Qin Zhao, who turned around slowly, looked at Li Jianfeng and the soldier under him, and asked softly, "Do you think I'm cruel? I like to kill people without a license?" When he said this, his face Tired and exhausted, before Li Jianfeng, who was retreating subconsciously, could reply, he continued to say slowly: "Actually, no one likes to kill, even if the person being killed is so damned."

"No, it's not..." Li Jianfeng could only feel his mouth full of bitterness, he didn't dare to face up to the person in front of him with scars all over his upper body, even though they were about the same age. But the other party instantly killed two people who had lost the ability to resist, especially one of them was a woman. This kind of bloodthirsty cruelty still made him feel disgusted in his heart, and made him unconsciously start to reject his marksmanship from envy to respect and now.

Qin Zhao wiped his hands, continued to smile wryly and said, "I know what you guys think of me, but I don't care!" Bending down, he took off the shirt from Ichiro Omoto who was still twitching, and slapped him in the air. It was put on the body at once, without any scruples that it was a dead man's clothes. Staring at the already dark night outside the ruined temple, he said: "China has always been a state of etiquette, and we pay attention to the need to tolerate people. But what happened? The result is that some countries regard this kind of humility as a virtue. It’s a kind of cowardice! You can just find any reason and openly come to bully, and there is a good reason.”

"Actually, I think it's more appropriate for them to accept our country's legal sanctions." Li Jianfeng didn't know what Qin Zhao wanted to express to him, but just hinted at Qin Zhao according to the normal and usually accepted theory: You shouldn't, They have no right to disregard human life like this.

Hearing Li Jianfeng's words, Qin Zhao's eyes flashed with disdain, and he suddenly asked with a sneer: "State-owned laws, everyone knew this before liberation, but did others obey them? No? In the face of huge benefits, the shit on the head doesn't care about the existence of any law! In their eyes, apart from allowing you to be bullied by him, it is to gain his happiness through your pain." Fasten your shirt button, felt that it was quite suitable, and then raised his head and looked at Li Jianfeng who was facing him: "The great man once said: I am the son of the people, and I love my motherland and the people deeply. We soldiers should understand that as a soldier , What are we guarding? It is our own people, our parents, brothers and sisters! It is this iron-blooded spirit that embraces family affection that allows our Chinese soldiers to straighten their spines in front of everyone in the world, and let everyone They all look sideways at us in China! Even before liberation, under the leadership of someone like Jiang, have you ever heard that they put down their guns and reasoned with them when facing these jackals? No?"

Li Jianfeng became more and more confused about what Qin Zhao wanted to express, so he just nodded blankly: "No, except for a big traitor Wang Jingwei, there is no historical record of any Japanese army surrendering without a fight...they are all qualified Huaxia soldier."

"It's good that you know this." Qin Zhao and a little lieutenant spent so much time talking, in fact, they wanted him to know that the duty of a soldier is to guard, guard the fathers and villagers behind the gun, and don't be pedantic after your parents are hurt. Reasonable and merciful to them, when it is time to kill, you must not be soft-hearted, and you have to let them know that the consequences of doing so are very serious and they cannot afford it.

Qin Zhao walked past the dazed Li Jianfeng, patted him on the shoulder and said, "Even they know to hold up their guns when wolves come, but you still imagine reasoning with them... Our people can be kind, But we soldiers must be absolutely cold-blooded when facing these wolves. Hehe... Only by letting them know that we are much more vicious than they imagined, can those who want to take advantage of us be afraid in their dreams. Soldiers, in the face of wolves There must be the cruelty of the soldiers. The duty of the soldiers is to protect the people who stand behind them regardless of everything and by any means! It's not like you, mother-in-law and mother-in-law who reason with wolves... Forget it, you are still young Know how to be a good soldier."

A soldier's duty is to protect! Desperate and unscrupulous to protect the people standing behind!

"No!" Li Jianfeng was deeply hurt by Qin Zhao's words. He grabbed Qin Zhao's skirt, widened his eyes and almost screamed: "I won't allow you to look down on me! I have always regarded guarding as a It's my only mission!!" Panting violently, Qin Zhao, who turned back indifferently, let go of his clothes and softly defended: "I am also a Chinese soldier, and I can sacrifice everything for my duty, by whatever means..."

He successfully fooled a boy who fantasized about peace in the world. Qin Zhao turned his head with a smile, and strode out, his eyes full of complacency.

Outside, except for seven or eight warriors with micro punches guarding the three corpses that had already turned bright, the whole hilltop was quiet, as if even the insects and night birds in early autumn were shocked by the bloody smell. Dare to raise your beautiful voice again.

As if feeling a little cold, Qin Zhao shrank his neck and asked a soldier strangely: "Why haven't those policemen come yet?"

Seeing the idol in his heart who exploded three heads in one second with three shots in a row, the soldier asked himself something, and hurriedly put his legs together: "Report to the lieutenant, I... I don't know!"

It turned out that I didn’t know that three words can be said so confidently...

"Lieutenant Qin, it was you who ordered no one to come in or out before going up the mountain. I think they should be on the road at the foot of the mountain, right?" Li Jianfeng said after him. At this time, his tone was calm, and it seemed that he had accepted Qin Zhao's decision. This set of insightful insights into what makes a real soldier.

"Let your men go in and give those two dead bullets a try, lest the police say that our soldiers in the new era are inaccurate with marksmanship." Qin Zhao hid his forgetfulness with a smile: "By the way, stop those who are full of benevolence and righteousness. The mouth of the moral guy..."

Li Jianfeng was taken aback, but he understood what he meant in an instant. He was destroying the scene, lest some people would talk about legal knowledge after seeing Daben's fatal injury, and said with a smile: "No, I will Just go and finish it." After speaking, he turned around and walked into the ruined temple with his gun in hand.

After a few gunshots, Li Jianfeng came out and raised the butt of his gun at Qin Zhao, saying that after everything was settled, he ordered his subordinates to bring those poor Japanese corpses with them and go down the mountain together...

On the road at the foot of the mountain, the lights of more than a dozen police cars flashed, and someone could be heard arguing with the soldiers holding micro-guns from afar.

"Little comrade, our army and the police are one family. You are ordered by your superiors to block the intersection here. It is only for ordinary people, but we are the police, and we also have the obligation and responsibility to catch criminals... Sigh, why do you do this Why do you explain that you are still so stubborn? Don’t you understand the law?” Some police earnestly tried to persuade the soldiers who pointed their guns at them to make way for the brigade of police behind them and allow them to go up the mountain.

"No! The chief has an order that no matter who tries to pass through by force, he will be shot to death!" The policeman replied with a cold threat.

"You! You... Huh, I still don't believe it, but your army can still decide on this mountain?" The policeman waved his hand back: "Come on, let me rush over, I want to see what he dares to do!" Sample!"

Clap... A few bullets hit the road in front of the policeman, splashing a stream of blue sparks. This was the soldier's answer.

what! The policeman jumped back a few steps in fright, and then trembling with cold sweat, said: "You, you, you dare to shoot?"

"This is just a warning! If you dare to think hard..." A second lieutenant raised the gun in his hand and silently pointed at him. Light smoke.

"You, do you know who is behind? He is the deputy mayor of Qingdao City!"

"I don't care whether I'm the deputy mayor or the deputy mayor. I'm just warning you. If you keep talking here, don't blame the bullets for not having eyes!" The guns were aimed at the policemen holding May-four pistols.

"If you have something to say, let's talk about it... Comrade, you said that you were ordered by your superiors. I don't know which superior it is? Can you tell me his name? I will call him to find accommodation. After all, we are the police. It was because of the case that I had to go up the mountain." Zhan Sansi saw that the opponent was going to be serious, and hurriedly stood up from behind to persuade everyone not to be impulsive, but he knew that these soldiers were determined to obey orders, if he really touched their bottom line , these dozens of micro flushes don't matter whether you are a deputy mayor or not.

As if he didn't want to make things too rigid, the Second Lieutenant hesitated for a moment, but said, "It's Lieutenant Qin."

"Lieutenant Qin? Which Lieutenant Qin? I remember that the lieutenant of the Yuhuangshan Army is not surnamed Li?" Zhan asked puzzled.

"Sorry, no comment!" The second lieutenant replied coldly, pointing the gun intentionally or unintentionally, signaling him to back away.

When Zhan San was thinking about which Lieutenant Qin, a policeman took him by the arm and took a few steps back, saying, "Deputy Mayor Zhan, it seems that someone has come down from the mountain."

Zhan Sansi raised his head, sure enough, a few beams of flashlights circled a bend, and then a dozen or so figures appeared indistinctly on the way down the mountain.

"It's the police, Lieutenant Li, tell your subordinates not to misunderstand them." Everyone who heard the gunshots down the mountain quickened their pace down the mountain. Qin Zhao looked at the flashing police lights parked in the middle of the road from a distance and looked at Li Jianfeng. Say.

it is good! Li Jianfeng agreed, trotted and shouted to the front: "Brothers, put away the guns, they are all our own!"

Brothers... After Qin Zhao heard these three words, his affection for Li Jianfeng immediately increased. He doesn't like to call his comrades-in-arms comrades, he prefers this slightly reckless title of brother. Because whether it is about people's daily views or based on the knowledge in books, this comrade is just a person who has a common aspiration and come together, but a brother is the one who can make you rest assured to entrust your back to him. The distance between the two is clear at a glance, whether it is spoken or written.

Infected by the friendly address of the brothers, Qin Zhao caught up with Li Jianfeng and patted him on the back and said, "Brother, tell me the number and exact location of your army, and I will ask the higher-ups for credit for the brothers." Guaranteeing the ticket, Qin Zhao thought to himself: Suning's old man is the vice chairman of the Central Department, so this small matter should be settled, right?

Suddenly hearing that Lieutenant Qin from the Action Strategy Department wanted to ask for credit for himself, Li Jianfeng blushed with excitement. Regardless of the urgency of his footsteps going down the mountain, he suddenly stopped and saluted: "Thank you, thank you Lieutenant Qin! We are Zhuqing The Yuhuangshan troops on the island belong to the 54886 troops of the Southern Hebei Military Region..." If he really received the award from the Action Strategy Department, not only would Li Jianfeng's benefits be endless, but the entire Yuhuangshan troops would be credited once. In peaceful times, if there are no emergencies similar to natural disasters and man-made disasters, it is difficult to make meritorious deeds. And this kind of merit is not comparable to the medals obtained by the whole army. The military medals issued by the Operations Strategy Department are real military exploits!

"Hehe, it's easy to say." Qin Zhao shook his head with a smile, signaling him not to be so excited: "As long as there is a chance, Qin will never forget his brother."

Why does it sound as awkward as sitting on a mountain eagle making a wish for a bandit under his command? Hearing Qin Zhao's playful tone, Li Jianfeng was stunned for a moment, then smiled wryly in his heart: Maybe he was just talking casually...

Hearing Li Jianfeng's order, the second lieutenant waved his black leather gloved hand, and dozens of micro-punches all turned upside down, standing by the soldiers' legs. The second lieutenant turned around and saluted Qin Zhao and Li Jianfeng who came over, and shouted loudly: "Report to Lieutenant Lieutenant Qin Lieutenant, Second lieutenant Wang Sihai was ordered to stop all idlers entering and leaving the mountain. Now the mission has been completed, please instruct!"

"I remember the name Wang Sihai." Qin Zhao said to him softly.

It is winning people's hearts and making us happy for nothing! Li Jianfeng curled his lips and took a peek at Qin Zhao, and said to the beaming Wang Sihai, "Give me the order to take the team back to the camp!"


Amidst the endless sounds of closing the team, Qin Zhao walked through the temporary cordon set up by the army and came to Zhan Sansi, and said apologetically, "Zhan, Deputy Mayor Zhan, I'm sorry to keep you waiting." Zhan Sansi wondered why he became Lieutenant Qin, and after a pause, he said in a low voice: "We shot down those gangsters who tried to resist, and the hostages have been successfully rescued... Uncle Zhan, please send someone to hand over."

Uh...You boy, just now we didn't allow our people to go up the mountain to mix in this matter, and now you are begging me to wipe your ass... The corner of Uncle Zhan's mouth twitched, he suppressed his heart and wanted to ask how he became Lieutenant Qin He answered in a low voice: "Okay, don't worry about it, leave it to me. You, you go to the hospital first, Mrs. Qin is now in the Armed Police Hospital."

"Thank you, Uncle Zhan." Qin Zhao thanked in a low voice. After speaking, he turned his head and nodded to Li Jianfeng to say hello, and then, under the surprised eyes of all the policemen, got into the police car he was driving, blew the siren arrogantly, turned around and drove away.

In the wet night after the autumn rain, the piercing sound of the siren brought a little warmth to the hearts of all the people present, a kind of warmth that was guarded, no matter how high or low he was, whether he was a policeman or a soldier...

Since a middle-aged and elderly woman who was said to have been accidentally injured by a shotgun was admitted to the Armed Police Hospital in Jincheng District, the director, Liu Zifei, has been busy. It was nine o'clock in the evening, and I hadn't had time to get off work, so my wife and daughter kept calling to ask him when he would go home for dinner.

First, a group of police officers gathered around a girl wearing other hospital gowns and blocked the corridor outside the emergency room. Before the nurses could evacuate them, then Deputy Mayor Zhan of Qingdao City He personally led people to inquire about the situation of the injured. Although he, the director of the Armed Police Hospital, is a member of the army and has nothing to do with the local government, he cannot do without the strong support of the local government, especially in terms of public security. After he finally went out in person and said to Deputy Mayor Zhan that he must try his best to rescue the injured, and by the way persuaded the policemen surrounding the emergency room to disperse, he shook his head thinking that the injured must belong to the city leaders The man returned to the dean's office.

But before his butt warmed up the leather seat, he rushed into a military vehicle, jumped down a few soldiers with live ammunition, and then carried a girl with a blue shirt over her head into the emergency room. If you come to see a patient, you can send the patient, if you are a soldier, you are a soldier, and you still have a micro punch in your hand, with a fierce look, and the patients who are scared to come to see a doctor will take the initiative to give way to them. He, the dean, had no choice but to walk out of the office again after dismissing the deputy mayor, and instilled the principle of first come, first served with those big soldiers.

Liu Zifei can reason with Deputy Mayor Zhan, because everyone is considered a respectable person, and their rationality is more mature. You can also reprimand those policemen for leaving the corridor of the emergency room, because the policemen are good public servants of the people, and they are very sensible. But he didn't dare to have any collision with these big-headed soldiers with micro punches in their hands in the communication. Who knows if these young men in their twenties will give him, a veteran with decades of military experience, a bullet to try under the pretext of a slight rush in his hand?

This risk cannot be taken, especially when they are not led by their superiors.

The two people behind were carrying the girl, and everyone in front who had just entered the building hurriedly yelled: Where is the doctor, where is the doctor? While yelling and wiggling around with a gun... typical unreasonable appearance of a newborn calf.

"Dear comrades, should you put away the things in your hands first? This is a hospital, not the front line..." Dean Liu Zifei pulled the director of the emergency department who was a little pale with fright behind him, and spoke to those few with a pleasant face. A soldier clamoring for a doctor said: "No matter who comes to see a doctor, we have to take it one step at a time, right? Other people's diseases are also diseases....

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