"Cut," Matsushima pouted disdainfully, looked at the Humvee approaching in the mirror and said, "Wouldn't it be better to catch up? Just kill him!"

"Ms. Matsushima, I really doubt how you became the team leader of this mission. Don't you know who this person is?" The man was not satisfied with Matsushima being the leader of this mission, thinking that she was completely It was because of her good looks that she got into this position, but she didn't dare to say it clearly, so she could only ask her back in a mocking tone.

"Yamato-kun, please don't talk to me in this tone." Matsushima obviously heard the thorns in Yamato's words, stretched out his hand and shook the pistol in his hand, and said lightly: "Who else could he be? Isn't it just A person in the organization who always wants to get rid of it but keeps it because the things haven’t arrived yet.”

"You are wrong." Yamato felt very sad about this woman's ignorance, and he suddenly had a premonition that the danger of this mission was far greater than expected. Really, right now he felt a breath of death approaching. He nervously licked his chapped lower lip, and said, "Have you heard of China's Longteng December?"

"Longteng Twelve Months? Hehe, of course I have heard of it." Matsushima looked at Yamato with a look of dementia on his face, "It is said that those are 12 people carefully selected from the 2.3 million soldiers in China. , everyone uses a month as a code name, I heard..." At this point, her expression changed suddenly, and she sat up straight in her seat: "Yamato-kun, don't you mean that this person Is it someone from Dragon Twelve Moon?"

"Congratulations, Matsushima-kun, your guess is very correct." Yamato smiled wryly, and loosened his foot that was a little numb from stepping on the accelerator. While the speed of the car was obviously slowing down, he thought sadly: God knows why the superiors let a woman who has only been in China for a few days and doesn't touch anything to be the team leader of this operation. When I saw her changing the order without authorization just now, I thought she knew who that person was, but after a long time she didn't know at all... Isn't this hurting everyone?

"He, is he from Longteng? Which one? Why didn't I know he was from Longteng? Why did the people from Longteng hang out with a traitor again?" Only then did Matsushima know why Yamato was stealing his bicycle Afterwards, he ran away desperately. It turned out that he knew who that person was! No wonder he didn't go when I said to snatch the Hummer. It turned out that the man from Longteng drove the car. He was afraid that there would be some tracking device on the car.

"Him?" Yamato glanced back at the approaching Hummer, and he no longer had the confidence to continue racing with Hyundai and Hummer. Besides, as far as the eye can see, only this road can still be used as a sports car, and the rest is wild land. If you want to run a military Hummer with a modern 1.5 displacement, unless God help them.

"Then tell me quickly, which one of the Soaring Dragons is he?"

"Longteng December, July Yuyan Luo. I believe Matsushima-kun has heard of it?" Yamato completely gave up running away when he said this, stretched out his hand to take off the gear, and let the car slide forward in the neutral position.

"Ah! It's the one who specifically mutilates women..." At this point, Matsushima covered his mouth all of a sudden. She didn't believe at all that the person who was chasing after her was the Dragon Teng Qiyue Yuyan Luo known as the 'Women Killer'.


"Then why don't you hurry up and run!" Matsushima hasn't noticed that Yamato has already put the car in neutral. She only saw that the Hummer had come to a position less than ten meters away from her own car. Through the front windshield, she could clearly see a face with no expression on it. He looked at her with indifference.

"Run? Where are you going?" As soon as Yamato's words fell, he felt the car shake violently. If he hadn't held the steering wheel tightly with both hands, his head might have hit the front glass.

"Ah... Yamato, what the hell did you do? Why did you drive onto a tree stump by the side of the road!" Matsushima and the woman named Yagyu sitting behind screamed at the same time with the shock, and then Matsushima cursed .

"Look at the back." Yamato replied lightly, looking at Matsushima's frightened little white face, he suddenly felt a great joy in his heart: Hehe, I heard that Qiyue's methods of dealing with women are very clever, I don't know how he will deal with this arrogant woman who can't hear the words of his subordinates... Thinking that he will be able to see this Ms. Matsushima, who he has been envious of for several days, but has never looked at him, is about to When he met Yan Luo, the jade-faced Yan Luo who was said to be the favorite to beat up women, he felt abnormally excited and completely forgot the fact that they were originally a gang.

Matsushima looked back and saw that the front of the Hummer was touching the rear of his own car. He immediately understood in his heart that the shock just now was hit by a car. Fortunately, Yamato held the steering wheel firmly, otherwise the car would definitely be hit by a car. crashed into a roadside ditch. No matter how powerful Long Teng is in July, he is still human, isn't he? Thinking of this, the panic that just surfaced made Matsushima stick out the gun in his hand from the car window, turn the gun back and shoot two shots at the Humvee cab.

Papa... The sound of gunfire seemed a bit dull amidst the north wind and snowflakes, but it traveled far downwind.

If you want to flip a car that is gliding slowly in front with a Humvee, that's too easy. But Qin Zhao didn't want to do that, he just wanted to let those people who were daring enough to kill him taste what it meant to be afraid. So, just when the Hummer hit the rear of the Hyundai, he stepped on the brakes.

Just when Qin Zhao was about to prepare for the second intimate contact with Hyundai, he saw a gun sticking out from the car and opened fire on him. But he was not moved by it at all, because if the military Humvee had no bulletproof function, why would the troops need such a huge gas-guzzler?

The bullet hit the car window with a soft bang, and then the bullet flew to nowhere with a whizzing sound, leaving only a faint, almost invisible white mark on the car window glass.

"Hurry up!" Hyundai, who fired five shots in a row without stopping the Humvee from going up again, was shocked again, and Matsushima finally realized that this was a bit too mentally retarded, and then he withdrew his hand and hissed at Yamato: " Speed! Speed!"

After being bumped several times by the Hummer, Yamato, who had always been gloating, was finally infected by the fear on Matsushima's face, shifted gears in a hurry, and stepped on the accelerator abruptly. Inside, rush forward with a whimper.

You can't escape. Qin Zhao sneered. After teasing them a few times, he lost interest in this kind of game. He stepped on the gas pedal suddenly, and the Hummer made a roar, and slammed straight into the rear of the Hyundai car.


Under the relentless collision of the Hummer, the Hyundai car plunged obliquely into the ditch beside it like a kite with a broken string, and then rolled forward along the edge of the ditch.

After crashing Hyundai into a ditch, Qin Zhao stopped the car, opened the * door and walked to the side of the road, quietly watching the car on the scene that hit a big tree stump and stopped without saying a word, just holding the car in his hand. Two screwdrivers for car repair. The enemy has a gun in his hand, no matter how stupid he is, he knows that the human body is afraid of bullets.

"There are three of us, don't be afraid of him!" Pushing the car door hard, Song Dao cheered up his companion who was about to turn over: "We are members of the great Zichuan group, how can we be so easily intimidated by him like this? Besides, even if you die, you have to die vigorously, and you will definitely not be intimidated by his false name."

"Matsushima-kun, the car door is stuck, please use a gun to open the glass, we'd better get out quickly, or he will drive the car and come back for us..." Yamato said, pushing on the car door vigorously.

"Yamato-kun, you'd better not be nervous," Yagyu, who had been silent for a while, spoke calmly without any panic, as if she wasn't the one trapped in the car: "If he wanted to hit us to death, he would have died a long time ago. Get off, why stand there stupidly?" She saw from the car window that the young man in the Humvee was holding his elbows, standing by the side of the road watching them struggle in the car.

"Why?" Matsushima didn't like this woman who didn't talk much at all, but felt that what she said now made sense, so she couldn't help asking.

"Simple, he wants to catch us and tell us who sent us here."

"Dreaming! How could our people in Japan have such a spineless coward!" Matsushima spat bitterly, raised his gun to the front glass of the car and pulled the trigger.

Looking at these men and women who climbed out of the car like dogs, Qin Zhao had no intention of doing anything when they climbed out of the car window. It's not that he doesn't know that this time is the best opportunity, but he just doesn't want these people to go back to their hometown in a daze. He wants to let these islanders who regard death as home understand a truth, that is: death is not terrible, but the key is See how to die!

"Are you Longteng Qiyue?" This was the first sentence Matsushima said to Qin Zhao's Song Dao after climbing out of the car window.

"Who is your leader? I want to meet him. I wonder if you can introduce him?" Qin Zhao walked down the road slowly, and he didn't even bother to explain to Matsushima's almost mentally handicapped question. He just wanted to Know the address of the man who sent them. Chinese people have always paid attention to etiquette before soldiers, so Qin Zhao grabbed her neck and asked her viciously before he came up, but in his heart he made up his mind to let them die very painfully, although it was indeed a bit despicable to do so.

"I just ask if you are Longteng July!" Song Dao took a step back, as if the gun in his hand was not as safe as staying away from this man.

"Is this very important?" Qin Zhao seemed to have never seen the black muzzle of the gun, raised his eyebrows slightly, and watched Matsushima licking his lips involuntarily. He smiled and said, "Okay." , then let me tell you, Longteng Qiyue is... me!" As soon as he uttered the word 'I' at the end, the screwdriver in his hand flew out.

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