with eyes several times bigger than mung beans, staring at the wrench on Cao Binger's thumb, and repeating: "500,000, I bought this wrench. "After he quoted this price, the few people around him seemed to want to stop him, but he stopped them with a wave of his hand.

"Are you sure?" Cao Binger frowned, and her eyes began to look towards the door. Now she hoped that another customer would come in so she could leave. From the eyes of Yamaguchi Nenghuo, Cao Binger, who is young but has a lot of experience, can see greed and determination to get the jade wrench in his hand no matter what. Before Yamaguchi could say anything, she withdrew her hand again, clenched her fist and asked again: "Which country are you from?"

Those who look like Chinese people are not necessarily of Chinese race, but may also be Japanese or Korean.

Although he didn't understand the relationship between nationality and whether he sold his fingers or not, Noho Yamaguchi still looked away from Cao Binger's hand, and proudly puffed out his chest: "I am a citizen of Japan."

"Are you Japanese? Then why do you speak Chinese?" Cao Binger is now focused on messing around, hoping that someone will come into this gloomy antique shop at this time, even if Qin Zhao is here, at least he doesn't see such a thing. Scary snake eyes.

"Does this have anything to do with selling or not selling fingers?" Yamaguchi finally asked this question with a frown.

"Yes." Cao Bing'er finally lost hope for the people who came in now, and she quietly approached the owner of the antique shop and said, "Even if I give this finger ring as a gift, I won't sell it to a Japanese who can speak Chinese." " After finishing speaking, before Yamaguchi could understand, he suddenly pushed the owner of the antique shop hard, turned around and ran out the door.

The boss, who was still dreaming of getting rich just now, was actually very dissatisfied that these Japanese came to sabotage his plan. When he was thinking about how to get the finger, he was pushed hard by Cao Binger. Unprepared, The huge body suddenly bumped into several Japanese people.

"Baga!" Nohuo Yamaguchi was staggered by the boss, and after he stood up, he found that Cao Binger had already run out of the store. Pushing away the owner of the antique shop, he yelled at the Japanese who came with him: "Hurry up and catch up with that little girl, she stole my wallet!" This is in China, which has always been a country of etiquette. If Cao Bing'er was framed by him for stealing the foreign guest's wallet, I believe there will be brave people to help him stop her. As for what to do after stopping her, that's not what I'm thinking about when I'm in a hurry.

Several Japanese were taken aback, and immediately understood what he meant. One of them was about to bow and say 'Kai', when Yamaguchi kicked him on the ass: "Hurry up and chase after him!"

Although the clothes Cao Binger is wearing are fashionable and foreign, but her feet are a pair of spring sneakers. In her line of work where she is always ready to run, it is very important to have a pair of suitable shoes under her feet.

After a few strides and ran out of the gate of the antique shop, Cao Binger almost didn't think about it, turned around and ran towards the street closest to here. When a person feels insecure or encounters danger, the first thing to do is to escape to a crowded place. Cao Binger, who is used to pickpockets, especially likes crowded places. That is to say, she only ran a few tens of meters away. For Cao Binger, who has been chased countless times, her rich experience in chasing back told her that there were at least three people approaching her with the sound of their leather shoes falling.

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