"Xiao Xiao, you are wrong." Wang Yashan paused slightly, and when she was beside Xiao Xiao, she said seriously: "Although I don't know why those women are willing to be angry in front of him, but they are definitely not for money. He's together. Let's not talk about the value of the accessories they wear, just by their personal temperament, you should see that they are not the kind of gold diggers."

"Then, what's going on?"

"I don't know either, but it will become clear in the future." Wang Yashan took a long breath and paid herself: When this task is completed, if you can't make you forget me for the rest of your life, I will take your surname as grandma!

Money, whether it is real gold or silver in the past or the paper with portraits of great men painted on it, is sometimes not valued by those hermits like Tao Yuanming, and is dubbed the word "copper stink". But more often, this kind of stuff with a different flavor is very flattering, especially in the current economic society, it is the protagonist who dominates the world, it is not at all to say that it has traveled all over the world to taste all the good colors True. Don't you see, after Qin Zhaogang walked into a certain brand of home appliance store and took out the diamond card of a certain bank, the sales lady turned her eyes, which were originally bigger than walnuts, into a line?

"Sir, this is the latest 42-inch plasma color TV that went on the market this fall. It has a complete set of functions. Not only can it receive digital signals, but it can also be used as a computer monitor. Of course, the price is also very reasonable, only 18,888 yuan ..." The sales lady of a certain brand of home appliances is definitely a master of goods. After Qin Zhao stood in front of the sample color TV and took out the diamond card, she abandoned a middle-aged couple who had been chatting with her for an unknown amount of time. , with dimpled face and upturned mouth, greeted him.

"En," knocking on the TV screen with his fingers, Qin Zhao hummed and wanted to say that it was quite cheap, but then he turned to Jing Hongxue and asked, "What do you think of the price?"

If Qin Zhao asked Jing Hongxue the price of the latest trendy clothing, she would definitely quote a lot of prices that were indistinguishable from each other without hesitation. Spectrum. However, keeping outsiders here, since Qin Zhao asked her, she was embarrassed to say that she didn't understand. He hesitated for a while and took a step forward, pretending to be an expert, looked around at the brand-new plasma and said: "It's very good, since it can be used as a computer monitor and can also receive digital signals, the price of 18888 is also considered It’s reasonable, I think it’s okay, I can buy it.”

Due to the influence of their own growth environment, whether it is Qin Zhao who returned home from the army, or Jing Hongxue, the eldest daughter of the Pearl Tower Group, both of them have a very weak awareness of money. They only know that buying things without money is not enough, but as for the price of the items they want to buy, it depends entirely on how much money they have with them.

"Okay." After getting Jing Hongxue's opinion, Qin Zhao waved his hand, "Since the price is very fair, then come, let's come to Qitai."

"Crazy, money to burn!" What do you mean the price is very fair? Could it be that this man's family runs a banknote printing factory? The asking price of 18,888 sets of color TVs is not even paid back, and they want seven sets, so the bargaining between the couple and the sales lady just now is not a waste of work... Seeing that the two look very energetic, it turns out that they have brains problem. The middle-aged couple saw that the sales lady was trembling when she heard Qin Zhao say that she wanted seven color TVs, and she was so excited that she took a pen and was about to issue a receipt. They knew that today's saliva was wasted, and they squinted at Qin Zhao Then turned around and left.

"Hey, it's strange, who was that woman talking about crazy just now?" Qin Zhao turned to ask Jing Hongxue.

"I don't know, but I think it has something to do with us." Jing Hongxue shook her head, and suddenly patted the booth, startling the sales lady who was about to issue a receipt. Before he could ask anything, Jing Hongxue smiled apologetically and said, "Please wait for the meeting, I'll ask my companion if the seven channels are enough." After speaking, she pulled Qin Zhao aside and said in a low voice, "Maybe it's because of you. Bought a color TV without counter-offering and said we were crazy, didn’t you hear the phrase that you have money to burn behind this crazy?”

"I heard it, but we do have money. Hey, let her say it, she doesn't care if we burn money anyway."

"I know, it's true that we have money, but it doesn't seem right to spend money to make a madman?" Jing Hongxue hesitated and looked at Wang Yashan who was standing not far behind: "Why don't we ask them?"

"Don't ask, I don't know the market anymore, they know nothing," Qin Zhao waved his hand impatiently, and handed her the diamond card: "Besides, don't ask them to pay if it's expensive, okay, hurry up Checkout, I'm going out to smoke a cigarette."

Seeing Qin Zhao's decisive look, Jing Hongxue had no choice but to say "oh", asked him for the bank card password, and then went to deal with the sales lady. After swiping the card at the cash register and leaving the exact address, she went out to find Qin Zhao. When passing by Wang Yashan and Xiao Xiao who were standing at the door and watching Qin Zhao's movements, Jing Hongxue suddenly asked Wang Yashan, "What do you think of the price of this color TV?"

"The 42-inch plasma is priced at 18888, which is very cheap..." Wang Yashan stretched out her hand and flicked the shoulder of the black suit she had just put on, and answered Jing Hongxue. Said: "...it's strange!"

"Wang Dui, you shouldn't have stopped me just now. Anyway, he spent money for us, right?" Xiao Xiao patted Wang Yashan's arm and said, "This kind of color TV in Jinghua is only in the early ten thousand. , even if it is more expensive in Qing Island, it will not exceed 15,000, we should help him bargain."

"Come on, Xiao Xiao, we didn't ask him for any color TV. He said he would buy it. Besides, didn't you hear him tell Jing Hong just now that we know what? Cut, this kind of person is actually It was burnt with money. Is it expensive? You deserve it!” Wang Yashan curled her lips, still angry at Qin Zhao’s words just now.

"You... well, let's not talk about it, anyway, he paid the money, so hurry up and follow them." Seeing that the captain didn't have a good impression of Qin Zhao at all, Xiao Xiao shook his head helplessly. Although she also looked down on Qin Zhao, a rich second generation, but after seeing him buying such an expensive color TV for the soldiers without frowning, she still couldn't bear to be taken advantage of by him.

"Did you ask them about the color TV just now?" Qin Zhao put his hands in his trousers pockets, with a cigarette in his mouth, and asked Jing Hongxue who followed, his eyes darting around.

"Yes, did you hear that?"

"Hey, no," Qin Zhao chuckled, and just happened to see a fortune-telling stall on the roadside with a piece of white cloth on the ground, so he said, "I did the math, and I'm sure they said we bought it pretty cheap."

"You know how to calculate? Come on, you... Hey, let's see the fortune-telling here, why don't we do the fortune-telling?" At this time, Jing Hongxue also saw the small stall, and stopped in her footsteps.

"Hey, what's the meaning of this? It's all a lie. I'm not interested in it." Qin Zhao shook his head, glanced at the old fortune-teller who seemed to be a little fairy-like, and said, "It's okay if you do the calculation." , if you count any calamities or calamities, you have to spend money to buy peace of mind."

"My little brother is wrong. Since divination has existed for thousands of years, there is a reason for its existence. How can it be said that it is a lie?" The passing voices did not make him miss Qin Zhao's words: "Although sometimes the calculated results are unsatisfactory, but it is due to fate. If you want to prevent it in advance, of course you have to spend a lot of money. I believe you have heard the saying that money can be avoided. Bar?"

I really didn't expect that the words "spending money and avoiding disasters" were calculated by fortune telling, Qin Zhao secretly laughed in his heart. I wanted to pull Jing Hongxue out of the way, but after hearing these words from the old man, I wanted to see how he could trick me into giving him the money willingly: "Old man, that Mount Tai is not built, How did the saying that the Yellow River does not pee come from?"

"I don't know." The old fortune-teller didn't expect Qin Zhao to ask such a tricky question, he was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and said he didn't know.

"I know, it was blown out." Seeing that the old man really didn't know what was right, Qin Zhao laughed triumphantly: "Haha, then you do the math for me, and I'll see if you can do it right."

Wang Yashan saw that Qin Zhao suddenly stopped talking nonsense with the old man, so she had to stop and stand aside to wait for him. Seeing the smug smile on his face, he sneered, looked at the vehicles on the road and thought: Taking jokes of the old man as a joke is really depraved.

"That depends on what you want to count, for example, fortune or marriage..." The old man didn't mind Qin Zhao's teasing at all, as long as he came out to hang out, he might run into any kind of bird, anyway, as long as he gave him money.

In terms of money, I don’t seem to be short of money. Let’s not say that we are starting a company to be the boss... Secretary, even the women around me are all rich owners. If you want money, you just need to touch your upper lip to your lower lip. This is useless. Let's count it as a marriage. It just so happens that there are so many women around me. Let's see how this old man lied to me. After making up his mind, Qin Zhao replied with a grin: "Then you can calculate the marriage for me, and see if I can find a wife."

"That's good," the old man agreed, and looked up at the pure and beautiful Jing Hongxue standing beside Qin Zhao, with the question of 'this is not your wife' in his eyes, he took out a bamboo tube from the side and put it on the ground: "You can do whatever you want. Take a bamboo stick out of it."

"Don't ask about the date of birth?" Qin Zhao remembers that fortune tellers seem to ask the date of birth in a serious manner first, and then pinch their fingers in a mysterious way, and then there is a reason for you to pay.

"Nowadays, young people's birthdays are all according to the Gregorian calendar. Few people remember their birthdays according to the lunar calendar. Besides, drawing lots is also a kind of divination. No matter what kind of algorithm is used, it is all about sincerity and spirit...you should close your eyes first." Take one, and I'll answer it for you."

"Draw one?" For some reason, the old man asked Qin Zhao to draw lots, and now he suddenly felt remorse and a trace of fear. It's not that he's afraid of drawing lots, but now he suddenly realizes that among the women he knows, he doesn't know which one he really likes!

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