After seeing these people with rough clothes and unique appearance but carrying powerful AK47 rifles, a word suddenly appeared in Wang Yashan's mind: Dongtu elements.

Qin Zhao's enemies are really all over the world, not only the Japanese and Russians, but also these lunatics who want to fight for independence. Thinking of this, Wang Yashan laughed at herself, feeling a little proud of her employer. But based on what that guy did, not to mention provoking these clowns, even the British royal family, wouldn't he still ignore it?

"Dear lady, if you really want to ask why, I can't answer you, I'm really sorry." The man covered his body with his right hand, bent slightly, his elegant demeanor and the rifle on his body were already dressed Doesn't match at all: "But I can't not do it because it's what our boss ordered."

"Who is your boss? Why did he ask you to tie me up?" Wang Yashan moved her neck slightly, the pain made her feel very uncomfortable. Through her breath, she could smell that after being knocked down , I should have been fascinated by drugs again, otherwise my mind wouldn't be so groggy.

"He wants to negotiate a business with you, but I'm afraid you won't cooperate, that's why he resorted to this method." Before Wang Yashan could say anything, the man said straightforwardly: "If you agree, you will be by that Qin Zhao's side according to our requirements." As an internal response, our boss will never treat you badly."

"Hehe," Wang Yashan smiled with difficulty, as if she had heard a really happy joke. Although it was really inconvenient to speak, she couldn't help but asked again: "Will you treat me badly? You guys Why don’t you treat me badly? Just because you dress like this? Or give me an AK47 as a reward? Then again, what if I’m not satisfied with your conditions, or if I don’t want to?”

"Our brother hasn't met a woman for a long time, especially a beauty like you."

The man didn't mind Wang Yashan's cynicism at all. Anyway, the initiative is now in his hands, so he doesn't have to argue with women. He stopped talking about any conditions with Wang Yashan, he just glanced at Wang Yashan's body lightly, then called a person's name in a low voice, and said, "Bart, if this lady doesn't want to cooperate, then she belongs to you and her today." Brothers. Remember, don't take too long, or the boss will be unhappy."

A man standing behind him took a step forward. He was even taller and burly than this man looked. I really don't know how these guys who can't eat enough to grow into such a body.

Bart didn't speak, just nodded, then took off the gun from his waist and handed it to his companion, rolled up his cuffs a little, then walked to Wang Yashan like a tiger, looking at Wang Yashan with a pair of blue eyes. Her face, then, showed a cat's smile when it sees a mouse, triumphant with absolute cruelty.

Wang Yashan looked at him fearlessly, but her eyes became more and more cold and full of deep despair. She knew that these 'poor' men, apart from poor food and clothing, were also quite lacking in that kind of life. But even if I said I agreed to be their internal response, would they let me go? Let go like this unscathed? I'm afraid there must be pill coercion such as the "Zuiming Wugu Duanchang Powder" in martial arts novels, right? Otherwise, it's the same old fashioned nude photos. However, no matter what kind it is, Wang Yashan doesn't want to see it. This is a fact.

With a bang, Bart had been looking at Wang Yashan for about half a minute, then he suddenly raised his foot and stomped hard on her chest, turning over with the chair all at once. Without waiting for Wang Yashan to make any cry of pain, he walked up to her one step at a time, put one foot on her chest, and said in jerky Chinese, "You, promise or not?"

Wang Yashan is not Sister Jiang, and she is not Liu Hulan at all. She is Wang Yashan, a wonderful girl who has never suffered a disadvantage since she was a child, and has a stubborn temper. Someone stepped on her buttocks, her mouth was tightly closed with a rope, and a trace of blood slowly dripped from the corner of her mouth, proving that Bart's kick had caused her internal injuries just now. She really wanted to fight back against this tall, bear-like guy with a smile, but the pain in her chest made the smile at the corner of her mouth distorted.

"Do you agree or not?" When Bart asked the second sentence, he had already started to take off his shirt. The yellow and black *hair* under a miner's lamp in the cave made Wang Yashan feel a little disgusted.

"Yes, if you have the ability, you let me go..." Wang Yashan took a hard breath. She had always thought that she was quite athletic, and even when she saw Qin Zhao dismissing the Vietnamese as if walking in a courtyard, she just felt that she was at most a little bit worse than him. It wasn't until now that someone stepped on her heart with her dirty feet, that she realized that if she were replaced by Qin Zhao to deal with these guys, I'm afraid that if Qin Zhao didn't step on their mouths, it would be the wives of these guys burning incense at home... …

Um? Do they have wives? I don't know why, Wang Yashan's heart hurts terribly, and when she was still fantasizing about a one-on-one duel with others, the boring idea of ​​whether this bear-like Bart has a wife came up.

"It seems that you don't plan to cooperate with us anymore?" Bart smiled sinisterly, turned around and shouted: "Emma, ​​take the camera, there will be a wonderful show next!"

These guys really played this game. After hearing what Bart said, Wang Yashan coughed and thought. Then she saw a little man bear walking over in a wobbly and tugging manner. Although he was not well dressed, he was carrying the latest Sony camera on his shoulders.

"Give you another ten seconds. If you still want to resist, the passionate scene between you and me will appear on the Internet or in the news of some countries without pay. I believe they will perform this kind of performance because of the elite Chinese female agents. Passionate scenes are very interesting." Bart sneered and rubbed his hands, and then began to undo his belt.

Wang Yashan didn't say a word, just looked at him so coldly, but from her slightly wrinkled nose, she seemed to be disgusted by Bart's words that were not much better than farts. From the moment she joined Jiaozi, she had already prepared for any possible price, but the price was a bit high, and it also made her feel a little bit unwilling. Because until now, she hasn't had time to talk about a decent relationship.

Love... what a warm word? Find a man who is not necessarily handsome, but who must be teased. That man may not be as glib as Qin Zhao, but he must be as ruthless as Jing Hongming, which makes girls' hearts flutter. Jing Hongming...Jing Hongming, all this is because of following you, I wonder if you will feel a little guilty when you think of me in the future? Even a little bit.

"10, 9, 8, 6..." Bart's mathematics is really not very good. When he counted to 8, he dropped a 7. He clearly saw the unwillingness in Wang Yashan's eyes, which also made him passionately hope that the exciting moment would come soon, because he had never been in contact with a beautiful Chinese woman like Wang Yashan since he was a child. Thinking of what might happen in a while, he His breathing couldn't help but become rough.

"Hehe, come on, you are an incompetent wretch, you are only worthy of doing this kind of dirty thing. But it doesn't matter, I will take it as a pity for you before you die, it's a good deed."

Regardless of the difficulty in breathing and the pain in her chest, Wang Yashan forced herself to chuckle and said. She didn't want to say something to this human bear, "just treat it as being bitten by a dog", because she thought that the white little Jing at home was a hundred times cuter than this man. That little Jing she asked for from someone else's house wouldn't bite her.

Unexpectedly, Wang Yashan would be so open-minded, Bart was taken aback, and even forgot to count.

"Bart, since she wants to fulfill you, why don't you let this lady behave properly? For example, feed her a pill that increases the taste. I think even if she dies for a while, she will miss that taste very much "The man who was talking to Wang Yashan at the beginning, still said like a gentleman at this time, then took out a small white bottle marked with English letters from the satchel he was carrying, and poured out a red pill from it.

The pill was shining with a strange red color, and it looked like a grinning devil in the not-so-clean palm, which finally revealed deep fear in Wang Yashan's eyes.

"What a good idea!" Emma touched the corner of her mouth, stared at Wang Yashan, then smiled and picked it up with two fingers, walked up to Bart and handed it to him, then quickly stepped back, holding the camera with both hands , trying to find the best angle.

"Hey." There was a strange light in Bart's eyes, under the thick beard that looked like a broom seedling, and a smug laugh that cats would not bother to make when they were hunting. In Wang Yashan's impression, although Qin often laughed like this, how cute is his smile? How can it be as unqualified as this human bear.

Bart didn't care whether Wang Yashan was dissatisfied with his smile, bent down, pinched Wang Yashan's chin, stuck out his tongue and licked his upper lip: "This is the last time I ask you, do you agree or not?"

Wang Yashan just looked at him coldly, with fear in her eyes, without saying a word.

"." Bart said yes, then stretched out his hand to grab the rope around Wang Yashan's mouth, and while untying the knot, the other hand tightly pinched her chin, for fear that she would bite her tongue and kill herself. As long as Wang Yashan takes this special aphrodisiac, even if she wants to commit suicide, apart from the strength to sing softly, she probably won't have the strength to bite her own tongue.

Wang Yashan stared at him coldly, without saying a word, but the growing fear turned into mist in her eyes.

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