"Matsushima-kun, be careful!" When Qin Zhao said that he was going to tell Matsushima who he was, Liu Sheng had already sensed something was wrong, and immediately yelled to remind Matsushima, and at the same time stretched his hand to his waist.

"Ah!" Ke Songdao answered her with a painful, short scream, which made her stop the hand that touched the saber at her waist, and then did not move again.

Watching Matsushima pick up the screwdriver on his right wrist with his left hand, Yagyu's heart sank. She began to regret the decision of claiming to be the envoy of Zichuan Yinxing and not carrying a gun when she came out this time. Looking at it now, when I heard the envoy of Venus remind me that if Long Teng Qiyue appeared at the wedding of Michiko, a traitor, then I would immediately stop any actions, how unwise was my contemptuous attitude.

This woman is not ordinary, she was able to sound a warning before I even threw out the screwdriver, it seems that there is still a few strokes left. Qin Zhao glanced at Liu Sheng, who was standing there motionless, and became a little interested in her. He thought that since this woman has such skills, she might have a certain status in Zichuan. She might know better than this annoying gun-wielding woman. The more you have, the more valuable you are to yourself.

Indeed, when Liusheng was arranged by the envoy of Venus to kill Yao Di with Matsushima, if it wasn't just because he wanted to see her die with his own eyes, Liusheng would not have come out with such a big and brainless woman like Matsushima to carry out the mission. But it's also her fault. When she knew that Qin Zhao was still at the wedding scene, she didn't take action to prevent Matsushima from ordering Yumi to murder him. In her opinion, Long Teng's big name is like those advertisements boasting that it can cure impotence and premature ejaculation in just one session, the ingredients are mostly water. This erroneous point of view, after Qin Zhao smashed Oyumi's nose with just a wine glass, she realized it clearly, so she followed Matsushima and Yamato and escaped from the Chen family regardless of her own face.

Now, seeing the legendary man who pierced Matsushima's hand with a screwdriver, and then still relentlessly approaching him, Yagyu finally felt nervousness and fear. This feeling of nervousness, fear, and excitement has never been enjoyed since she returned to China from Africa, so she took the initiative to come to China this time, just to find that kind of excitement.

Now, Qin Zhao sent her this opportunity.

"Are you their head?" A screwdriver pierced Matsushima's wrist, throwing the gun in her hand into some grassy corner, and Qin Zhao walked slowly to the front of the Hyundai car with all its wheels turned upside down. He stared at Liu Sheng and asked. There was still an expression on his face that seemed to be smiling, but there was no smile at all in his pair of black eyes, only a kind of crazy violence.

"No." Liu Sheng didn't lie, let alone because she was afraid of death, but she just told the truth. Before she was in Chenjiazhai, she didn't even bother to compete with Song Dao for the position of team leader, although after this seemingly easy task was completed, the candidate for the team leader of the operation team would have a lot more bonus than the team members. But would a woman who could become the envoy of Zichuan Yinxing lack money? No, she didn't lack money, what she lacked was an incentive.

"Then you are? But I don't think you are this stupid woman's subordinate." Qin Zhao asked Yamato, who had been hiding tremblingly behind the two women, "Could it be you? Dude, where is your gun? Why don't you pull it out now?" come out?"

"I, I'm not," Yamato wiped the sweat from his forehead, glanced at the gun in the grass in the distance out of the corner of his eye, and said, "Matsushima-kun is our team leader, and she is the only one who came out this time." Qualified to carry a gun..."

"Eight grids!" Matsushima, whose wrist was pierced, gritted her teeth in pain, saw Yamato's useless face, and after she roared angrily, she turned her head suddenly. The face distorted by the pain , with a crazy smile: "Hey hey hey, I'm the team leader, how about it!?"

"It's not good. Since you are the team leader, then you can tell me where is the person who wanted to kill me?" Qin Zhao didn't like shrew-like women like Songdao, but because of his request Because of others, he had to ask her questions impatiently, although he felt that Liu Sheng should be the team leader. Oh, and that man with a frightened face, although on the surface he looks wimpy and his steps are weak, he looks like a fellow drunk and lustful. But when he was talking to people, there was a deep cunning in his eyes, which showed that this guy was not simple. Sometimes, powerful skills are not necessarily as powerful as insidious intelligence.

Interesting, it seems that except for this stupid woman who claims to be the team leader, her two accomplices are not simple. When encountering interesting things, Qin Zhao is most interested in finding out.

"Ah bah!" After hearing Qin Zhao's "good words to persuade", Song Dao didn't appreciate it at all. Spit at Qin Zhao, with a smile that ruined the beauty of her face, and said viciously: "You are so stupid! Think I betrayed my partner? Ha, then you are dreaming! Tell you, think me to say Say what you want to know, unless..."

"Unless what?" Qin Zhao avoided the spit that was likely to contain bacteria, and interrupted her aloud. Then he slapped the tip of his nose with his hand, and said sincerely: "Can you tell me your conditions? I am very busy now, and there are friends who have been injured by you who need to be treated. I don't have time to talk here."

"Want me to tell you what you want to know? Hehe, unless I die..."

"Then you go to die!" Before the word "death" in Songdao was completely uttered, Qin Zhao turned into a ghost that disappeared in the snowflakes of the north wind, stretched out his hand and grabbed Songdao's neck, Without waiting for her mouth to open, she squeezed her five fingers hard... Kababa, this sound seemed to be the sound of a ripe watermelon being squeezed, accompanied by the hissing sound from Matsushima's mouth The sound made her eyeballs protrude from their sockets suddenly, and the white eyeballs were mostly black and the few were completely exposed to the snowflakes in the north wind, turning dead gray in an instant.

When Qin Zhao threw the screwdriver and knocked out Matsushima's gun, Liu Sheng could still see some signs and reminded her aloud, but this time when Qin Zhao violently killed Matsushima, even she didn't even notice it. At the slightest hint, he would make a sudden move. Looking at Matsushima's suddenly deformed face, Liu Sheng suddenly felt a feeling he had never experienced before, that is fear.

"It's been a long time since I killed anyone. Really, I hate this kind of self-righteous woman, I hope you don't let me down." Squeezing Matsushima's throat, Qin Zhao let go of his hands and put his back behind his back. Matsushima's body immediately collapsed to the ground like a sack not filled with wheat. Except for the occasional twitching of her limbs to prove that she was still alive just now, she has completely become a lifeless body now. Object, like a sack of wheat.

It's been a long time since I killed anyone!

Among friends who are fighting with each other, this sentence is often said viciously in a pretentious manner, and then it achieves a hilarious effect. But after these words came out of Qin Zhao's mouth, not only did Yagyu and Yamato not find it funny, but they couldn't help trembling when they saw the madness flashing in his eyes. Qin Zhao turned a blind eye to this, and said calmly to Yamato who was standing behind Matsushima: "I know you all regard death as your home, but if you don't tell me what I want to know, then you will really regret it .”

"If, if I tell you, will you let me go?" Yamato said with a pale face, withdrawing his gaze from Matsushima.

"No, but I can give you a happy death."

"Why..." Yamato's expression was not right when he heard that he would die without saying anything, but he didn't back up, he just moved his feet towards Liu Yu.

"Because if you are the first to die, you will die as painlessly as her. Unfortunately, you are not." Qin Zhao said here, another screwdriver in his hand suddenly flashed from behind, piercing through the strong north wind With the snowflakes flying all over the sky, it reached Yamato's throat in a flick: "Tell me, where is that person!"

"I really don't know." When Qin Zhao's screwdriver was pressed against his throat, Yamato didn't panic as Qin Zhao expected, but smiled strangely, and then his head seemed to be taken away out of thin air The same, suddenly disappeared before Qin Zhao's eyes, and then the whole person also disappeared strangely, leaving Qin Zhao's eyes full of flying snowflakes.

Just like those small animals that do not have powerful attacking abilities living in nature, when encountering danger, they will use the innate advantages that God gave them to protect themselves to escape danger, just like chameleons that can adapt to temperature And changing the color of the body, the gecko can decisively cut off its tail when you step on it. Yamato's ninjutsu has always been the magic weapon he uses every time he encounters danger. No one can see why he suddenly disappeared out of thin air, not even Qin Zhao.

Although the name Ninjutsu sounds nice, and it also makes those Japanese who advocate martial arts proud, but in China, this kind of pretending to be a ghost is at most just a low-level or even low-level cover-up method.

"Haha, do you want to retreat without fighting? This is not the samurai spirit advocated by you little Japan!" Amidst the long laughter, Qin Zhao suddenly jumped up and threw himself to the left, avoiding Liu Sheng's silent stab As soon as his right foot hit the ground, his left knee was lifted up like lightning, and he pushed hard against what others thought was just a snowflake blown by the wind.

"Ah..." A scream came out from the twirling snowflakes, and then Yamato's figure suddenly appeared in front of Qin Zhao. He covered his crotch with his hands and staggered back a long way. The snowflakes flying all over the sky were a little bit whiter, and there was also a strange golden color.

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