Qin Zhao interrupted Fu Mingzhu, picked up his mobile phone and covered the microphone, he didn't want Fu Mingzhu to hear what he said next.

Looking at the trembling Fu Yi, Qin Zhao stared into his eyes: "You have a sister who loves you so much, and a family background that is envied by 1.3 billion people, why do you want to be sorry for the motherland?" thing?!"

"Qin Zhao," Fu Yi took a long breath to suppress her trembling body, smiled wryly, and relaxed a little: "All this is just my own choice, and has nothing to do with my father, sister and brother. They don't know I do these things, so please don't mix them with me, who is going the wrong way."

Without waiting for Qin Zhao to say anything, Fu Yi looked at the snowflakes flying outside the window with dejected eyes, and said with infinite melancholy: "Sometimes, because of a chance, a person takes a wrong step and can't turn back... For today's situation , In fact, I already had a premonition that it would come sooner or later." After a sad smile, Fu Yi slowly took out a pistol from his waist and looked at the dark muzzle: "But, I didn't expect it to come. So fast."

"Is that what you want to say?" Qin Zhao didn't care about the gun in his hand at all. He was absolutely sure to kill him in at least thirty-six ways the moment Fu Yi pulled the trigger: "Don't you want to hold the gun?" *Ask yourself when you are a Chinese, what should you do for your motherland? For example... Tell me everything you know..." After a pause, he said very sincerely, "Then I might make an exception Once, let you go."

"No." Fu Yi rejected Qin Zhao's condition without hesitation, with a firmness that had never been seen on her face: "I can't say, because, because I want to think about my family. No matter what you think Me, but I really love them! For their safety, I would rather die. The most important thing is, I don’t have your kind of belief in being loyal to the country.”

"You mean, as long as you tell what you know, your family will be retaliated the moment you tell? Even a high-ranking man like Mr. Fu will not be spared?" Qin Zhao is a little strange, if If even the aloof old Fu can't protect himself, who else in Huaxia can feel safe? Are the Japanese so awesome? While infiltrating Huaxia Fu's family, was it able to hide from those colleagues around Mr. Fu - the eyes and ears of the central internal police?

"Yes, I can guarantee that when I say all this, the pillars of my entire Fu family will be the first to suffer," Fu Yi said with gloomy eyes and a painful expression, "You don't know that they are all because of me and me. My sister took this wrong step, how much danger is lurking... Don't misunderstand that my sister also did the same wrong thing as me. I just said that she should find a man from the mainland. I hope you can learn from this sentence understand what I meant."

"I see, you mean if she didn't find you a brother-in-law who is loyal to the Japanese, you wouldn't be where you are today, and your Fu family wouldn't infiltrate some Fu families just because of you and your brother-in-law." People who think they are trustworthy will not develop to the point where you can't control but can only follow them." When Qin Zhao faced Fu Yi, for the first time, a rare flash of unbearable in his heart: "It's all because of you The reason why my sister found a good brother-in-law, isn't it?"

"You are very smart, Qin Zhao." Fu Yi nodded, and said frankly, "But I hope you don't tell my sister all this, because she is the one who loves me the most, even more than my mother... Even if it is Do it all over again, and I won't hate her... because I, I love her! I want her to be my wife..."

He actually loves his own sister...

I, I... Qin Zhao swallowed, and felt disgusted when he saw Fu Yi's natural expression when he said he loved his own sister. Having lived so long, this is the first time I have met the legendary person who disregarded ethics, and he said it so frankly.

"I'm ridiculous, aren't I?" Facing Qin Zhao's strange expression, Fu Yi showed a smile, the kind of smile that came from the heart and finally poured out the pain that had been suppressed for so many years: "I know you don't know anything at all. Look down on me, but I really want to tell you the fact that I have been hopelessly in love with my own sister since I was sensible... and you are the third person in this world who knows."

"Who are those two people?" Qin Zhao was completely overwhelmed by Fu Yi's demeanor, otherwise he would not have asked such a boring topic.

"One is my sister, of course, and the other is my brother-in-law." Fu Yi looked at the gun in her hand, with the black muzzle facing her eyes.

"You and your own sister did, did that kind of thing?" Thinking of Fu Mingzhu's appearance on the bed, and imagining the scene of Fu Yi lying on her body, Qin Zhao suddenly felt a little disgusted. He was really disgusted, I don't know why.

"I won't do that," Fu Yi shook her head, "It's just that I like to hug her every time, but I have never done it with her once. Don't be surprised, because I have received a good education since I was a child." People, I know that doing this is the most immoral thing in the world. Although I love her so much, and my sister is willing to give for me, I still don’t do that to her. Because, because I don’t want her to face her brother-in-law You will feel guilty because you are like me." Fu Yi smiled, but when he talked about his sister, his eyes were full of deep love.

Grass, today I finally know what the phrase 'assholes are not terrible, what is terrible is that assholes are educated'. The words spoken by educated people are unusual, even such things as liking one's own sister are said so confidently. However, your sister should feel guilty towards your brother-in-law because of me now, right?

Qin Zhao looked at the mobile phone in his hand, and it was said that Fu Mingzhu was asking Wang Chongxun loudly: "Tell me, what happened to Xiaoyi? Is it really just because you robbed someone else's woman? I ask you why you Just say that he will be killed by that person soon! Can you tell me what you said to Qin Zhao when I was taking a bath just now... Qin Zhao, Qin Zhao, are you there? Can you? Hear me?"

"I see. The reason why you are willing to be used by your brother-in-law is because he saw you when you were with your sister... and threatened you because of it?" Even Qin Zhao Such a thick-skinned person blushes when talking about Fu Yi and his own sister hugging on the bed. I really can't imagine why Fu Yi, who looks like a gentleman, would be so calm as if he was eating cabbage.

"Yes." A look of pain flashed in Fu Yi's eyes, and the hand holding the gun began to tremble again.

"Then why do you still pursue her? I mean Ye Qingling." Qin Zhao asked lightly, completely ignoring Fu Mingzhu's questioning on the phone.

"Because I want to end this abnormal relationship with my sister." Fu Yi's eyes were now blank: "I really want to be a normal person."

"So you chose Ye Qingling? Don't you know that this is also a kind of harm to her?" Qin Zhao touched Matsushima's cell phone in his pants pocket. He clearly remembered that when he climbed over the wall and came in, he opened it. with recording function. Before he came in, he never thought that the envoy of Venus would be Fu Yi. The reason why he turned on the recording was to record the possible forced confession. Unexpectedly, I got such a result that if I show it to Ye Qingling in the future and keep it, she will vomit when she thinks of the name 'Fu Yi'. It's really interesting...Ye Qingling turned out to be just a sustenance for this guy to turn his prodigal son back.

"Let me ask you one last thing, you're sure you won't tell any secrets other than your brother-in-law, are you?" Qin Zhao let go of the phone, the purpose is to let the person on the phone hear. As for what would happen after hearing it, he didn't bother to care. Even if the Fu family had a big event, they deserved it! Who let them give birth to such a baby?

"You don't need to ask, I won't say anything." Fu Yi took a deep breath, with firmness on her haggard face.

"Then you may be going to die." Qin Zhao knew that what he said just now was futile, but he couldn't bear the fact that Fu Yi, a useful person, died like this.

"Go to hell!" Before Qin Zhao could finish his sentence, Fu Yi pointed the muzzle of the gun at his head suddenly, and pulled the trigger.

"Whoosh!" Before the gunshot, Qin Zhao's body suddenly leaned back, like a crooked stump, lying on his back, and at the same time waved his right hand, one couldn't see anything clearly. The colored thing turned into a bolt of lightning, pierced straight into Fu Yi's throat, and passed through the back of his neck.

This is a screwdriver.

"Uh..." Qin Zhao didn't hear the gunshot he expected, but Fu Yi's muffled snort made him understand something. It was like a spring pulling him. His body jumped straight up from the ground, grabbed Fu Yi's body that was about to fall, and caught the pistol that Fu Yi was still in the air.

The pistol was not safeted at all.

"Did you seek death on purpose?" Qin Zhao had the feeling of being used for the first time after killing someone, although this person really deserved to die.

"Uh... Siha..." Fu Yi pinched his neck tightly with his hands, and the screwdriver piercing his throat was rapidly taking away his once exuberant vitality. But for some reason, at the moment when he was about to die, his nerves were very clear. Finally, the voice that almost came from under hell was blurted out by him: "...it is..."

"Xiaoyi! Xiaoyi!!" Fu Mingzhu on the other side of the phone had already heard Qin Zhao's questioning here. She stayed there for three seconds, and then yelled frantically: "Qin Zhao! Qin Zhao! Zhao, you killed Xiaoyi!!"

"Yes!" Qin Zhao lowered his head and answered coldly.

"I must kill you! Including your whole family! Definitely!!" Fu Mingzhu said every word, and there was the sound of water dripping from the phone.

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