For Cao Binger, who lives by stealing money with her hands and running with her feet, no matter what the season is, there will be a pair of sneakers that fit her feet. Many times, as long as she displayed her unique skill, she would be sure to get rid of those suitors and leather shoes within 500 meters. But today's situation was far beyond her expectations. Not only did she not get rid of the sound of leather shoes that made her tremble after running nearly 700 meters, but it was getting closer and closer.

Cao Binger, who was running desperately, opened her mouth wide and let out a whirring sound. After running for nearly a hundred meters, she only felt her throat was salty, her heart was beating violently, and the speed under her feet was obviously slowed down. . While turning the corner of a building, I turned my head and glanced back in a hurry, and found that the people behind seemed to be no better than her. The Japanese are very dedicated, and as long as the orders issued by the immediate superiors, they will usually Do it unconditionally, even if you know you are wrong, and you know that it is a foolish thing to chase a girl wearing sneakers while wearing casual leather shoes. But because of the orders issued by the boss Nokaku Yamaguchi, even if it is wrong or stupid, he must do his best to complete it.

At the beginning of the chase, they were still able to follow Yamaguchi Nenghuo's instructions and shouted in blunt Chinese to catch the thief, hoping that someone would help them stop Cao Binger. However, to their disappointment, because it is the hottest time of the day, there are very few people on this antique market street, and Cao Binger's running speed can be described as flying on grass, so even if someone has a heart Help is also more than enough. After running with all their strength for this distance, they all held their heads high and opened their mouths wide. Beads of sweat flowed away with the wind, their arms kept swinging up and down, and the leather shoes under their feet hit the ground with a dull slap. snap. I can't breathe evenly, how can I have the strength to shout and catch the thief?

Who are these people? You won't meet several devils engaged in long-distance running at the same time, right?

Cao Binger deliberately stopped to reason with them, and told them with her sharp tongue: I didn't steal your wallet, it was your boss who opened his eyes and told lies. However, feeling that what the Japanese are best at is the advantage of inverting black and white, she dare not take the risk.

In the astonished eyes of passers-by, Cao Binger rushed to a crossroads first.

Now, the direction Cao Binger was running from happened to be a red light, and impatient cars that had been waiting for a long time drove past the intersection under the command of the traffic police. She really wanted to be like those super cops on TV, dashing through the traffic to the opposite side of the red light in a cool way, but she hadn't reached that level yet. After weighing the powerful relationship among them, she decided not to risk her life to try.

In fact, she also saw a traffic police not far ahead, but Cao Binger didn't expect the traffic police to help her a thief with a criminal record in the police station.

"Stop, stop..." The moment Cao Binger hesitated, the Japanese chased after her. But after seeing the traffic police not far away, she didn't dare to be violent. After all, they were ordered to rob other people's things in other countries, and they were all guilty, so they just ordered her in blunt Chinese.

"You, if you tell me to stop, I'll stop?" Cao Bing'er walked around behind a car parked on a zebra crossing, supported the roof of the car with one hand, patted her chest with the other and sneered pantingly: "You bullying men and women , Force good people into prostitution, waste goods that are not as good as animals, why, why do you want to grab other people's things by force?"

What Cao Binger didn't expect was that the Chinese of these Japanese people was not bad, and they could understand what they were saying. Several people looked at each other, as if conveying a message, that is: Why? How do we know why?

"Hey, have you nothing to say?" Cao Binger, who has gradually calmed down, raised her hand, deliberately showed the jade ring finger, and said arrogantly: "In your country, don't you know that stealing other people's things is a crime? "

After those Japanese people heard what Cao Binger said, they all showed shame on their faces. If they knew that the girl in front of them who was giving them ideological and moral lessons was a habitual thief, they didn't know what they would think.

"Baga, catch her!" Just when Cao Binger thought that these Japanese people still had a little sense of shame, a police car with its siren sounding stopped on the bus route next to those Japanese people Nenghuo, who was as fat as a pig, just jumped out of the car, and saw her raising the jade wrench in her hand at a glance. Immediately gave an order angrily: "I have already called the police, why don't you hurry up and get the things for me?"

Call the police?

Cao Binger was really speechless watching Yamaguchi who jumped out of the police car. The Japanese are still very powerful. To steal other people's things in other countries requires the help of the police in other countries. The Japanese are really not ordinary despicable. Not only did Cao Binger admire Shankou for his shamelessness, but his subordinates also showed admiration for the boss on their faces. After all, being a boss has a lot of ideas, and he even came up with the idea of ​​using the police to help Great idea for robbery, really high.

However, it seems that the policeman who sent Yamaguchi back alive did not have a good impression of the Japanese. After sending him off, he happened to see the red light in front of him turn to green, so no one got off and drove straight along the bus lane Now that I'm gone, I don't know if this policeman's way of occupying the lane will be complained by conscious citizens...

Seeing that he was alive and coming in a police car at the mountain pass, his subordinates knew that the boss had successfully used diplomacy again. Although I don't understand why the policeman on the police car didn't come down to help the boss 'catch the thief', and now he drove away on his own, but after the police car drove away, they made them feel more at ease. Under the command of the boss, those Japanese who were guilty just now immediately surrounded Cao Binger who was hiding behind the red BMW.


Because Cao Binger hid in front of the BMW, and the BMW couldn't start the car after the red light turned green, the cars behind were so anxious that they kept honking their horns. The sound of the horn here also made the traffic police directing the traffic aware of the abnormal situation here, blew the whistle twice, and walked towards the BMW.

Seeing the traffic police approaching, Cao Binger, who is a thief by nature, became nervous. On the contrary, Yamaguchi and his group, who were really plotting evil, showed a smug smile. Because he understands that the girl must not be able to explain the reason for the jade finger in her hand. As long as he tells the detailed characteristics of the jade finger, the Chinese traffic police who represent justice may discriminate against him because he is Japanese, but they will definitely Make the decision for him and give him back the inconspicuous finger wrench.

For Cao Bing'er, such a result would make a dumb man eat Coptis chinensis, and he couldn't tell the pain.

Whatever Yamaguchi can think of, even someone as eccentric as Cao Binger must also think of it. First, he looked at the policemen who were coming, and then at the Japanese who were blocking the surrounding area. Cao Binger sneered, and suddenly patted the window of the BMW.

The car window fell, and a cold, arrogant and beautiful face appeared in front of Cao Binger with puzzlement: "You..."

Cao Binger smiled sweetly at her, and suddenly leaned down and threw the jade wrench in her hand into the car through the window, and said in a low voice: "Let's go, the car behind is waiting... By the way, keep this thing for me first. I'll go get it from you when I'm free, thank you!" After speaking, he took a step back and looked at the license plate number, then gestured to the bewildered BMW beauty repeatedly, signaling her to leave quickly.

The beauty in the BMW car wanted to ask what was going on, but at this time the traffic police had already arrived a few meters in front of her car and made a gesture of * immediately. Coupled with the fact that the car behind kept honking its horn impatiently, she had no choice but to look at Cao Binger again and start the car.

Cao Binger, who got out of the way for the BMW car, raised her tightly clenched fist and stuck out her tongue towards the mountain pass: "Hey, little Japan, come and get it."

As for what Cao Binger said and did with the BMW driver just now, Yamaguchi Nohuo didn't see clearly. However, he suddenly realized from Cao Binger's extravagant action that she probably put the jade ring finger into the BMW car and took it away.

Before the traffic policeman asked Cao Binger anything, Shankou Nohuo ran up to Cao Binger first, grabbed her raised right hand involuntarily, and opened it vigorously. Sure enough, as he expected, there was nothing in his hand. Before he had time to look at other places on her body, he raised his head and glanced at the license plate of the BMW that had just driven into the middle of the intersection.

"Hee hee, little Japan, are you disappointed? Let me tell you, even if I give it away, I won't give it to you. If you want it, it's a dream!" Anyway, the police came, and you can't run away. It is true that it is not in my hands now, even if this shameless Japanese told the police falsely that he stole his things, at most he would refuse to admit it, and then just see who has a good mouth. And my aunt and I? I'm afraid you can only be angry, right?

"What's going on?" The traffic policeman who came over frowned and looked at Cao Binger and the others: "You all follow me to the side of the road, don't obstruct the traffic."

"Comrade policeman, the thing is like this..." Nozomi Yamaguchi wanted to explain clearly to the police as soon as possible, so as not to miss the BMW.

When Cao Binger saw that Yamaguchi's eyes were fixed on the BMW driving away, Cao Binger's heart skipped a beat, and she cursed the Japanese devils for being too sloppy, and she actually saw that the trick she was playing was sneaking up on the old man. It seems that this is a hurry to chase the car after explaining to the police. Hehe, you think so beautifully, and you don't even look at what your aunt and grandma ate to grow up. If you want to play such clever tricks in front of me, you are blind! !

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