"...The staff of this house, why, you can't see my clothes?"

Qin Zhao didn't say this, Fu Yi really didn't notice that he was wearing a security uniform. It turned out to be the little security guard who looked at the gate. Fu Yi curled her lips, she didn't bother to talk to such a low-level person, so she just picked up a bunch of roses on the seat and pushed the door to get off.

"Let you drive the car forward, don't block the door... Hey, don't you understand what I'm talking to you?" Qin Zhao stood in front of him with a beard and staring eyes, and rolled up the sleeve on the right with his left hand in a pretentious manner. The appearance of a vicious slave in front of the landlord Lao Cai's gate.

"Get out of the way." Seeing this farmer from the countryside standing in front of her, Fu Yi arrogantly pushed him on Qin Zhao's bed, and then ignored him and yelled behind him without turning her head. walked into the Qin family villa.

"Hey, who are you to go in? Oh... so you are from the flower shop..." After seeing the bouquet of roses in Fu Yi's arms, Qin Zhao understood that it turned out that this was a pretty boy who brought flowers home. Who is he going to give the flowers to? Is it Xiaoxue or her? Well, it seems that Ye Qingling has more.

Qin Zhao knew that Ye Qingling had studied in Jinghua before, and this guy spoke an authentic Beijing accent, so he knew that he most likely came to see Ye Qingling. Although I'm not sure if this guy came to Qin's house to present flowers because he wants to chase Ye Qingling to be his woman, but from his high-spirited appearance, it can be seen that he really looks like those wild dogs in heat on the streets in the countryside.

Qin Zhao, who was devoted to his duties, muttered about who you are and who let you in. When Fu Yi came to the door of the living room, Ye Qingling, who had seen them for a long time, had already come out of the living room. Standing on the steps in front of the living room, the light yellow dress with a waist and high neck and short sleeves was covered with a layer of gold trim by the morning sun, making her look even more graceful and elegant.

It is indeed the best.

Qin Zhao and Fu Yi gave praises in their hearts at the same time. Before Ye Qingling smiled and wanted to say something, Fu Yi took half a step forward, bent down and handed the rose to Ye Qingling's outstretched hand, stared into her eyes and said affectionately: "Qingling, I hope You can like the flowers this time." When he presented flowers last time, Ye Qingling was in the lowest mood, what was the ultimate destination of the bouquet of roses? Even with his feet, he could guess that it was a trash can instead of In it was the vase with the broken lily.

Hearing the meaning of Fu Yi's words, Ye Qingling blushed slightly, took the bouquet of roses and said softly: "Fu Yi, you, hello, I was rude last time, please don't mind."

I don't mind, I don't mind it's just a stick... Qin Zhao squinted at this little boy named Fu Yi and answered Ye Qingling's words for him in his heart: So you have been courteous to my wife, but you just listened to her. The meaning in the words seems to be that there was no bird you last time. Maybe it was because I was in a bad mood after seeing Lao Tzu sacrificed in Japan? But, don't say that I'm not dead at all, even if her braids are upside down, she shouldn't be planning to find a new love so quickly, right? Thinking of this, Qin Zhao snorted coldly in his heart. He didn't want to look at the pair of dogs and men flirting in front of him. He turned around and walked to his office and bedroom, flattering Fu Yi and Ye Qingling. I don't want to hear it anymore.

"Song Yu."

Is this woman a cat? Before my body was cold, she was thinking about knitting a cuckold for him... Qin Zhao walked into the room, lying on the bed feeling depressed, thinking. As soon as he took out a cigarette and lit it, he saw Jing Hongxue standing in front of the door through the glass of the door, holding a whole suit of clothes, raising his hand to knock on the door.

"Minister Jing, do you have something to do?" Qin Zhao hurriedly jumped out of bed and opened the door. He stared at the casual clothes in Jing Hongxue's arms and asked, "This is not for me, is it?" The clothes he was wearing were exactly the ones he had worn before.

"Who is it for you if you don't wear it?" Jing Hongxue stuffed the clothes into his hands, and when her eyes were staring at the casual clothes, there was a deep sense of sadness: "Today, Mr. Ye is going out to relax. Put on this clothes... Be careful not to get it dirty... Hey, actually," Jing Hongxue laughed at herself when she said this, "Actually, no one will wear these clothes on the sofa, how about I'll give it to you. Come, see if it fits you well."

Qin Zhao swallowed a mouthful of saliva: "Give it to me? Don't I have a security uniform now?" Seeing Jing Hongxue nodding, he just wondered why he gave it to him, but suddenly realized: "Oh, I see, today Mr. Ye I want to go out with that pretty boy who offered flowers, Minister Jing means to let me change into this clothes and go with me."

Yes. Jing Hongxue opened the clothes for Qin Zhao: "That little boy is Mr. Ye's former college classmate from Jinghua...don't call him like that next time, or Mr. Ye will be unhappy. Well, you put on your clothes first Well, President Ye originally wanted you to stay at home to watch the house, but I always think it’s good for you to go along, at least I will feel at ease.” After what happened yesterday and last night, Jing Hongxue had some inexplicable feelings towards Qin Zhao Even though Ye Qingling originally planned to leave Qin Zhao at home to look after the house, she still thought it would be better to take him with her. For the convenience of traveling, she found out a piece of clothes that Qin Zhao had worn before and gave it to him.

"Then thank you Minister Jing, I will change it in a while."

"Well, then hurry up, I'll wait for you." Jing Hongxue nodded, turned and walked out. Standing at the gate of the street and looking at the grass-green Land Rover off-road vehicle outside, he remembered that when he first met Qin Zhao, he was also riding in this kind of vehicle, driven by Suning. At that time, Qin Zhao was like a rogue, wearing women's silk stockings in public, looking like a clown... Thinking of this, a smile bloomed on the corner of Jing Hongxue's mouth, but the smile hadn't waited for the brows to emerge from the corners of the eyes , the corners of his mouth curved down into a wry smile that was more uncomfortable than crying. Qin Zhao, the bohemian Qin Zhao who stole his first kiss, is no longer alive. If he was here, how could a boy like Fu Yi come to Qin's villa in this kind of car?

"Do you see that my clothes fit me well?" Just as Jing Hongxue was thinking wildly about the Land Rover that Fu Yi was driving, a slightly hoarse Ji Nan accent came up behind her. When she turned her head to look, Qin Zhaozheng stretched out his arms and slowly turned around with his back facing her: "Is it okay?"

"Qin Zhao!" In an instant, this familiar figure from the back immediately occupied Jing Hongxue's entire brain and vision, completely blinding her extravagant thought that Qin Zhao was really dead. The excitement that was almost suffocating dominated her to run a few steps forward, hugged Qin Zhao's waist, pressed her face tightly against his back, and murmured: "You, Don't leave me again, okay? Never leave me again, I, I'm so afraid..."

Qin Zhao, who had been trained for so many years to react quickly, seemed to be insane all of a sudden when he heard Jing Hongxue call out his name and hugged his waist tightly. But after a few seconds, he still understood that his current identity was Song Yu, Song Yu, a militia company commander from the countryside in southern Hebei. Under the eyes of Jing Hongxue who couldn't see, Ye Qingling, Li Moyu, including Fu Yi, he forced a smile and said: "Mr. Jing, do you think I am suitable in the clothes you gave me? The waist must be bigger than that." You've lost a lot of weight as you imagined, right?" As he spoke, he pretended to be careless and loosened Jing Hongxue's hand tightly clasped around his waist finger by finger, and said to Ye Qingling with a humble smile on his face: " Mr. Ye, Minister Jing just gave me a suit of clothes, and I asked her to measure my waist..."

Qin Zhao used such a lame reason to explain that it was a bit too much for him to be hugged tightly by Jing Hongxue like this, but this is the ultimate way to solve the embarrassment at present. While taking Jing Hongxue's hand away from her waist, she said to Jing Hongxue behind her in a voice that only two people could hear: "Mr. Jing, someone is here." He pinched cruelly on the back of his slippery hand.

"Ah!" Jing Hongxue finally woke up from the pain stimulated by her imaginings. After seeing the strange expressions on the faces of Ye Qingling and the others through Qin Zhao's body, her face suddenly turned red, and she hugged Qin Zhao. Zhao's hands were thrown behind her back like an electric shock, and she felt her body was burning hot from the blush on her face, and she murmured, "Song Yu, Song Yu, yes, I'm sorry..."

It turns out, it turns out that this girl also likes me... The man's strong possessive inertia made Qin Zhao suddenly feel a sense of pride, but now is not the time to be proud, this feeling should be tasted carefully after her embarrassment is resolved Right... In order to understand Jing Hongxue's embarrassment, Qin Zhao said loudly on purpose: "Mr. Jing, isn't the waistline of the clothes a little too loose?"

"Mm, um, it's a bit, a little bit wide... But, but it barely fits." Jing Hongxue echoed Qin Zhao's words incoherently, raised her hand and lifted a bunch of messy hair hanging down to her ear, and lowered her head. Looking down at the ground, Ye Qingling and the others explained: "I saw that it was not appropriate for Song Yu to travel in the original security uniform, so I gave him a suit of clothes. Just, just now..."

"Minister Jing, your eyes are quite high. I think Song Yu's clothes fit you well." Li Moyu, who had received special training like Qin Zhao, reflected much faster than Ye Qingling, and changed the subject in a casual tone. Come to rescue Jing Hongxue: "Boss Ye, are we going to Xiaoqing Island Film and Television City today? It's the National Day period, and I think there must be a lot of people. It seems that we have to hurry up?"

"Ah..." Ye Qingling just now woke up from the shock of why Jing Hongxue hugged Qin Zhao, and suddenly understood why Li Moyu mentioned the fact that there are many people in the film and television city today, and said in a hurry: "Yes, people It must be indispensable, I think it’s better to go outside quickly.”

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