"Bird!" A soldier speaking Sichuan dialect stared at him: "Why are other people's illnesses also illnesses? Tell Nenwa, this girl... oh, no, this lady is Lieutenant Qin's sweetheart, if you delay seeing a doctor , can Nenwa afford it?"

Nunwa... being called so, Dean Liu almost got his nose twisted by him, besides, the patient is just a junior lieutenant...

The Armed Police Hospital in Qingdao is affiliated to the Armed Police Detachment. The Armed Police Detachment is at the regimental level in terms of establishment. The medical institutions under it can be the main battalion or the deputy battalion depending on the specific establishment. Because the dean must have a medical background, he is at the technical level. A military officer at the technical level must be at least a battalion officer to serve as the dean. Therefore, the level should be between the technical major and the technical major. But whether it is a major or a senior colonel, they are much higher than a small lieutenant.

So, when Dean Liu Zifei heard that they sent only a lieutenant's sweetheart, he sneered and prepared to show off his military rank to shock them, and then forced them to put away their guns, so as not to accidentally hurt innocent people. But the sneer hadn't completely disappeared from the corner of his mouth. After looking at the epaulets on his shoulders, the soldier said another sentence, which made him tremble uncontrollably. The smile that hadn't dissipated bloomed again at the corner of his mouth, and it wasn't a sneer, but a kind smile.

"Let's tell Nenwa that our Lieutenant Qin is from the Operational Strategy Department above." Datou Bing said proudly.

...Operation strategy department... Liu Zifei's heart tightened, and he secretly rejoiced that he didn't use his military rank to hit the other party just now, otherwise it would be self-defeating. , then I can't figure out how unlucky I was in the end. Liu Zifei, who has decades of experience in the army, is naturally not comparable to those new recruits who don't understand anything. He deeply understands the meaning of the three words "Operation Strategy Department". Not to mention me as a small technical lieutenant colonel, but the real senior colonel of the Armed Police Detachment... Even Lieutenant Qin had to look shyly at him when he saw him. No way, they are the people above.

Liu Zifei chuckled. He didn't let these reckless soldiers see his psychological changes, but his attitude changed unconsciously. He turned around and told the director of the emergency room: "Director Xia, hurry up and rescue the patients first."

Isn't it just a few big soldiers, isn't it the sweetheart of some lieutenant, and it's worth asking Dean Liu to open the back door for her personally? Director Xia looked at Dean Liu inexplicably. The usually majestic Dean Liu turned out to be kind to the soldiers at this time, which made her full of disbelief: "Dean Liu, you, You mean to give it first..." Director Xia came to the Armed Police Hospital after graduating from the military academy. She is dedicated to making achievements in the medical career. She rarely listens to what others say about this department or that system. Besides, her husband is in the hospital. The armed police detachment serves as a high-level, and there is no need to look at anyone. She only knew that as long as she had a high level of technology, people would treat her well wherever she went, so she didn't have too many scruples about what these big soldiers said about the Operation Strategy Department. But Dean Liu actually asked her to let go of other patients first and treat that lieutenant's sweetheart! It can't be blamed on her not being able to understand.

Liu Zifei saw that Director Xia hadn't understood the seriousness of the relationship, but he couldn't tell her clearly in public, so he gave her a wink, and then nodded heavily, "Just do what I tell you." .

Under the supervision of the chief dean, several doctors worked nervously for a while, and finally diagnosed that the sweetheart of a certain lieutenant was just overly frightened, and there was no danger at all, as long as a few bottles of sedative potions were injected , and after resting in a quiet environment for a few days, you will be safe and sound.

With such a small symptom, there are soldiers with live ammunition accompanying him. Is it still necessary to use such a big ostentation? After diagnosing Ye Qingling's condition, Director Xia took a blank look at those big soldiers standing at the door of the emergency room with Wei Chong in their hands and stared blankly, and said something in his heart: some officials , Fake public welfare, really lack of quality!

On the contrary, Dean Liu Zifei kindly explained the patient's current condition in detail with a few soldiers who didn't understand anything, and then personally arranged the ward for treatment, and didn't mention anything about the consultation fees and hospitalization fees, including hospitalization procedures. , It is only natural for an armed police hospital to save lives and heal the wounded for soldiers.

Ye Qingling had a dream.

In her dream, she is a kind-hearted little princess wearing a colorful garland and carefree, living a happy life every day accompanied by her kind mother. But all of this was changed by a few demons from hell on a dark cloudy evening. Holding evil swords that were shining with a bloody smell, and with ferocious smiles on their faces, they all laughed wildly and hit her queen mother, and then took her, the little princess, away.

Standing close to the entrance of hell, one of the demons with the face of a handsome human man roughly took away her favorite ring, and another demon with blood stains on his tongue was giggling at her, with eyes in his eyes. full of evil. In desperation, how she wished in her heart that at this time, there would be a Prince Charming who would come from the sky on colorful auspicious clouds, wave the sharp sword in his hand, and rescue her with just one blow.

She got her wish. Just when she was about to be defiled by the devil, her prince charming came. Sure enough, with just one sword strike, all the demons around him were knocked down, and then he took her into his arms. Let her feel that his embrace is as safe as a mountain and as warm as spring water... She wants to open her eyes to see her Prince Charming, but she is addicted to the cigarette-smelling embrace and does not want to open her eyes. take care of it. I just thought happily: So my Prince Charming is also a smoker...

However, there were a few incomprehensible voices ringing in her ears, which forced her to stop enjoying this happiness and opened her eyes.

"Hey, what did Nenwa say about our Lieutenant Qin? How can we find such a beautiful woman? Our Li Erwa has grown up so much, and this is the first time I have seen such a beautiful woman. If only God would give us... "

"Okay, Erba." A Northeast accent interrupted the crooked Chuanyin: "Didn't the nurse tell you everything? Let's talk softly, so as not to wake up the patient. You pig brain , why did you forget about it when you turned around?"

"Wang Youqian, Nen is a pig's brain, and Nen's family is all pig's brains, hehe..." Li Erwa's Chuanyin smiled triumphantly, but the sound was indeed worse than the one that made the glass rustle just now It's a lot, but it's enough to make people think it's a quarrel: "Aren't we just talking about it? On weekdays, I always brag about the beautiful girls in the Northeast. From our point of view, it's definitely not as good as Lieutenant Qin's." Mother-in-law."

"I said you two are still finished?" Finally, someone without a dialect accent stopped their debate: "Don't be here to envy Lieutenant Qin for having such a beautiful daughter-in-law, go find it if you have the ability. ? However, with the looks of the two of you, you will definitely not be able to find them. Even if you find them, regardless of your looks, they may not be willing to marry you based on your quality."

"Cao Mengde, even though you have the same name as that Niucha in history, I think I still have to comment on what you said. The soldiers are the cutest people, and pretty women don't marry soldiers, so what do you say? Who do you want to marry?" A slow voice obviously disagreed with the third person's argument, and when he was about to participate in this contest, when the most beautiful woman is not married to a soldier, she suddenly lowered her voice: "Shhh... Wake up, wake up..."

Wang Youqian was stunned for half a second, and asked a little puzzled: "Little Fujian, what are you bragging about? Are you blowing urine bubbles?"

Xiao Fujian squeezed his eyes hard at him, and grinned at Ye Qingling who slowly opened his eyes on the hospital bed.

Ye Qingling slowly opened her eyes. The glaring white ceiling and walls made her eyes close again for a moment, and then she opened them again. She turned her head slightly to see the source of the sound, and saw the room full of pale Impressively, there are four olive greens with vitality, and they are winking at her. Everyone has bright eyes, white teeth, and a light beard on the lips.

It turned out that it was indeed a dream just now, and after seeing the softly glowing chandelier on the ceiling, she woke up from the dream.

Thinking of everything in the dream, Ye Qingling smiled self-deprecatingly. Now, from the pungent soda smell and the whiteness of her eyes, she already knew that she was in the hospital. It's just that why I came to the hospital, and why there were four soldiers standing in front of my bed, I was a little confused. Sticking out her tongue and licking her chapped lower lip, Ye Qingling asked softly, "Why am I in the hospital?"

"I'm going to inform the doctor that Mrs. Lieutenant has woken up." Wang Youqian, who was afraid that Ye Qingling would hear what he said just now, saw her wake up, and immediately found a reason for me to report the situation to the doctor, just like Like a rabbit with his butt on fire, he opened the door and ran out quickly.

Damn, you're smart, you're afraid of being blamed by Lieutenant Qin's wife, so you ran away without showing any morale. After despising Wang Youqian in his heart, Xiao Fujian glanced at the unclosed door of the ward, and said in a low voice: "I'm going to the toilet...Turn around..."

"Is there any improvement in the toilet?" Li Erwa looked at Xiao Fujian who fled in a hurry in wonder, and scratched the back of her head in puzzlement and asked Cao Mengde.

"Ah, maybe it's to clear the sewers or something. Hey, don't we soldiers do good things wherever we go... It seems that this kid can't be busy alone, I'll help... "Cao Mengde patted Li Erwa pretending to be calm, and then walked out arrogantly and kicking forward.

The few people who went out didn't have the courage to take a look at Ye Qingling, for fear that the rude words just now would make Mrs. Lieutenant angry.

After Li Erwa waited for Cao Mengde to go out, he was stunned for a moment before realizing that he had been betrayed by others. He grinned angrily, "These three prodigal children who don't care about friendship...see if I don't deal with you." Cursing, staring at the ceiling, as if it was covered with flowers, the soles of the feet began to dawdle towards the door step by step.

"Why am I in the hospital?" Seeing that the four of them were about to leave, Ye Qingling quickly raised her voice and asked Li Erwa, who hadn't had time to apply oil on her feet, with a hint of begging in her voice: "Can you Can't you tell me what's going on?"

Seeing that she couldn't run away, Li Erwa had no choice but to stop, smiled wryly, and slowly turned around and lowered her head to face Ye Qingling, who was like a white chrysanthemum. Before she spoke, her face was like a big red paper, Nuonuo said: "Hey, Nenwa, are you asking us?"

The people Ye Qingling gets along with on a daily basis, except for her subordinates who are respectful to her on the surface, are those colleagues who are tired of dealing with it every day after meeting with a fake smile on their faces. Even Qin Zhao always stares at her every time. *The front is spinning around, and there is nothing good to say from a mouth that smells of cigarettes. But she has never seen such a simple young man like a piece of white paper. When facing her, his eyes are dodging and his speech is hesitant. It is the kind of real simple tension, unpretentious but kind.

Ye Qingling wanted to nod heavily, indicating that he got the answer right. But her whole body was sore and limp and her headache was splitting, so she could only smile softly, trying to make her voice softer: "Yes, is there anyone else here?"

It's like spring when the snow is accumulating, and the glaciers are thawing. Ye Qingling's smile brought Li Erwa an inexplicable shock, like blood boiling. A great happiness of being alive suddenly surged up in his heart, which made him dizzy and involuntarily stare at Ye Qingling's face boldly, then lowered his head again and replied in a low voice: "There is no one else, just the two of us, even There are no more ghosts..."

"Yeah, there's not even a ghost left. What I said just now is naturally for you. Then can you tell me how I came to the hospital?" Ye Qingling had a smile in her eyes at this moment, This made Li Erwa feel that he had nowhere to put his hands and feet, but he finally heard Ye Qingling's question clearly.

"Report to Mrs. Lieutenant!" Li Erwa clapped her legs together, gave a military salute, stared straight at the silver street lamp outside the window, and replied meticulously: "The gangsters hijacked you to the top of Yuhuang Mountain. After the lieutenant rescued you, he ordered me, Wang Youqian, Cao Mengde, and Xiao Fujian to send you to the hospital. After the report is over, please give instructions to the lieutenant's wife!"

Madame Lieutenant? Seeing Li Erwa's serious face, Ye Qingling couldn't help but smile bitterly, and slowly said: "Why am I the lieutenant's wife? Can you, can you sit down and talk? I'm just an ordinary woman, not a lieutenant's wife, more It's not a chief, you don't have to salute me."

"Yes, lieutenant, ma'am!" Li Erwa put down her hand and pressed it tightly to her chest, her body was still as straight as a gun. On his sun-tanned and rough face blown by the wind in the mountains, there is determination and confidence in yearning for a new life.

"Can I sit down and talk?"

"Yes, ma'am!" Li Erwa didn't know where she learned this word to replace his original title of mother-in-law.

Now Ye Qingling was in a much better mood after being teased by Li Erwa's naivety, and gradually remembered what happened today. It seemed that there was a person who saved him when he was in the most danger, and this person was the lieutenant he was talking about. But why did he call himself Mrs. Lieutenant? Did this big fool think that this was an ancient hero who saved the beauty? Whoever saved him would be his husband... But, but at that time, he was very familiar with the comforting voice, which was similar to that guy's. With his incomparable tenderness.

"Your lieutenant...Which one is it?" Ye Qingling asked cautiously, for fear that the soldiers would see that she was dissatisfied with being a lieutenant's wife.

"Report, oh, no need to report...Which lieutenant are you asking?" Li Erwa now finds that talking face-to-face with a beautiful woman is no different from talking to a group of birds in the mountains before. Feel relaxed. So, he didn't feel how nervous.

... Ye Qingling was speechless.

"We have two lieutenants, Li Jianfeng and Lieutenant Li who ordered us to take you to the hospital." Li Erwa explained to her seriously.

"Then, which lieutenant saved me?"

"It's from above..." As soon as I said this, the door was pushed open, and a nurse came in with a thermometer in her hand, and said to Li Erwa who was sitting there stiffly: "You first Go out and take the patient's temperature."

Oh. Li Erwa nodded, smiled honestly at Ye Qingling, showing her white teeth, stood up and walked out. As soon as he went out, he saw Wang Youqian hiding behind the door and smiling with their mouths covered. After being taken aback for a moment, he asked, "You guys, what are you laughing at?"

"Report to Comrade Li Erwa, we are laughing at you. Your performance just now has greatly improved the face of our men!" Wang Youqian saluted him politely, but he didn't hold back his smile. In the end, he covered his stomach with a burst of laughter, and his face turned red because he didn't dare to laugh out loud.

Not only can you not smoke in the hospital, but you can't even laugh loudly. It seems that apart from crying, you have to cover your butt with your hands even if you fart. Simplicity does not mean stupidity. Looking at Wang Youqian who was covering his belly instead of his butt, Li Erwa found out that she was being fooled by her companions, and immediately slapped Wang Youqian on the head angrily: "Let's let the naughty boy eavesdrop People talk..."

Hahahaha... There was a burst of suppressed laughter in the corridor. Not big, but with good intentions.

"Hey, isn't that Lieutenant Qin?" Cao Mengde, who was glared at by a nurse who walked into the opposite ward and was struggling to hold back his laughter, suddenly pointed to the stairs. Several people turned their heads to look at the same time. Sure enough, Qin Zhao, who was wearing a white shirt at the moment, was running up the stairs in a hurry, raising his head anxiously, as if he was looking around at the signs hanging on various doors.

"Lieutenant Qin!" Little Fujian called out, "We are here."

After seeing a few of them, Qin Zhao was also overjoyed, and strode over to grab Xiao Fujian: "Where is the patient, how is it? Is it dangerous? Has the bullet been taken out?"

"Bullets?" Xiao Fujian glanced at his comrades in wonder, and saw that they were all bewildered, and then whispered: "Lieutenant Qin, the wife of the lieutenant was not shot, the doctor said she was just overly frightened, as long as she recuperates for a few minutes You can leave the hospital in a few days."

Madame Lieutenant? Qin Zhao was taken aback for a moment, but then he understood. These soldiers escorted Ye Qingling to the hospital.

Ever since Zhan Sansi told him that Song Lan was in the armed police hospital for emergency treatment, he only had his mother in his heart. It just so happened that I couldn't find the emergency room. After seeing Xiao Fujian and the others, I naturally asked about Song Lan's situation, but completely ignored that they were escorting Ye Qingling to the hospital. These boys have seen that Ye Qingling is my old Qin's wife, and they have a good eye. Although Qin Zhao was very anxious and anxious in his heart, he was still thinking complacently at this moment.

If it wasn't for Song Lan's heart, he would have to brag to these big soldiers about what his wife looks like, how gentle and lovely she is. But now that he was worried about his mother, he didn't want to make him do this. He just asked in a hurry: "Then, do you know where the emergency room is?"

"I don't know." Several soldiers shook their heads together, moving in unison.

Qin Zhao was so anxious that he rubbed his hands.

As soon as he got out of the car, he ran into the outpatient building like the wind. It was already dark. In the outpatient hall, except for the few windows where you can see the charging and medicine collection, you can see angels in white clothes, but you don't see a single medical staff walking in the hall. , Deliberately went to the window to ask, but a sudden heavy rain suddenly increased the number of people queuing up to see a doctor. And he, Qin Zhao, was not an unreasonable person, and couldn't bear to jump in line to ask for directions at a hole at the window that was not much bigger than a bun, so he found it layer by layer according to the sign hanging in front of the door. It was so easy to run into someone of my own, but I didn't expect to come to see Ye Qingling, and I didn't even know where the emergency room was.

Just in time, the nurse who took Ye Qingling's temperature came out of the ward. As soon as she came out, Qin Zhao grabbed her arm like the poor people saw the party: "Where is the emergency room?"

"Oh, you, you hurt me." The nurse who was grabbed by the arm broke away from Qin Zhao's hand, frowned and looked at the man in front of him: "What are you doing, you!? Do you know how to be polite?! "

Qin Zhao's coat belonged to Omoto Ichiro who had returned to the Paradise, and there were bloodstains left by him in such a hurry that he didn't want to leave. In addition, Qin Zhao was afraid of scaring the snake, so when he abandoned his car and sneaked up to the top of the mountain, he got With mud all over his face, he looked like a construction worker.

"I just wanted to ask where the emergency room is, but I was a little anxious to ask." Qin Zhao chuckled and rubbed his hands in embarrassment.

"Is it a migrant worker? Looking at the muddy water on your face and the red paint on your clothes, you can tell that you are a migrant worker from the countryside. You don't know any manners." The nurse didn't like this kind of migrant workers from the countryside. But seeing how anxious he was, she still raised her finger to the stairs due to her own responsibilities: "The emergency room is on the third floor, go east, and the door of the emergency elevator will be there."

When Qin Zhao heard that he was on the third floor, he turned his head and ran away without farting.

"Cut, the quality of the migrant workers is poor." Seeing that she didn't even say thank you, the nurse pouted and cut it disdainfully, but then muttered in a low voice: "But, but the appearance of the migrant worker is quite handsome...

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