When Qin Zhao walked into the restaurant, Ye Qingling and Jing Hongxue were already sitting at the table waiting. There were four prepared breakfasts on the dining table, which once gave Qin Zhao the feeling that this was a wife who had finished weaving and was waiting for her husband to plow the fields, if there were not two girls sitting there.

In the past, Qin Zhao once heard someone say that girls would not choose to buy yellow clothes, because if there is no absolute innate advantage, wearing yellow clothes will make girls less beautiful... But Ye Qingling is indeed wearing a pale yellow tunic high-necked dress now, and that yellow dress gives her a taste of refinement. The jet-black hair was randomly tied behind her head with a red silk thread, revealing her round earlobe, on which a small platinum earring was nailed. Coupled with her blushing face, it gave someone Qin a kind of " This woman should be amazing in the sky, but how often do I see it in the world'.

Ye Qingling's face turned even redder when she saw someone from Qin came in. She never forgot how she disregarded Qin Zhao's face last night, guarding Jing Hongxue and the others, putting on the airs of the boss and the head of the family, reprimanding him for his natural behavior. Cool and thin. But when she went back and saw the messed up room, she realized that it was her fault. Originally, I wanted to apologize sincerely to Qin Zhao after seeing him this morning. But as a boss, she still felt a little embarrassed to apologize to her subordinates. So, until Li Moyu came in, she was still stirring the bowl of soup in front of her with the spoon in her hand.

Looking at Ye Qingling's lowering head, Qin Zhao knew that she was silently apologizing to him. I thought she would casually say "have breakfast" instead of saying I'm sorry, but Li Moyu, who had been waiting to wipe her hands clean, also sat down, and Ye Qingling looked at Qin Zhao with glowing eyes, and said clearly : "Song Yu, I misunderstood you last night, I'm sorry."

Qin Zhao was taken aback, he didn't expect that Ye Qingling, who was always cold and arrogant, would have the courage to apologize to his subordinates face to face. The first thing that came to my throat was the sentence "If you know your mistakes, you can improve it", and then realized that this sentence was not said to the boss by one of his subordinates at all, so he quickly shut up and bit the sentence in half with his closed teeth. Then he swallowed his stomach and changed into a hey hey, for a while, he didn't know what words to use to respond to Ye Qingling, he just picked up the bowl of lean meat soup and put it to his mouth, staring at the coriander floating in the bowl, his eyes were full of tenderness smile.

Although Li Moyu was responsible for the trouble last night, she still kicked Qin Zhao with her toe, and smoothed things over and said, "Hey, Mr. Ye, what are you talking about? Song Yu and I are rewarding you Even if you were blinded by the truth for a while, you don’t have to apologize to us.” Qin Zhao, who rolled his eyes at her with a glance, paraphrased a sentence that was most popular in the 1980s and down-and-out in the 1990s. , After the millennium, Cheng Cheng said: "This is what we should do."

"That's right. You don't have to say sorry for being taken advantage of by Xiao Xiao for a while." Jing Hongxue also followed Li Moyu's words to find a step for Ye Qingling: "Song Yu, last night everyone thought you were a natural person It's cool, I didn't expect that you, a person who has experience as a militia company commander, can't cover it well... Okay, okay, I didn't lose anything anyway, I just damaged some things that should have been thrown away a long time ago. I really have to thank those people."

"What should be thrown away?" Qin Zhao asked inexplicably. He knew that when his mother was around, cleaning the house every day was her greatest joy for the elderly, and there should be no waste in the house that should be thrown away but kept.

Although it is a virtue to admit mistakes face to face, few people like to talk about this virtue. Ye Qingling saw that everyone already understood her apology, and Qin Zhao didn't intend to ridicule or show off his foresight at all, so when she secretly breathed a sigh of relief, she hurriedly answered Qin Zhao's question and said, "Here, just In that black garbage bag, Jing Hong took it out from the floor of his room, and it was all damaged by the person who stole it in last night. Song Yu, you can go and throw them away later, this kind of It's not very appropriate to leave things at home..."

When Ye Qingling mentioned 'he', her eyes darkened obviously, but when she said 'this kind of thing', she was shy and her voice was even lowered.

Is there anything in my house that should not be kept? Looking at her eyes, she seems quite shy, what the hell is it? This question made Qin Zhao put down the soup bowl he had already taken a sip of, stood up and walked to the black garbage bag, bent down to open it... Just one glance made Qin Zhao angry.

My day! These offal...

There are seven or eight long CDs in the black garbage bag, but they have been broken into two by someone now, and there are more than a dozen coated paper magazines, which are now too horrible to tear. The book was a European and American men's magazine that Qin Zhao managed to find in high school. He still remembered that it took three months of pocket money to get it from Fang Jiazhao. The disc is a movie starring a certain Japanese sister. Although he doesn’t like Japanese people, he has always looked differently at a certain actress who has made great contributions to the sexual enlightenment education of teenagers all over the world. He once swore that after graduating from university, he would I made a special trip to Japan and begged her to sign it... But, but these items that witnessed his youthful youth were brutally destroyed. How could this not make Qin, who misses his youth, go crazy? mad?

Li Moyu was also wondering what was in the garbage bag, but Qin Zhao's changed face couldn't tell why. Driven by curiosity, she also put down her job and walked over. As soon as he walked to Qin Zhao's side, he saw him tightening the mouth of the bag with a clatter, and said with a half-hearted smile, "Hey, hey, hey."

Cut, Li Moyu cut, and then turned around: "What's so amazing, it's so mysterious, I haven't watched it yet." The black garbage bag in Zhao's hand.

"Yes, it's a few CDs and books about that. They're not very good-looking, but they were destroyed by someone who stole in last night." Seeing Li Moyu's resentment, Ye Qingling couldn't help telling her.

...I thought it was something, it turned out to be this thing. Isn't it just some pirated CDs and pornographic publications? Look at your mysterious appearance. If I knew it was this, please let me see it, but I wouldn't even read it. Li Moyu muttered a few words in his heart. Qin Zhao glanced at Ye Qingling and asked Ye Qingling: "Boss Ye, do you want to go to the company after eating?"

"I won't go to the company today. Yesterday morning, Mr. Ye had already made an appointment with a classmate to accompany him around today. He should be here in a while." Jing Hongxue took a sip of the soup and answered for Ye Qingling: "When the time comes we Let's go together, let Song Yu stay at home and look after the house."

In fact, if Jing Hongxue hadn't seen Ye Qingling immersed in a pessimistic atmosphere yesterday, she would not have persuaded her to accept Fu Yi's invitation. Qin Zhao died in Japan inexplicably, and she was also sad and grieved, but she didn't want the two of them to think about those unhappy things in the office every day. Going for a walk may make you feel better, after all, the dead cannot be brought back to life, and the living must continue to live.

Seeing Jing Hongxue's persistent persuasion, Ye Qingling reluctantly agreed to go out with him today to relax after Fu Yi's repeated invitation to call. Besides, we are old classmates who have a good impression of each other. They came all the way to Qingdao. If they don't give each other some face, they will always feel a little bit sorry.

The damaged books and CDs were still in the trash bin not far from the door. When Qin Zhao came to the door, he was still bitterly scolding Li Moyu for being violent. He had already scolded dozens of times, and he still felt Puzzled, he was about to take a small stone by the side of the road as Li Moyu's plump buttocks and was about to lift his foot and kick it aside, when a car horn beeped behind him.

What is the thief calling? I'm already on the far side of the road, and you're still honking! Cursing in his heart, Qin Zhao turned around and saw a grass-green off-road vehicle driving under the rising sun. The brand-new body was shining with a pleasing luster. Looking through the front windshield, A man with glasses is driving this latest Land Rover off-road vehicle very proudly.

Stepping onto the curb by the side of the road, he was about to give way to the car, but the car passed Qin Zhao and stopped at the entrance of Qin's villa. With a snort, a gas-smelling exhaust gas spewed out from the exhaust pipe, blowing up the ashes that hadn't been cleaned up on the road last night, messing with Qin Zhao.

Are you showing off to me that you are a bird? ! Qin Zhao's curse on Li Moyu was immediately given to the owner of the car for free. But he didn't understand why the car was parked in front of his house, so he went around to the front of the car, knocked on the glass with his hand, pointed to the Tie Lanshan of Qin's villa, and then pointed to the front, which means you stop I parked in the wrong place and blocked the door of my house. Get out of the car and hurry up.

The car door opened, and in Qin Zhao's eyes, a boy who was definitely a playboy appeared in front of Qin Zhao's door. He frowned and asked in an authentic Beijing accent, "What are you gesticulating?"

"Damn it," Qin Zhao asked in the most popular accent in the capital, "Dude, didn't you see your car parked at someone else's door? Move the car forward."

The man driving the Rover didn't expect Qin Zhao to be able to speak Beijing dialect. He looked at him in surprise, but he was obviously not interested in the man with the two mustaches on his sallow face: "Who are you?"

"I belong to this family..." Qin Zhao looked at the house, hesitated and said, "...the staff of this family, why, you can't see my clothes?" , but the feeling of wearing it on the body is different. There is a sense of pride in the military uniform, but this clothes only reminds him of a thing called a mouse that loves to burrow, and he lacks confidence when speaking. He hated wearing such a suit, too, but it was a must.

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