After everyone heard that Ye Qingling was going to announce the appointment and dismissal of personnel, the slightly sad atmosphere because of Jin Ling's death just now was swept away, replaced by apprehension and excitement.

When others die, their relatives and friends will be there to mourn, but the appointment and removal of personnel that will be announced immediately is what everyone present is concerned about. Regarding everyone's reaction at this time, please don't blame them with words like people who are in a bad world and take tea to cool down. You and Jinling have nothing to do with each other, and you will do the same. There is nothing moral or immoral Yes, it's just human nature.

As for everyone's speculation about who will be promoted and who will be demoted, Ye Qingling didn't make them wait too long, and said bluntly: "In view of the vacancy left by the deputy director of the planning department after the unfortunate death of Vice Minister Jinling, from now on the Li Dan, the original wiring secretary, took over." After Ye Qingling finished speaking, she paused for a while, and looked at Li Dan, who was still wondering if he was dreaming after hearing that he had suddenly become a middle-level and high-level cadre in the company. : "Li Dan, congratulations! I hope you can perform better in your new job and don't let me down."

"I, I, I..." Li Dan, who was dazed by the sudden happiness, stood up in a hurry, crossed his hands and kept twisting his fingers. He only said three "I" for a while and didn't know. What words of thanks do you use to express your excitement. It's not her fault, although she has been in the company for a long time and can see the top leaders of Tianhe Group every day, but Li Dan, who only has a college degree, his daily job is to help Ye Qingling answer the phone and clean up Office hygiene. He also bears the title of secretary in name, but compared with the personal secretaries of the bosses like Chu Xiangxiang, Zhao Min, and Qin Zhao, no matter the prestige and salary, it is really different to describe it.

The reason Li Dan was invited to participate in the company's mid-level and high-level meetings today was entirely because Ye Qingling felt that Qin, the secretary, was really incompetent, and temporarily asked her to replace Qin Zhao in sending out materials and recording important speeches and other trivial matters. . But now, after hearing that he had jumped from an operator to become the deputy director of the planning department, Li Dan was really stunned, and he couldn't even speak after standing up happily.

"Why don't you thank the boss soon, and show her your loyalty?" Qin Zhao saw the little girl's face was flushed, and knew that her happiness came too suddenly, which made her temporarily lose her ability to express herself, so she quietly pulled her away. He tugged on her skirt and reminded her in a low voice. As for Li Dan, Qin Zhao still had a pretty good impression of her. Although most of this good impression was left when she molested other people's children, he also heard from Jing Hongxue that when this little girl thought she died in Japan, I often shed tears with Ye Qingling and the others. Seeing that Ye Qingling promoted her to be the deputy head of the planning department and partner with Jing Hongxue at this time, she was also secretly happy for her, praising Ye Qingling for being a bit stupid, but she has a good eye for people.

"Thank you boss! Thank you all the leaders here! Li Dan will definitely not let Mr. Ye and the leaders down!" After Qin Zhao's secret reminder, Li Dan recovered from his happiness and hurriedly spoke to Ye Qing Ling thanked the middle and high-level cadres present. In the end, she didn't know what was going on, but the little girl turned around and bowed deeply to Qin Zhao who was sitting next to her with a serious expression on her face: "I would like to thank Secretary Qin!"

Qin Zhao is the real boss of Tianhe. Others may not know this, but Li Dan has already known it. Since she is about to be appointed as the deputy head of the planning department, she must be getting a much higher salary than before, and she might be able to get a house like Inspiration Xiaozhu soon. But such superior conditions were all provided by Tianhe, in other words, it was provided by the Qin family. There is nothing wrong with her deliberately expressing her gratitude to Qin Zhao, but the key is that people don’t know that Qin Zhao is the real boss of Tianhe now. , will only think that there is a possibility that there is an ulterior secret between them, and Qin Zhaocai helped her sit in this position.

Oh, it turns out that her being the deputy director of the Planning Department has something to do with Secretary Qin... Although no one said this sentence, everyone had the original expression in their eyes, which made Qin Zhao feel embarrassed , I felt as if I had taken advantage of Li Dan, so I recommended her to Ye Qingling as the deputy minister.

After Li Dan had finished speaking, he felt that it was unwise to thank a young man especially now, especially after seeing Qin with his eyes rolled up, he felt even more embarrassed, and just wanted to open his mouth Explaining something, but saw Qin Zhao pointing to the chair under her body. Dazed by happiness, Li Dan was taken aback for a moment, before he realized what he was pointing at the chair for, he heard Mr. Ye's voice again.

"Okay, Li Dan, please sit down. Don't forget to go to the personnel department to get the personnel transfer order in the afternoon." Ye Qingling looked at Qin Zhao, who was looking elsewhere, and told Li Dan to sit down and continue. Her second personnel appointment: "Because the company is now facing a huge development opportunity, I believe everyone knows that this is to cooperate with the Pearl Consortium to develop the East China Sea Oilfield. I feel that the company is getting stronger and stronger now. In addition to this imminent In addition to major events, there are still many issues that need to be decided by me as the boss...Well, to tell you the truth, a person's energy is limited. With the rapid development of the company, I am indeed tired. So, today I A vice president is going to be appointed here."

vice president? !

Wow... Everyone gasped.

You must know that in other companies, whether it is a state-owned enterprise or a joint-stock private enterprise, every company with fixed assets reaching billions of dollars will have one or several vice presidents to assist the president's work, but Tianhe is completely different, there is no such thing as a vice president at all. . In the past, in Tianhe, apart from Qin Tianhe, the president, the general managers of various departments were directly below him. Although he now puts himself in the chairman's seat, everyone understands that the company has no board of directors at all, and the entire Tianhe Group is in the hands of the Qin family.

By doing this, Qin Tianhe completely intended to hand over the entire company to Ye Qingling while he ran away to enjoy the blessings. How many days had it been since he hadn't seen him, and he didn't even show his face? But now, the company is about to have a new vice president! Apart from Ye Qingling, a role that can override the general managers of all departments will be created from people other than the Qin family. So, who will this person be?

Since even an operator can become a deputy minister, nothing is impossible. Well, the vice president who will be appointed by Mr. Ye must not be me, because I didn't come to the meeting pretending to be Suxiao Jiuxin pill...

Seeing that everyone was looking at her nervously, not daring to breathe, Ye Qingling smiled lightly. When the smile hadn't fully bloomed from the corner of her mouth, she said in a very serious tone: "Now I will announce that the name of the first vice president born in the history of Tianhe Group is..." Wait until everyone's appetite Even Qin Zhao, whose face was full of indifference all the time, was listening with pricked ears, Ye Qingling finally said the name of the vice president: "Li Moyu!"

Li Moyu! ?

Who is Li Moyu? Except for Director Jiang and Jing Hongxue of the Security Department, and Li Dan, who was just appointed as the Deputy Director of the Planning Department, all the directors and managers of all departments were at a loss when they heard the name 'Li Moyu'. They didn't know anyone named Li Moyu at all, and they didn't even know whether Li Moyu was a man or a woman. But such a person who doesn't know whether he is a man or a woman will become the first vice president in Tianhe Group's history. This, Mr. Ye didn't have a fever today, did he?

Not to mention that everyone was surprised by Ye Qingling's sudden appointment as vice president, even Li Moyu himself did not expect that Ye Qingling would arrange for her a vice president position in the company. Although in the reception room just now, Ye Qingling also promised her that as soon as her 9.99 million arrives in the account, she will terminate the bodyguard contract with her, and arrange a position for her in the company where she can get close to Qin Zhao. The two are fighting for Qin Zhao. At that time, Li Moyu thought that Ye Qingling would definitely arrange for her a position like Li Dan's operator secretary to humiliate her. Although she doesn't care what job she does in the company, as long as she is given the opportunity to compete for Qin Zhao, but if the position is very low, her confidence will drop invisibly.

Especially after hearing that Li Dan had been promoted to the deputy head of the planning department, Li Moyu was even more firm in his opinion, thinking that Ye Qingling had deliberately arranged for Li Dan to go to the planning department, vacating the position of operator for her. While she sneered in her heart, she was also a little helpless. After all, the wiring secretariat and Qin Zhao's secretary's office are diagonally opposite, so that you can get in touch with Qin Zhao every day. Although the wiring secretary is doing odd jobs for Ye Qingling, you can't blame Ye Qingling for breaking his promise.

When Ye Qingling announced her second personnel appointment, Li Moyu knew that she would take this opportunity to attack her, and would definitely arrange for her to take over Li Dan's position as an operator, so she was ready to wait. Ye Qingling stood up without being overbearing when she was appointed and said, "Thank you Mr. Ye for your cultivation". But to her surprise, Ye Qingling said that she would appoint a vice president. At that time, she thought to herself: Wouldn't someone be so kind as to appoint me? However, if you really appoint me, then you have foresight. With my contacts in Huaxia, if I help Tianhe conscientiously, hehe, it will be difficult for Tianhe not to develop...

Although Li Moyu thought about it in her heart, she really didn't believe that Ye Qingling would let her take the vice president's seat, so she continued to casually manicure her nails with nail clippers. But what she never expected was that Ye Qingling actually appointed her as the vice president of Tianhe Group in front of the high-level officials and Qin Zhao. This appointment was so unexpected that she almost made her use nail clippers. The slender and slender index finger of the left hand was scratched.

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