Not only kill me but also my whole family?

For this sentence that most people don't like to hear, Qin Zhao didn't take it as a joke. Let me just ask, how many people in the world can't believe it when an old man is a big boss who knows what he says, and he is also the boss of one of the four major groups in China?

"I won't give you a chance, and..." Qin Zhaogang leaned on his arm when he wanted to say, "If you help your husband to do evil again, even you, I will kill you." Fu Yi suddenly grabbed his chest, shook his head vigorously, and spat out each word with great difficulty: "Don't... me, sister, husband!"

"Are you afraid that your sister will be killed by your brother-in-law if she finds out that your brother-in-law is a Japanese running dog?" Qin Zhao asked with his mouth next to Fu Yi's ear.

Fu Yi nodded vigorously. When he was about to die, he still cared about his sister's safety, and it seemed that he loved Fu Mingzhu more than himself: "I...beg you...let it go, let it go..."

"Let go? You mean you want me to let her go?" Qin Zhao was particularly disgusted by the plot of why she was still alive. He really didn't understand why the vitality of this little boy was so strong. Could it be that the screwdriver blocked the wound? The reason for bleeding? Or did he have something on his mind that he couldn't bear to die like this?

Fu Yi nodded, but she didn't let go of Qin Zhao's mouth, but kept opening her mouth wide, saying something silently.

"Would you ask me to let your sister go no matter what she did to me in the future?" Qin Zhao thought for a second, then said, "If what I said is right, just keep your mouth shut. "It's a hassle to have a conversation with someone who can't speak.

After hearing Qin Zhao's words, Fu Yi immediately closed her mouth, and then nodded vigorously to increase the accuracy of Qin Zhao's words.

Damn, I can't just watch her when she wants to kill me and my family, can I? However, if you don't agree to him, he will definitely die with regret. Why don't you lie to him once for the sake of his dying? Although I often lie to people... but this time it seems that I can't bear it.

"Well, I promise you, even if she wants to kill me, I won't hurt her..." Is this sincere enough? Should you leave? Qin Zhao looked at Fu Yi, and threw him away as soon as he closed his eyes. Just imagine who would want to embrace a man, and a man with that orientation is here to love me?

After showing a painful smile, Fu Yi suddenly exhausted his last bit of strength, grabbed the handle of the screwdriver with his backhand, and pulled it out with a thud. Along with the blood rushing out like an arrow, and the last words he left in this world with a joyful voice for the last time: " Ye Qingling..."

"You don't need to worry about it." Qin Zhaocai replied softly after Fu Yi's body lay on the ground for five minutes. Glancing at the mobile phone on the ground where Fu Mingzhu's voice was still coming from, she leaned over to pick up the screwdriver in Fu Yi's hand, wiped it on his clothes, and then walked out of the room.

There is no value here at all. After Qin Zhao walked out, he looked at the two open doors, took out the lighter, and wanted to light it up. But after hesitating for a while, he still decided to give Fu Yi a chance to let his relatives see him one last time. After all, when he was dying, he looked like a man, although he deserved to die.

Staring blankly at the room, Qin Zhao suddenly felt tired, and he couldn't explain why. Could it be that he was tired of killing people? Or is it because of the deformed 'pure love' between Fu Mingzhu and Fu Yi? He just felt that Fu Yi was actually quite pitiful, just because his sister found such a brother-in-law for him, and he was caught by him on the bed... For the sake of the huge Fu family's face, he could only step by step to the abyss. Now, it is not a relief that he is dead.

But, whose fault is it all? Fu Yi? Fu Mingzhu is still... Once a person dies, all of this is just a fleeting moment...

After Qin Zhao entered, Wang Yashan had been worried about him, but because of the words he left behind when he left, she didn't dare to leave the woman in the car and go in to find him. What if there are friends of this woman hiding in the dark? So as long as she goes in, will he take the opportunity to take her away?

Alas, what's the matter? It's been so long, and there is no movement.

Just when Wang Yashan was worrying about Qin Zhao, the closed courtyard door opened, and Qin Zhao, who was covered in blood, seemed a little tired and walked out from inside. After seeing him open the door and come out, the happy Wang Yashan jumped up suddenly, but hit the roof of the car with a bang, then put her hands on her head and let out an 'ouch', but still kicked the door open with her foot , jumped out of the car at once.

"You're finally out!" Wang Yashan grabbed his arm excitedly as soon as she got out of the car. Qin Zhao couldn't bear to hit her with the words, "If I don't come out, I'll die inside." Like a big brother, he touched the top of her head quite naturally and said, "Okay, it's time for us to go home."

"Stop going to see Yao Di? What about the woman in the car? Should I hand it over to the police?" Wang Yashan turned her head away from Qin Zhao's hand. She hated being touched on the top of her head because it would give her It doesn't feel like growing up, especially this person is still a good-looking man.

"Yao Di must have gone to the provincial capital now, even if she goes to the armed police hospital, she won't be seen anymore. As for this woman, then, let's send it to the public security organ. You call Zhan Zhao and ask her what's going on there. It's over, let her take this girl back by the way."

Originally, Qin Zhao only wanted to drag the unlucky woman who assassinated him into the envoy's burial after he dealt with the Venus envoy. But he didn't expect that the messenger turned out to be Fu Yi, and this guy inexplicably won his sympathy in the last period of his life. It was because of this sympathy that he didn't want to snap this poor woman off.

After hearing what Qin Zhao said, Wang Yashan immediately took out her phone and dialed Zhan Zhao's mobile phone. After asking about Yao Di's situation in detail, she told her that there was a mastermind of Yao Di's case here, and told her that she was away from Chen Zhao. A few dozen miles away from the family village, apart from Ye Qingling's BMW, there were a few guys waiting to collect their bodies. Although the incident that happened in Chenjiazhai was not in Zhanzhao's Jincheng District, if she solved this case, the benefits would be endless. Since there is such a cheap thing, it is natural to keep it to yourself.

"The plane carrying Yao Di has already flown away. I didn't expect that you transferred a military plane with just one phone call... Hey, can I ask you something?" Wang Yashan finally couldn't help but I want to ask him if it's the seventh month of the dragon's soaring. But seeing Qin Zhao frowning tightly as if he didn't hear what she was saying, he had no choice but to give up the idea, quickly jumped into the passenger seat of the Hummer and asked Qin Zhao: "Everything is over, should we go home now?" Go directly to the police station?"

"Go anywhere, oh, go fuck, I'm a little tired." Qin Zhao took off the blood-stained suit, and casually covered the woman's head in the back seat of the car. Before getting in the car, he looked at the courtyard again, finally just sighed silently, and got in the car.

As for the matter in Maliu Lane, I believe that Fu Yi's body will be snatched back by his brother-in-law without waiting for the police to arrive. He knew that even if Fu Yi died, his real identity could not be exposed. What's more, Qin Zhao sincerely hoped that his body could return to Fu's house, after all, he had already paid with his life for what he did wrong. When a man is dead, all his faults should end.

Looking at Qin Zhao, Wang Yashan bit her lips and wanted to say something, but in the end she didn't ask anything, just sat in the driver's seat, and then started the car...

Money is an equivalent quantitative exchange tool and a financial circulation tool that promotes social prosperity and development. Its effect is often huge. Not only can it make ghosts grind, but it can also let the people sent by Wang Chongxun see Xiaoyumi who is dying in the hospital, and use the price of 130,000 yuan to get some things around the prisoner who don't take it seriously In the hands of the guards, the Armani suit that Qin Zhao once wore was 'bought'.

In a somewhat dark and damp hut, Fu Yi's body lay quietly on a bed made of two desks. There was a chopstick-thick transparent wound in his throat, and the dark red blood stains had already coagulated beside the wound. His face was very serene, and there was a satisfied smile on his face that no longer had any color of life. On a low stool beside him lay the blood-stained Armani suit that was still 'worth' 130,000 yuan.

The ground next to the suit was cold and damp, but Fu Mingzhu knelt there as if she couldn't feel anything, looking at her motionless younger brother, but her right hand was tightly clutching the suit. , The cyan veins kept beating. Her lips had already been bitten by blood, and the blood coagulated under the lips, which was dark red, exactly the same as the one on Fu Yi's throat. The tears seemed to have been drained long ago, and the cheeks that used to be confident and charming were now only as pale as snow.

The younger brother died, and the second brother who had relied on him since he was a child, and the second brother who had an inexplicable relationship with him, has been separated from him since then. And the person who killed his younger brother turned out to be Song Yu who gave him 6.73 million bank cards after getting tired of him for a day and a night, and this Song Yu's original name was Qin Zhao.

Qin Zhao, who is he?

Before Fu Mingzhu saw her brother's body, she had already obtained Qin Zhao's information from her husband. Of course, the information that Fu Mingzhu got did not state that he was the nephew of the current general secretary. This was also deliberately arranged by Wang Chongxun in order to use his wife's influence to get rid of Qin Zhao. After all, if his wife knew Qin Zhao's real identity, she would have some scruples, which he didn't want to see.

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