"Boy, can you just speak up if you have something to say? Don't beat around the bush like this." Zhan Sansi, who always likes to be straightforward, felt very troubled by Qin Zhaozhe's words that were mostly molesting, so he frowned. frowned.

"Well," Qin Zhao snapped his fingers: "Your old man also saw that our Tianhe Group has the highest security force among all enterprises. In order to let the guests have a good impression of Qingdao, you See if we can keep them from going to the hotel designated by the city government? Just go to our Tianhe."

"His heart can be punished!" Zhan San thought for ten seconds after staring at Qin Zhao before saying this.

"Hehe, thanks for the compliment. Deputy Mayor Zhan, I'll go get ready now." Qin Zhao chuckled, proud of throwing the burden of offending other bosses on Lao Zhan.

The wind is still blowing slowly. God, the blue ones are still bright. Welcome to Qingdao, a certain march that brought us to get rich together, is still ringing tirelessly from the roof above the airport hall. But Fu Mingzhu, who was armed to the teeth with hatred just now, after hearing Qin Zhao's words that shocked her, apart from the idea of ​​really wanting to escape here desperately, the rest was to stab her brother before he died. This made her ashamed, indignant, and perplexed.

Xiaoyi, Xiaoyi, why are you doing this? Do you really want your sister to live in this world with no face, and do you want your sister to go down to accompany you? Fu Mingzhu gently pushed away Wang Yashan's support, and staggered to a car. Fortunately, Wang Chongxun didn't see her current expression because he was busy with entertainment at this time. Except for Wang Yashan, no one paid attention to whether the complexion of a woman among the clerks was normal, which made her feel a little bit relieved in her frightened heart.

Sometimes, it is also a kind of happiness to be able to not attract the attention of others. .

"Secretary Wang, Mayor Li, why did the delegation go to the Tianhe Group instead of the hotel designated by the government?"

"Isn't this unfair? We strongly oppose it..." Fu Mingzhu stared blankly at Qin Zhao, watching him command the Tianhe Group's convoy to stop at the nearest place to the inspection team. In front of each Mercedes-Benz business car, there was a beautiful female driver in her thirties who waited for the inspection team to get on the car with sweet smiles. At this moment, she heard the complaints and grievances of the bosses of various companies in Qing Island except Tianhe Group.

be opposed to? unfair?

Hearing those uncontroversial voices and looking at those faces full of resentment, Fu Mingzhu suddenly smiled, and felt that these people wanted to talk about opposition and fairness with Qin Zhao, which was ridiculous as hell: a person who takes other people's lives as a joke When does a man ever consider other people's feelings besides the rules he makes himself?

"Boss Fu, Boss Fu!" Just as Fu Mingzhu was about to follow the inspection team and head towards the Tianhe Group convoy, a middle-aged man with a full face hurriedly squeezed over from the crowd, Calling in a low voice, she was about to walk up to her, but was blocked by those marines holding steel guns: "I'm sorry, please stand back!"

"Uh..." The middle-aged man looked at the steel gun that was not pointed at him but smelled of gunpowder smoke, and suddenly stopped in his tracks, the corners of his mouth twitched a few times and said, "Boss Fu, don't you also Do you want to get on Tianhe's car?"

This person is the boss of Qingdao Yiming Real Estate, Yang Xiuming. His company is also the object of Daliao Industry's secret support this time. Seeing that Fu Mingzhu was going to follow the crowd to Tianhe's car at this moment, she was afraid that she would change her mind, so she hurriedly chased Fu Mingzhu to remind Fu Mingzhu whether to go with him. But in front of those steel guns who didn't even know who the boss was, they could only stop in awe.

Looking at that restless face, Fu Mingzhu suddenly felt disgusted.

"Mr. Yang, there is a contract between us, are you still afraid that I will fly away?" After saying this, Fu Mingzhu got into Tianhe's car without looking back, leaving only Yang Xiuming stunned. I froze there. It wasn't until the police cleared the way in front of the convoy, followed by military vehicles and slowly drove away from the airport, that he and the rest of the bosses gathered around Wang Zihua and Li Ming, who were in charge of Qingdao, and faced each other. With a courteous smile but unwilling to ask for an explanation.

"Comrades, please ask Deputy Mayor Zhan about all this. He will be in charge of all the safety work of the inspection team..." Wang Zihua and Li Ming kicked this troublesome burden to Zhan Sansi. , I didn’t want to say anything more and got into my special car, and then ordered the driver to drive to Fengqiuhuang under the Tianhe Group immediately.

Looking at Zhan Sansi's dark face that couldn't be darker, all the chairman and general manager, big and small, old and young, all became dumb for a while... Who would want to be with this as if you owed him three million What is the deputy mayor Zhan arguing about?

Zhan Sansi felt very helpless for Qin Zhao and the first and second in command of the government to throw this offending job to himself. But at this time, I really have to come forward to fight against this scapegoat, so I had to put on a black face and put on an attitude of "I can't help it, if you have the ability, you can ask those soldiers with guns", got into the car and ran away. Only the executives of various companies who have worked hard for today are left in a daze.

after a little while……

"We want to unite and resist Tianhe together!" It was Wang Dong of Qiankun Palace who said this. At this time, he was waving his powerful right hand in righteous indignation, and pinching his waist with his left hand. His posture was really similar to the one in the October Revolution. List of great men.

"That's right." It was Yang Xiuming who responded to his call: "Why should the inspection team be received by Tianhe instead of us or the city government? Isn't this an obvious bully! Resolutely boycott Tianhe! Resolutely oppose Tianhe's brutality Reasonable..."

"It's useless not to talk about these things here. You can see that the convoy has run far away. If you don't catch up, you may not even be able to enter the press conference for a while..." A certain company followed Yang Xiuming and shouted a few slogans After being reminded by the secretary, the boss realized that this is not the time to complain, and the business is to go to the press conference of the delegation first.

"Ah, I almost delayed the business."

"Yeah, hurry up, Tianhe won't monopolize such a big project, right? Let's go quickly, lest you be late and..." Amidst the discussion, the sound of starting various vehicles rang out. For a while, all the bosses who just expressed their full support for Wang Dong's opinion and wanted to discuss with Tianhe and the city government drove away from the airport one after another.

"Shall we go too?" Yang Xiuming, who had always been at odds with each other, spread his hands at Wang Dong, smiled helplessly, and said as he looked at the few cars that only belonged to Qiankun Palace and Yiming Real Estate.

Alas... everyone is gone, why not go here?

"Wang Dong, where are we going?" the driver asked Wang Dong.

"What a horse! Of course I'm going to Fengqiuhuang!" Wang Dong, who has always had a bad temper, patted the back of the car seat and said angrily after hearing the driver's stupid question...

In the hall on the first floor of several thousand square meters in Fengqiuhuang, the press conference centered on the Pearl inspection team ended in a warm atmosphere. Among them, Wang Zihua and Li Ming, who are the family members of Qingdao, both expressed that the government will definitely support the mission's work in the future. On behalf of the consortium, Jing Hongtaotian, the leader of the delegation, is optimistic about the prospect of seeking business partners in Qing Island this time, and expresses his heartfelt thanks to Tianhe Group for providing first-class security services this time.

At the end of the press conference, Ye Qingling, the most beautiful boss among so many corporate bosses in Qingdao, invited various media reporters and bosses in Qingdao to participate in the grand event held by Tianhe Group at 7:00 p.m. The ball is used to clean up the dust for the Pearl inspection team.

After hearing Ye Qingling say that the dance will be held at 7 o'clock in the evening, and received warm applause from the reporters and Tianhe employees, Li Yuanhua, who was sitting on the presidium stage, groaned inwardly, a bad thought that embarrasses Ye Qingling , making the corner of his mouth curved into a sneer.

Night fell amidst the busyness of everyone in Tianhe from top to bottom, and the welcome dance with the theme of 'New Tomorrow' started on time at seven o'clock.

In order to strive to do better, Tianhe Group has already made all preparations for today's dance.

Under the command and dispatch of Chu Xiangxiang, the general manager of Fengqiuhuang, and Zhao Min, the general manager of Phantom, 168 female employees were strictly selected from various subordinate units, holding trays full of red wine and juice drinks, one by one. This smiling face is like a butterfly wearing flowers, shuttling through the hall coming and going. They gave their sweetest smiles to every guest who could come to Fengqiuhuang to participate in this ball.

Luo Si, as the number one capable officer around Zhao Min, volunteered to come to Fengqiuhuang as an ordinary waiter. She did this because she was really grateful to Tianhe for giving her a position where she could flex her muscles. To be an ordinary waiter in this position is an expression of her love for Tianhe Group. What's more, she knew that she would definitely meet that man here today.

Qin Zhao has been sitting in front of a table in the corner of the hall. It is rare that he does not have a cigarette in his mouth, but holds a goblet in his hand that does not know whether it is filled with red wine or fruit juice. He just rests his elbows on the table, With a charming smile on the corner of his mouth, he looked at everyone in the hall. He's not just messing around here now, Ye Qingling and the others have also arranged for him a prestigious position---the chief security dispatcher of the investigation team during Tianhe.

Looking away, Qin Zhao casually met Roth's eyes, raised his cup and smiled to say 'Hello'.

First, he returned a smile that was different from others, Roth's heart skipped a beat, and his face blushed for no reason. Biting her lip and looking around hesitantly, everyone was chatting happily in twos and threes, and no one signaled for more wine or drinks. Then, she involuntarily walked towards Qin Zhao's corner.

Why every time I see this man, I always have this feeling of wanting to be with him?

Just when Luo Si was holding the tray, her eyes were a little blurred, her mood was a little joyful, and she couldn't help walking towards Qin Zhao faster and faster, a person suddenly appeared on her way forward. Then, she felt the arm holding the tray tremble, and the red wine and drink on it poured out all of a sudden, inevitably splashing on the man.

"Why, don't you walk without eyes?!" Luo Si was stunned for a moment, and before she could hurriedly say the three words "sorry", the man asked this sentence arrogantly.

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