Just when Li Yuanhua was thinking about how to make Tianhe and Ye Qingling make a fool of himself in Qing Island's press, he saw Luo Si.

To be honest, he was surprised that Tianhe had a beautiful president like Ye Qingling and a mature woman like Li Moyu, but when he saw that even a waiter serving dishes in Tianhe Group was pure and lovely, he wanted the man to be tender. At that time, I couldn't hold back the jealousy in my heart anymore, and walked towards Roth almost without thinking. Then, Roth, who obviously didn't know what he was thinking at first glance, bumped into him "unfortunately".

When red wine mixed with fruit juice was spilled on Li Yuanhua's suit worth more than 100,000 yuan, he immediately threw a sentence that didn't match his identity at all to the girl who was just about to apologize: "Why, don't you Do you walk without eyes?!"

"Yes, I'm sorry, please, please wipe it..."

Roth didn't expect that before she could react, Mr. Li from Pearl Technology, who was sitting on the presidium at noon, would say this sentence that didn't match his identity at all. He was slightly taken aback, and then stuttered. Apologize quickly. And subconsciously put the tray on a table next to him, took out his handkerchief, and wanted to wipe it for Li Yuanhua.

Although she didn't understand why this Mr. Li suddenly appeared in front of her eyes, no matter what, it was her fault to spill the wine on the distinguished guest.

"Get out of the way!"

Li Yuanhua opened the handkerchief that Roth handed over with a wave of his left hand, squinted at Ye Qingling who was surrounded by several reporters and asked what, and found that she didn't look this way, knowing that she hadn't attracted her attention yet . It seems that just a few words of dissatisfaction cannot achieve the goal, and the contradiction must be intensified.

"Mr. Li, I'm really sorry." After Li Yuanhua opened his hand, Luo Si's face flushed red, and the hand holding the handkerchief froze in the air. a bit……"

"I know, but do you know how much my clothes cost? Hmph, I'm afraid you won't be able to get this kind of clothes even if you work without food or drink for two years! Now that you've soiled it, don't you just wipe it off for me? ?"

Li Yuanhua stretched out his right hand holding the wine glass, pointed at her** arrogantly and said. What he said is right. The salary of a waiter in the Mainland is about several thousand yuan a month. If you want to buy a suit like his, I am afraid that you will have to live without eating or drinking for two years, and you may even buy it again. less than.

"That," Luo Si bit her lip, and she quickly glanced around, except for Qin Zhao who was covered by Li Yuanhua and was not seen by her, the rest of the people had already been attracted by Li Yuanhua's gesticulation. , Among them was Ye Qingling, the boss of Tianhe who was also looking this way. She didn't want to affect the company's efforts to make a good impression on the Pearl Consortium because of her mistakes, so she said in a low voice: "Mr. Li, what do you want to do? Otherwise, I will compensate you again." pieces."

Hundreds of thousands in a suit is really not a small amount, but at this time, if the apology is not accepted, is there any other way for Roth to do it?

When Luo Si saw Ye Qingling looking this way, Li Yuanhua also saw it.

What do you want to do? Hmph, I miss Mr. Ye of Tianhe Group ashamed! You pay me one? If this is the case, how can it have the effect I want? Let's talk about hundreds of thousands of dollars, why do I care about me? Thinking this way in his heart, Li Yuanhua blurted out, "No way!"

"According to Mr. Li's intention?"

Luo Si looked up at Li Yuanhua, not understanding why this Mr. Li was so unkind. Isn't it just spilling a little wine on your clothes? Wipe it for you, you don't want to. I don't want to buy another one for you, that's not enough! So what do you think of me?

"According to what I mean? Hehe... According to what I mean, just sleep with me tonight."

Li Yuanhua said lightly that if he wanted to embarrass Ye Qingling in a favorable position, he had to find a suitable excuse. And to piss off this girl who seems a little impatient now is the opportunity to find this excuse.

Although Luo Si is now Zhao Min's capable officer, after half a year of experience, his social experience has also been greatly enhanced. But after all, she is just a girl who has just left school and still has a student spirit in her bones. How could she be Li Yuanhua's opponent who has been invading the society for more than ten years? Sure enough, after Li Yuanhua made this request, the smile on Roth's face immediately dropped, and his tone became cold all of a sudden: "Mr. Li, isn't it too much for you to say that?"


Li Yuanhua stared at the small piece of white snow under Roth's neck, shook the goblet in his hand and asked, "I'm just going too far, what can you do? Cut, don't act like I'm so noble, a small place It’s just a woman of mine. Let me tell you, my son has a crush on you, and it’s your blessing to let me sleep with you, so don’t be ignorant... Well, chick, tell me, how are you in bed? Are you good at it? How many poses..."

No matter how rich or high a person is, if he says something that can only be said by a street bastard, he will become a bastard in this girl's heart. As long as they are decent girls, they have always disliked bastards.

As soon as Li Yuanhua said this, Luo Si, who couldn't keep his face anymore, reached out and took half a glass of red wine on the table beside him, and poured it on Li Yuanhua without thinking: "Bastard!"

So, after Luo Si, who was soft on the outside and strong on the inside, raised his glass and splashed him in the face, Li Yuanhua's goal was achieved.

After being splashed with wine on his face by Roth, Li Yuanhua finally found the most favorable excuse for himself, and immediately turned his backhand to Roth's left cheek, and with a slap, it was a clear and loud applause that pierced through the melody of the light music. But the voice was low: "Smelly woman, you dare to pour wine on me?!"

Pain, burning pain on the cheek.

Roth's head was thrown aside, and there was a whitish handprint on his flushed left cheek. When she hurriedly turned her head away, her eyes were already filled with tears. Biting her lips tightly, she bitterly looked at the man with a hint of complacency in the corner of her mouth after tears dripped down her eyes.

Ye Qingling was not very familiar with Luo Si, but she did not miss Zhao Min's praise of this girl.

This time, after seeing her name in the list of guest waiters who offered to come to Fengqiuhuang, she also considered entrusting this girl with important tasks in the future. After all, being able to let go of the airs of the duty manager and become a waiter, in addition to showing her loyalty to the company, she will definitely have a love for the company. For this kind of capable girl who thinks about the company, if she is not promoted to make greater contributions to the company during her tenure as the CEO, she will be unwilling to leave the company even after half a year.

But now, how could this girl who was favored by him make such an action to offend the guests! ?

As soon as the sound of slap fell, Ye Qingling, in the eyes of everyone in the hall looking at Luo Si, gently pushed away the journalists who blocked her eyes, walked quickly to the scene of the incident, and began to question: "Roth, How is this going!?"

"Mr. Ye..." But after seeing Ye Qingling's dissatisfied eyes, Luo Si bit her lower lip tightly with her snow-white teeth, tears of humiliation flowed down her cheeks, and said with a sob: " Mr. Ye, he, he..."

"Mr. Li, I'm sorry," Ye Qingling saw that Luo Si's face was flushed, but she knew that she was full of tears and looked pitiful, but she couldn't explain why, and when she thought about being held by Li Yuanhua at the airport, her heart Suddenly understood something. But Li Yuanhua is a guest of the entire Qing Island today, and he is also the object of the Tianhe Group's special favor, so even if it is his fault at this time, he can only apologize to him first, and get rid of the unhappiness from everyone, especially the reporters, as soon as possible. Wiping out his eyes: "Although I don't know what happened, I would like to express my sincere apologies to you first, and promise to punish this employee severely, as long as it satisfies you."

After Luo Si heard Ye Qingling's grievances, she wanted to tell Li Yuanhua's words to clear her innocence, but how could a girl who had never been in a relationship have the face to put such words in front of so many people? speak out? She was embarrassed to say it, but she was misunderstood by Mr. Ye if she didn't say it. Immediately, she couldn't bear the grievance in her heart anymore, and she burst into tears with her hands covering her face.

"Hmph," Li Yuanhua felt a sense of pleasure at Roth's grievance-filled cries, but this was far from achieving his goal of revenge on Ye Qingling for embarrassing him at the airport.

Stretching out his hand and rubbing his face lightly a few times, Li Yuanhua said annoyedly to the few journalists who followed Ye Qingling at this time, fearing that the world would not be chaotic: "Everyone can take a look, I, Li People come to Qingdao to Tianhe Group with sincerity, but you see, just because the Tianhe employee is spilling all the wine on me, and I said a few rude words to her, she picked up the wine glass and splashed me. Face. Mr. Ye himself is as proud as a queen, but I never thought that even one of Tianhe's waiters serving plates is so bold! It's amazing, it's amazing, Tianhe's people are really amazing."

"Mr. Li," Ye Qingling could only frown at Li Yuanhua's sarcasm: "Look at what you said, what do you mean I am arrogant like a queen? I will deal with my employees if they make mistakes, please Don't tell your reporter friend yet, okay?"

If you tell me not to speak, I will not speak? Wouldn't all my painstaking efforts be in vain? Well, of course, it’s okay if you don’t say anything, then you have to sleep with me...

"Oh, Mr. Ye, you won't let me tell the truth?"

Li Yuanhua put the empty wine glass on the table, rubbed his face vigorously with his hands a few times, and waited for more and more people to surround him, including CEOs of other companies, and then asked mockingly: "Then what do you want me to do? Do you want to say sorry to her after being spilled by your waiter in Tianhe? Hehe, Mr. Ye, if you think so, Isn't that a little too much?"

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