"Oh, I really know how to hurt a man, Xiao Zhao, don't you know that the breakfast he ate was the sum of the five of us?" Li Moyu glanced at Qin Zhao, and slowly turned the porcelain bowl in his hand: "However, he I also ate the half bowl of rice that originally belonged to me, but used it to replenish my strength to serve others, tsk tsk, in my heart, thinking about it is really unpleasant."

"I..." Zhan Zhao shrank his neck, and stretched out his hand to grab the bowl of rice back.

Li Moyu's jealous words, all the girls including Qin Zhao could of course understand what it meant. Qin Zhao could pretend not to hear it with his thick skin, and Kailins could ignore it with her advanced European and American theories, but Ye Qingling and the others couldn't stand it, especially seeing the innocent look on this guy's face , secretly praising this person in his heart for his unusually thick skin.

"Forget it." Qin Zhao stood up and walked to the window, reached out and knocked on the glass, and when he saw Wang Yashan who was standing under the window, she turned around and said, "Hey, send two Send Zhan Zhao to work personally." After she finished speaking, she turned around and walked towards the living room without waiting for any reaction from her, anyway, she should know who Zhan Zhao is and where she works. While walking, he said: "Xiao Zhao, let her take you in a Hummer when you go to work, the car is very comfortable to sit in. Also, don't be polite to her, this is what they should do... Yawn, Why are you so sleepy, you eat slowly, I'll go to sleep for a while."

"Hey, didn't you say that we went out to buy something together after dinner? Why are you going back to bed again?" Seeing that he was going back to the house, Jing Hongxue quickly stood up and reminded him.

"If I go out with my current image, what if the police arrest me as a drug addict? If I want to eat the food you cook, I will have to trouble you to deliver it to the police station. So, now I'd better raise Go out in good spirits, no matter how urgent things are, you can’t go out casually to affect the appearance of our Qingdao city..." Qin Zhao said nonsense, walked up the stairs with his waist twisted, and the woman in the restaurant was stunned . .

"Who is this, really." After a while, Jing Hongxue patted the table with her hand, looked helplessly at the girls who were all bowing their heads to drink soup, and sat back in the chair with a sigh.

What is this thing? You said you can do whatever you want with me, and you really use me as a maid? Wang Yashan outside the window was stunned for a while before turning around. You can't fight, but you have to follow his orders. It's really embarrassing to be a soldier. However, how does this guy know that the current code name of our team is Phoenix Dance Twelve Styles? Could it be that the higher-ups also told him about the name change of our team because of worshiping Longteng Twelve Moon? Strange, who is he, mysterious...

... When Qin Zhao came out Shi Shiran after half an hour of ink in the bathroom, the sun in the west was about to set. Although it was only around 4:30 in the afternoon, the sun in late October I have become lazy, and I want to go home and sleep early.

Putting on a dark blue shirt, smelling the mint smell on the clothes, Qin Zhao was very grateful to Jing Hongxue, which made him smile sincerely and purely when he saw Jing Hongxue: "Xiaoxue , let's go out to buy something, don't worry about it, just stroll and walk casually."

After Jing Hongxue and the others who were watching TV with their backs to Qin Zhao heard his words, they all turned their heads to look at Qin Zhao who was going down the stairs, and then they were all taken aback.

"What's the matter?" Qin Zhao touched his chin that had just been shaved strangely, looked down at his clothes, and even looked at the crotch of his trousers, and saw that there was nothing unbuttoned showing something shameful Seeing the flaws in the eyes, he raised his eyes in doubt and asked: "Why, everyone doesn't know me anymore? Could it be that I became more handsome after sleeping?"

"Cut..." After hearing these words, several women cut their heads at the same time and turned their heads. But I was wondering in my heart: Why does this guy look so handsome? Especially after shaving, not only does he not give people the feeling of a little boy, but also makes people feel that he is a lot more stable and has an extra sense of security. Why didn't he pay attention before?

"Qin, how often do you shave your beard?" After all, Europeans and Americans were outspoken, and Kailinsi couldn't hold back anything in her heart. After cutting her head, she turned her head and asked.

"Well, it's about 20 days a month. Hehe, don't I look handsome now? If I go out, it may cause traffic jams." Qin Zhao walked down the stairs without shame, and walked from the wall by the wall. He picked up a Li-Ning sports top from the hanger and put it on the *: "You guys are here to slowly reminisce about brother's handsome image, Xiaoxue, let's go, let's go out for a walk."

"Why don't you want me to go with you? No, I want to go too." Seeing Qin Zhao repeatedly asking Jing Hongxue to go with her, but turning a blind eye to other women, Li Moyu was not very happy. Although she knew that Ye Qingling was also upset about this, but Ye Qingling was a very reserved woman, even if she liked it, she wouldn't say it.

"No, you stay at home honestly. Hmph, if you go out with me, I'm really afraid that you will wink at others outside, and that will cause a lot of trouble." Qin Zhao said coldly After replying to Li Moyu, he opened the door and walked out of the living room.

"You... bastard." Li Moyu stomped his feet resentfully, but Qin Zhao didn't turn around and ask her to go out together because of her losing his temper.

In the Qin family courtyard, there were six more grass-green marching tents in just one afternoon. It seems that Wang Yashan and the others will live here permanently after they prepare. Although I can't understand Wang Yashan very much, but she is indeed here to protect herself. Now that they have come to their own house, they can't let them live in tents, anyway, there are many guest rooms in the house.

"Hey," greeted Wang Yashan and the others who were busy in front of the tent. Qin Zhao took out a cigarette and put it in his mouth. After they turned their heads, he said, "There are plenty of rooms at home. You don't need to set up tents here." Yes. Although it is not possible to achieve one person per room, four people per room is always possible. Hurry up and tear down these tents that hinder the view of the Qin family villa, and go to the guest room to arrange a place to live... Hey, talking to you, you guys Why are you staring at me with straight eyes? Hehe, you don’t envy me for being so handsome, do you?”

"Beautiful..." After hearing what Qin Zhao said, Wang Yashan realized that she was really watching this rascal all the time, couldn't help but blushed, lowered her head hastily and refused in a blunt tone: "No need. We are on a mission, and we are not here to go sightseeing, so we can just live in a tent." Could it be that I was dazzled in the morning? Or did this guy get a face lift this afternoon? Why do you look at him so... handsome? Although Wang Yashan really didn't want to admit that Qin Zhao, who had shaved and slept soundly all day, and was wearing a light blue shirt, was indeed very handsome, but she knew that her eyes could not deceive her.

"It's up to you. Anyway, I've packed up the rooms for you. It's in the row of rooms to the east of the villa. However, for the sake of us soldiers, I still advise you to live in the house." Speaking of this, He exhaled a puff of smoke and said to Jing Hongxue who came out, "Xiaoxue, let's go."

"Hey, where are you going?" Seeing that the two of them were about to go out without saying hello to her, Wang Yashan hurriedly asked, "Remember to say hello to me before going out next time, so I can help you Arrange manpower."

"Go and buy some TVs and computers for you. You don't live here for half a day. I can't let you stare at the wall and miss home every day, right? Your task is to protect the women in the house. I don't need you to do it for me." I am worried about my safety." After Qin Zhao said a few words without looking back, he walked out of the courtyard gate of Qin's villa.

"How can this be done? What if something happens to you, what should I do?" Seeing that Qin Zhao walked out of the courtyard without stopping at all, Wang Yashan put the things in her hand on the ground, turned her head and shouted: "Xiao Xiao, We go out with them and the rest get on with their work!"

"Yes!" Xiao Xiao responded, and handed over the things in his hands to his comrades, and followed Wang Yashan out of the courtyard gate.

"Wang Dui, do you think this guy is actually quite handsome?" Not far behind Qin Zhao, Jing Hongxue, Xiao Xiao asked Wang Yashan with a smile on his face, "Look at the way you panicked just now. , I'm worried that something will happen to him, right?"

"Fuck you, what are you talking about? Who is worried that something will happen to him? Humph, it would be better if he died now. I followed him in a hurry, because I was afraid that something would happen to him on the road, so that we would not be able to explain to the higher-ups... ...Okay, do you look handsome at him? Do you want me to tell him how you feel in your heart?" First, she blushed again, and for some reason, when Wang Yashan looked at Qin Zhao's back, There was indeed a strange feeling in my heart. Fearing that Xiao Xiao would see something, he hurriedly brought the topic to her.

"Cut, I don't want this kind of philandering. There are so many women around me. Thinking about competing with so many beautiful women every day, it doesn't make me worry to death... However, Wang Dui, you can do it, because which one?" If a woman dares to fight with you, you just punch and kick and go!"

"I don't think this guy is an ordinary person. Didn't you see that the women named Li Moyu and Zhan Zhao are actually professionally trained masters? You can tell from the way they get angry in front of this guy, this guy should not be simple. "Wang Yashan shook her head. She could occasionally see something through Qin Zhao's walking posture, but she always couldn't see it anymore before she caught those suspicious points.

"What's not simple, I think he is just a rich second generation who is covered by someone. Hmph, those women must like him because he is rich. How can they compare with you, Wang Dui? "Xiao Xiao said unconvinced.

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