Qin Zhao, male, Han nationality, 25 years old, was born in Qingdao City, Qilu Province. The only son of Qin Tianhe, chairman of Tianhe Group, is 1.78 meters tall and weighs 66 kilograms...

This is the information that Fu Mingzhu decided to remember for the rest of her life. She wants Qin Zhao to pay the most serious price for what he did. She wants Qin Zhao to die, and she wants him to die only after the whole family dies! As for the background behind him, Fu Mingzhu doesn't care, even if he is the son of the current general secretary, as long as he kills his younger brother, there will only be one result, and that is: death!

Outside the house, the snow that had been falling all day finally stopped at night. Those snowflakes that float from the sky to the ground, because the seasons really don't agree with their idea of ​​wanting to keep the earth bright for a long time, so they have no choice but to turn into pieces of mud and slowly seep into the earth.

The snow outside stopped, but the snow in Fu Mingzhu's heart kept falling.

How to explain to the old man? Could it be that you just tell him the truth: Fu Yi, the most promising in your eyes, has died in Qing Island now, and the cause of death is only because he robbed someone else's woman.

Fu Mingzhu knelt down in front of Fu Yi's corpse in a daze, her eyes began to move a little bit. She was thinking about how to tell the old man of the Fu family the cause of her brother's death in the best way... However, in this matter, her husband Wang Chongxun has an unshirkable responsibility. It was he who lobbied her brother to leave Jinghua and come to Tianhe Group to find Ye Quinting.

Ye Qingling?

The corner of Fu Mingzhu's mouth curved into a sneer, and she murmured: "Ye Qingling, you will be the first person to be buried with my brother. Don't blame me for treating you like this, because you are not only Qin Zhao's fiancée, but also my brother's last." The woman you want to chase after. No matter what the reason is, you should go over there to accompany your brother." She stood up slowly, looked up at the dark night with a few lonely stars outside the window, and suddenly Smiled, the smile was completely similar to the smile on the corner of Fu Yi's mouth lying on the bed...

With stars and no moon, tomorrow will definitely be a fine weather.

Qin Zhao lay on the bed, staring at the ceiling motionless. In the morning after the snow, he didn't want to get up early at all, but he couldn't if he didn't get up early today. Because today is November 6th, the day when the Pearl inspection team came to Qingdao. Tianhe Group, Qiankun Palace, Yiming Real Estate, and dozens of large and small private companies all wanted to hope that their companies would be favored by the Pearl inspection team on this day.

According to the information, the special plane of the Pearl inspection team would not arrive at Qingdao until ten o'clock in the morning, but Li Moyu had already called him three times before six o'clock in the morning. This kind of practice of disregarding whether others have a good rest arouses Qin Zhao's disgust, although his daughter's doing this is completely for the sake of his family's career.

"It's time to get up, or he'll have to call in a while." After stretching out his foot and kicking Jinqui accurately onto the computer chair across the room, Qin Zhao, who hadn't any clothes on, sat up and stretched out. Lazily, he picked up the demon blue dagger that Tie Molei sent last night, carefully looked at the opened handle again, and made sure that all the data inside had been recorded and carefully modified by himself, Only then was it satisfactory to restore the ancient artifact that had existed for thousands of years.

Now, this demon blue is still the original demon blue, including the Flying Wolf Jade Finger Pull next to the pillow, which has not changed at all, but the data inside is completely different. I believe that no matter who wants to find the place where the treasure of Anlu Mountain is said to be hidden through the data engraved on it, unless there is a devastating earthquake on the earth and the north and south are inverted, otherwise there will be no door.

"Hey, it's time to get up..." Li Moyu poked his head in from the door for the fourth time, and shouted to Qin Zhao who she thought hadn't woken up yet. But when she saw someone who was reluctant to wear even a small trouser top, and the thing between her legs that looked like half a flagpole, she was stunned for a while, and then she shrank her head back with a flushed face, and then opened the door gently. cover up.

"Hey, sister, come and help brother change." Qin Zhao smiled evilly, not at all ashamed of this good habit of sleeping without a strand of clothes on.

"Serve you big-headed ghost." Unexpectedly, Li Moyu just retracted her head, but she cursed in a low voice outside the door: "Qin Zhao, you pervert, you bastard... oh, Mr. Ye , Just now Qin Zhao told me that he let you go into his room, he would discuss something with you... Well, you go ahead, I'll help Jing Hong prepare breakfast."

What? I let Ye Qingling in? Did you make a mistake? Qin Zhao was taken aback by Li Moyu's words, and when he was about to reach out and grab the brocade quilt to cover his indecent image, he found that the brocade quilt had already been thrown onto the computer chair by his feet. It was already too late to get the quilt, as if it was too late to stop Ye Qingling from coming in, when Qin Zhao just wanted to use his unique magic light phantom hand to lift the quilt to cover himself, the door opened.

"What can I do for you..." Hearing that Qin Zhao, who had locked himself in the room without saying a word since returning home yesterday, was looking for her, Ye Qingling didn't notice the cunning in Li Moyu's eyes at all, and there was no doubt about it. He pushed the door and was about to step in. But, but the scene in front of him seems, like, even if he has something to do, he shouldn't find me, right?

For a moment, both Qin Zhao and Ye Qingling stayed there. One person was pushing the door with one hand, while the other was pulling the quilt under his body with one hand, their eyes met each other, and they were silent.

An ambiguous blush slowly rose from Ye Qingling's carefully dressed face this morning, and spread to the back of the ears and down the neck, especially in those eyes that were usually filled with ice cubes. It has been melted into spring water by someone's strong hardness... It is the kind of spring water that will flow out as soon as you reach out and touch it.

If you were to ask Qin Zhao: Do ​​you blush more, or do you sleep more naked?

He will definitely tell you with no shame, proudly, confidently and calmly: Of course, he often sleeps without clothes! Have you ever seen me blush?

If you ask him again: Have you ever imagined that one day you will stay with Ye Qingling naked and look at each other silently? Oh yes, that's how it is now.

He would definitely yell that he hadn't thought about it, and then, blush.

"Hehe, come in and have a seat?" Qin Zhao pulled the quilt again with his hands with great difficulty, but because the quilt was pressed by his body, he didn't pull it up. He wanted to sit up or move the place to pull the quilt again. I came out to cover myself, but I was afraid that the damn thing that had no eyes but turned out to be thicker and bigger after seeing Ye Qingling, would be even more swaying and beautiful, so I could only keep steady Sitting there, she was wondering why Ye Qingling didn't go out, did she want to come in and sit around?

Ye Qingling nodded vigorously, and then said hello.

Really want to come in! ?

Seeing Ye Qingling who really came in and closed the door behind him, Qin Zhao felt a little dazed, and didn't care to cover himself first, rubbed his eyes vigorously with his hands, and blinked a few more times. Qing Ling was indeed in her own room, and only then did she believe that all this was real, very real.

Why don't I come in... Ye Qingling turned her back, and stood at the door as if she could hardly stand still with her face burned. Because just now when she opened the door of Qin Zhao's room and saw the astonishing scene, Jing Hongxue just happened to come out from the side room, holding a mobile phone in her hand, and was going to walk in front of Qin Zhao's room without raising her head. Down the stairs. Seeing that she was coming over soon, Ye Qingling's first thought was that she must not let her see this scene! And at this time, it was when Qin Zhao sent her the most sincere invitation, so she walked into the room without thinking, and then quickly closed the door.

It turns out that this is the man... Ye Qingling tried hard to stand still, but when she thought of the fixed scene just now, she couldn't help her blood rushing up, her body shook and she wanted to fall, and she hurriedly grabbed the door handle. Since it was not her own room, she didn't have time to see where the doorknob was, so her outstretched hand caught nothing. At this moment, her long legs, which had been softened just now, could no longer hold on. Her body, which was over 1.7 meters tall, fell straight backwards.

If a girl as beautiful as Ye Qingling is about to fall down in front of your eyes, as a man with the duty of being a "flower protector", would you go to rescue her? Or to grab her before she fell down? Will it? Haha, you will, Qin Zhao is a man, how could he not do that? Although he hesitated for 0.07 seconds before making this action, as a member of the men, he was obliged to fly off the bed when Ye Qingling was about to fall to the floor.

It was also because he hesitated for a moment that even though he used his ghostly movement to get behind Ye Qingling, he still had to land on his butt first, and then supported her with both hands and hit her heavily on his legs. upper body...

"Ah!" Ye Qingling screamed, mixed with someone's groan of pain that was almost broken somewhere, they resounded through the whole room together, and spread into the corridor through the crack of the door that Ye Qingling hadn't closed tightly when she came in. Jing Hongxue, who was looking down at the phone, and Li Moyu, who was standing at the door waiting to watch the show, were taken aback at the same time, and then walked quickly to Qin Zhao's door at the same time.

"It seems to be Mr. Ye's voice." Before Li Moyu could say anything or make any blocking action, Jing Hongxue pushed the door open...

Out of the instinct of people falling backwards, Ye Qingling screamed and stretched her hands behind her back, hoping to grab an object that she was most balanced at the time. She succeeded... It's just that all of this happened after she sat on Qin Zhao's lap, and her hands that were scratching around grabbed an object sitting under her. Force to stand up.

"It hurts..." Qin Zhao yelled softly, let go of the hands that were holding Ye Qingling's body with both hands, and instinctively went to protect his brother, which made Ye Qingling, who had lost his support, lie in her arms all of a sudden, and then fell still Do not move.

Because when she saw Qin Zhao's face appearing in front of her eyes, she suddenly understood what the thing she was holding was...

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