When Tie Molei faced the enemy, his gentle and polite face to his own people would be replaced with rigor and rigidity, like a robot without any emotion.

But Xie Qingshang and Qin Zhao, who are usually idle, like to pretend to be aggressive. They always deal with the most dangerous or directly facing the enemy with a face of indifference and a smile that can seduce Aunt Sweeper for insomnia at night. . It is definitely a pity that two people with such similar personalities are turned into two men by God instead of a man and a woman.

Now, with a sincere smile on his face, Qin Zhao asked who the person on the phone was: "Does it matter who I am? Who are you?"

"Where's Xiaoyi?" The man on the opposite side paused, his voice a little low. It could be heard that he seemed to have sensed who he was talking to on the phone, so he chose to ask Fu Yi directly.

"Ask him for your last words?" Qin Zhao smiled and looked at Fu Yi who was taking small steps back at this time, but a trace of sadness rose in his heart: this is the man Ye Qingling took the initiative to kiss. ?

God knows that after thinking of Ye Qingling, Qin Zhao, who has always been ruthless to his enemies, would have such an inexplicable feeling in his heart when he watched Fu Yi who hurriedly retreated to the sofa and sat on it. When he decided to give up Ye Qingling, he subconsciously took the man in front of him as the man with Ye Qingling. Although he knew that something would happen to him one day, he really thought so.

"If you don't hurt him, I will try my best to agree to some of the conditions you put forward." The man on the opposite side seemed to care about Fu Yi's safety, and said in an affirmative tone: "If you make a price, how can I get him safely?" Leaving you."

"Hehe, you are so generous." When Qin Zhao looked at Fu Yi again, his eyes were full of disgust, and he said with a smile, "If I say that I want him to leave safely, I must let you replace him? You also promise?"

"Impossible." The other party rejected Qin Zhao's ridiculous suggestion without hesitation: "Any other conditions, for example, I can guarantee that he will never participate in this matter again, and the unit can be made in hundreds of millions. The money... as long as it can make him leave you unscathed."

"Get out!" This time Qin Zhao didn't want to talk nonsense with this dreamer at all, and he completely gave up his proper gentlemanly demeanor, gritted his teeth and shouted into the phone: "It's time for him to leave safely. , why not before killing Yao Di?"

"Mr. Qin," the other party finally called out Qin Zhao's surname. He never gave up persuading Qin Zhao to let Fu Yi go. It was obvious that he cared about Fu Yi: "Qin Zhao, I think you should know that if you hurt Xiaoyi , will cause some chain reactions, right?"

"Cut, just because he is from the Fu family?" Qin Zhao cut disdainfully: "Because he is from the Fu family, but works for Japanese dogs, so he deserves more death!"

"I can assure you that although he participated in this matter, he has never directly harmed any Chinese. He is just acting as a messenger. He is not guilty of death."

"Taking the microphone? Have you ever hurt a Chinese person? Where is Jin Ling, the deputy director of the planning department of Tianhe Group? Isn't she a Chinese person?" Qin Zhao spat the cigarette in his mouth on the ground, thinking that the other party was really funny. Originally, a person with a prominent background in China should die if he is willing to work for a foreign race, let alone Jin Ling died in his hands.

"Jin Ling?" The other party paused, and then continued: "I can assure you that she was definitely not killed by him."

"Why should I trust you?"

"Because when I killed her, it seemed that you were fighting with others outside, right?" The other party's words made Qin Zhao understand that Jin Ling was indeed not killed by Fu Yi. Because when he was in Inspiration Xiaozhu that night, he did make some gestures with the alcoholic Xie Qingshang, which made the person who killed Jin Ling calm down.

"I don't want to talk nonsense to you anymore." Qin Zhao didn't want to let Fu Yi go because he didn't directly kill someone, because in his opinion, Fu Yi has everything from this world. reason for disappearing. Qin Zhao took a deep breath, interrupted the conversation on the phone, and asked, "I'll ask you one last time, can you die in his place?"

Qin Zhao knew that it was useless to ask this question. The reason why he still asked was because he looked down on this guy's idea of ​​using money to buy back Fu Yi, and he deliberately used this sentence to make him useless: you Don't you really care about Fu Yi, then you can exchange him with yourself. Just when he finished asking this sentence and was about to put his phone on the ground to let the other party hear how he killed Fu Yi, a woman's voice came from the phone.

"Qin Zhao!" The woman's voice was very familiar, so familiar that Qin Zhao understood a lot at once: "Qin Zhao, I am Fu Yi's older sister, and as a younger sister, I come to you for my younger brother. I beg you, if you let him go, I can give you 30% of the Chunyu Industrial shares in Daliao Province."

Fu Mingzhu.

This woman is Fu Mingzhu. It turns out that she is the boss of Chunyu Industry. It turns out that she is from the Fu family. It turns out that she is the wife of Wang Chongxun of the Maohai Group. It turns out that she is the woman with whom she has spent a day and a night. Fu Yi's older sister, who was pale and trembling... But, why do you help the Japanese? Such a woman that makes men infinitely nostalgic.

"Do you know what Fu Yi did?" Thinking of the person who kept shouting 'yes' under her body, her eyes were full of tenderness and wildness, and finally she was reluctant to part with herself and took out another card with 6.73 million in storage. The woman with the bank card, Qin Zhao's voice was rough, and it didn't sound like his own voice: "Do you know that he has ten thousand reasons to die?"

"Qin Zhao, I beg you, please don't hurt Xiaoyi! No matter what he does, no matter what conditions you put forward, as long as I can do it! Even," Fu Mingzhu hesitated for a moment, and continued to say firmly: "Even if you want me! I will follow you without hesitation...Really, I beg you..."

Hearing Fu Mingzhu's finally crying voice, Qin Zhao sighed inwardly. Some things, why are they so small? A man who wants to chase his fiancée, a man who has something to do with Yao Di's accident, a man who doesn't look like a fruit thief at all, why is he Fu Mingzhu's younger brother?

Qin Zhao slowly put the phone on the ground.

Some people, no matter what the circumstances, will put the interests of the country first!

Qin Zhao is one of such people. His heart has long been filled with the belief that "the interests of the motherland are above everything else". Don't say that this Fu Yi is just someone he doesn't like, even if that person is Ye Qingling...

If Ye Qingling also did something harmful to the country, would I kill her?

At this moment, Qin Zhao's faith was shaken a little, but then hardened again. As long as she is a Chinese, as long as she does something that harms the country, she should die! Whoever he is! Thinking of this, at the same time as I firmly believe, there is a sorrow that is not understood by the world: It turns out that no matter how handsome I am, I have always been built by the country, a machine!

But I am willing to do this machine, because I love my motherland. When Qin Zhao thought of this, the sadness in his heart suddenly turned into a kind of sacredness. There seems to be an old man's voice in my ear: I am the son of the people, and I love my motherland and people deeply.

Even great men are willing to do this, let alone me? A man in Yushu who is chic and suave with a smile and a smile all over the city! ?

Qin Zhao is not the kind of stubborn person. Back then, even if Yao Di stole Zhao Xianfeng's confidential documents, he just punished her in the most manly way and then let her go. The reason for doing that is very simple, because Yao Di is a Japanese, no matter what she does, it is a matter of course, because she is also paying for her own country.

For colleagues, one should maintain a little...respect...although this kind of respect is based on the first time she is a woman.

Faced with an opponent who puts the interests of the motherland above all else, Qin Zhao always gives enough respect. After that mission, he left Yao Di with more than 1,400 days and nights of thoughts. irrelevant. He likes to have that kind of thing with Yao Di, it's just a hobby of his.

Now, in the face of Fu Yi who has left the dignity and interests of the motherland behind, let alone Fu Mingzhu took out 30% of the shares of Chunyu Industrial and her cat-like body, even the general secretary at this time Song Pingjiang came to intercede for him personally, and Qin Zhao wanted to kill him. Because he Qin Zhao is not loyal to someone, but he is only loyal to his motherland.

"Do you know what he did?" This is what Qin Zhao asked Fu Mingzhu when he put down his phone and stood up slowly. He just wanted this woman to understand that Fu Yi definitely had a damn reason.

"I know, it's just because he robbed the woman you like..." Fu Mingzhu on the opposite side cried with sobs: "But everyone has the right to pursue their own love, even if Ye Qingling is yours... Fiancee, but you shouldn't kill him just because of this..."

"It's just... stealing my woman? Are you sure?" Could it be that she didn't know the shitty things Fu Yi and her husband did? Thinking of this, Qin Zhao suddenly felt relieved, and then asked, "Do you think I will kill him just because of this?"

"Then, why are you!?" Fu Mingzhu stopped sobbing. From the mobile phone, she could hear her asking her husband something. After a while, she said to Qin Zhao: "My husband told me that he might not have meant it. Slandered your family..."

"Stop talking!" At this moment, Qin Zhao understood that what Fu Yi and Wang Chongxun did was completely hidden from Fu Mingzhu!

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