Qin Zhao didn't care who Zichuan Haoyue was. In his eyes, even if this Zichuan Haoyue is just a dog, as long as there is a threat to the people around him, he will feel nervous for no reason.

The so-called barefoot is not afraid of wearing shoes, which means that the more things you have, the greater your worries. If you don't have anything and die, you will have the idea of ​​​​fighting and fighting.

If Qin Zhao had seen this piece of paper and dagger a few months ago, he might have ignored it, at most he would have regarded this Zichuan Haoyue as a mad dog. It's fine if you don't rush forward, if you really want to talk, just kick back. As for whether being kicked back is dead or alive, Qin is too lazy to care, because he has always been grateful to the blood eagle. The theory of 'killing but not burying' is highly respected.

In the past, the reason why Qin Zhao didn't look down on those terrifying bigwigs and mercenary upstarts from Mansheng International was entirely because he and his brothers lived a life of licking blood on the knife's edge. If there is no movement for a long time On the contrary, you will feel idle and itchy all over. But it's different now, he has returned to the world of normal people now, he has a family, a job and a woman, and he no longer has the chicness of "one person can eat enough for the whole family and the whole family won't be hungry". Anyone's threat may destroy the happiness he enjoys now... Anyway, let's put it this way, if in the past, if this Zichuan Haoyue threatened or plotted against him, he would graciously say welcome. But if it is as the faint meaning revealed on the paper, avoiding him and looking for people related to him to attack, then he can't even think about having a headache, because now there are too many people who he cares about, and It can be said that there are too many worries.

To sum up, after seeing the meaning on the paper sent by others, can Qin Zhao feel the danger in his heart?

Dare to threaten Lao Tzu, don't let me catch you, or you will have to regret being reincarnated in this life! After cursing like that poor beggar in his heart, Qin Zhao tore up the piece of paper and scattered it in the elevator, and pulled out the dagger called 'Yaolan'. This is a short dagger about twenty centimeters long and three inches wide. The dagger itself is similar to those plastic children sold in the market. The only difference is that there is a moon-like indentation on the side of the dagger handle. The indentation can be as deep as a grain of rice. I don't know what it is for.

What does it mean that the mentally retarded sent me this demon blue? Why did Cao Binger also have such a short dagger on the piece of paper that Cao Binger stole from Fu Yi last time, and it was also drawn with the Feilangyu Finger Wrench? Qin Zhao gently wiped the dagger with his index finger, and suddenly his heart moved. Flipping over the dagger, looking at the dent on the handle, he sneered contemptuously.

After seeing this indentation and thinking of the shape of the jade wrench finger, Qin Zhao suddenly realized that the reason why there is such a circular indentation on the handle of this short dagger called Yaolan is that people use a suitable round Press the shaped object on it, and then the handle of the demon blue dagger will be opened... The demon blue dagger can be drawn together with the flying wolf jade finger, which indirectly illustrates a possibility: the flying wolf finger itself is just a It was an ordinary finger, but when it was pressed on the handle of this demon blue dagger, it might not be ordinary anymore, maybe it would open the door like a key in the lock.

"So that's how it is," Qin Zhao, who had figured it out instantly, nodded and said to himself, "The reason why this guy named Zichuan Haoyue sent me this counterfeit one is undoubtedly to remind me to be obedient. Donate the Flying Wolf Finger, or this Dongdong will attack the people around me... Why don't you stand in front of me with a real demon blue dagger and shout robbery?"

In the future, if you have time, you will have to ask your uncle and the others if the Flying Wolf Pulling Finger has to be merged with the Demon Blue Dagger to produce any miracles. After getting out of the elevator, Qin Zhao casually threw the short dagger into the trash can. Now that I have decided to ask in the future when I have free time, why do I keep such a broken knife now? It is not true. The most important task right now is to settle these women down. Thinking of someone wanting to ask for the jade finger by threatening the people around him again, he can't help but get a headache.

"Sister Xiao Wang, where are Mr. Ye and the others?" Qin Zhao walked out of the 18th floor of the stairs and happened to bump into Xiao Wang who was cleaning the reception room, and greeted him with a smile. When Chen Huanhong beat Wang Qing violently just now, the ground was in a mess. Since Xiao Wang wanted to perform well in front of the boss, he automatically asked to stay and clean up.

"Ah, it's Secretary Qin. President Ye and the others have gone to the conference room. I'll clean up here." When Xiao Wang saw Qin Zhao talking to her, his eyes kept staring at her upturned buttocks when she leaned over to mop the floor. , hurriedly covered his buttocks with his backhand as if stung by a scorpion, his little face blushed: "Hey, where are you looking?"

"Oh, then clean it well, I'll go find them and ask for credit for you." After being spotted by the little girl's impure eyes, Qin Zhao touched his chin embarrassingly, turned around and entered again with a perfunctory sentence. elevator.

It's almost noon and the meeting hasn't ended yet? Pushing open the door of the conference room with this question in mind, Qin Zhaoxian smiled courteously at the gazes of so many people looking at him together, and then sat down with Li Dan again amidst the people's "Oh, so it's you again". Beside him, everyone looking at the documents carefully asked in a low voice, "It's already noon, why hasn't the meeting ended yet?"

"I don't know, I just saw that Mr. Ye's face was sour when he came back, and he didn't say to continue the meeting or break up the meeting for dinner. After she came in, everyone didn't dare to speak, so they had to look at the documents carefully. Hey, did you make Boss Ye angry again? Otherwise, why would she just sit there and drink tea without saying a word after she came back?" Li Dan lowered his head and carefully glanced at Ye Qingling who put down his teacup, and said in a low voice. The voice answered Qin Zhao.

Do I have such a great ability to make her always angry? Before he could say this, Qin Zhao saw Ye Qingling raised his head and glanced at the audience after putting down his teacup, and patted his hands lightly: "Okay, everyone has read the documents, right? After you go back, take care of yourself." Let's discuss and see where there are loopholes. Next, let me announce a few things."

The eyeballs of the heads of departments have long been hurting from reading the documents, but Ye Qingling did not dare to leave the meeting without saying that the meeting was over, especially when she came back from a trip, her face was so gloomy that she was almost dripping water. No one dared to say anything casually, and even panting was much lighter than before. Now I heard that the boss wants to announce a few things. Although I don't know if these things are directly related to me, it is better to have something to say than to be silent.

As everyone couldn't help but slowly let out the breath that had been held in their hearts for a long time, Ye Qingling stood up, leaning on the edge of the table with both hands, and said in a particularly low tone: "The comrades from the public security agency just sent a piece of unfortunate news. The deputy director of Tianhe Group's planning department, Jin Ling and Minister Jin, died last night at Lingling Xiaozhu's home...the reason was a fire."


How is this possible? Yesterday morning, we were still together talking and laughing at the morning meeting. I said why I didn’t see her come to the meeting today. It turns out... Ye Qingling had just finished speaking, and the originally quiet conference room was suddenly filled with low panic. The cry was like a gust of wind suddenly blowing over a calm lake, causing circles of ripples. Although the water was finally quiet because of the wind, it had a vitality that was not there before.

"Stand up." After the whispers in the conference room gradually subsided, Ye Qingling slowly said in the tone of the announcer who was full of nostalgia after the death of some important figures on the radio: "Let us pay for the gold medal." The deputy minister observed three minutes of silence, and I wish her all the best on her way to heaven."

Following Ye Qingling's words, dozens of department executives stood up one after another. Even Li Moyu, who had been sitting behind Ye Qingling, thought that he didn't know what this Jinling was for, and why should she let Li Er The young lady's reluctance to mourn for her also stood up. Originally, Qin Zhao really planned not to stand up, but to mourn for her? Shit, death is more than worthwhile. However, Li Dan, who didn't know the actual situation, saw that the old man was still sitting on the Diaoyutai, fearing that he would be reprimanded by Ye Qingling, he quickly reached out and grabbed his arm, complaining in a low voice: "You are stupid, my colleagues are gone. , why don't you hurry up and mourn together, why are you putting on airs...Aren't you afraid of offending your colleagues?"

That's right, it doesn't seem like what this girl said was unreasonable. Seeing that standing up and bowing your head for three minutes can be exchanged for the approval of others, stand up and stand up. Besides, standing up and bowing your head is not necessarily a silent tribute to her. In many cases, maybe it is to see if anyone has dropped something on the ground? Qin Zhao lazily stood up, as if he was really looking for something on the ground, his eyes looked around.

"Okay, everyone, please sit down." Fortunately, three minutes is not too long, and Ye Qingling quickly asked everyone to sit down again. Otherwise, Qin Zhao might really want to bend down and pinch Li Dan's feet and ask her: Where did you buy these shoes from? I see how you dress so well?

"Next, I will delay everyone's lunch break and announce two appointments and dismissals." Ye Qingling did not sit down with the crowd, but continued to announce the appointments and dismissals that had been considered just now.

In any company, including a purely private company like Tianhe Group, where the boss says that one is one, from the vice president to the lowest-level intern, there is no one who is not interested in the company's personnel appointments and dismissals, although the promotion and promotion of others may not necessarily be the same as their own. There is a relationship, but maybe one day you will deal with these people. So after hearing Ye Qingling say that new appointments and dismissals would be announced, everyone's ears perked up. Those with low positions are thinking about whether they might be promoted because of their recent outstanding performance, while those with high positions are reflecting on whether they have made mistakes recently.

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