"You can imagine that when this pill slips down your throat, you can't do anything but scream and writhe like crazy... You can think about it when you take this pill the result afterwards."

Bart smiled, pinching Wang Yashan's chin with one hand, and holding the red pill between the two fingers of the other hand. The look that disgusted Wang Yashan made her feel that the two big brothers of Yan Luodian, black and white, were much more pleasing to the eye than this bear. However, in the current situation, even if she wanted to see those two big brothers, she might not have the final say. Because at the same time Bart said these words, Wang Yashan raised her knees suddenly and pressed them against his waist with a bang.

This burst of power from restraint did not cause any harm to Bart except for making Bart grin his mouth. I'm afraid that sometimes when he slaps the mosquito on his belly with his big dirty hand, he uses more force than the one that pushes him.

Seeing that Wang Yashan is still resisting, Bart knows that it is impossible to force her to submit through threats. After cursing a curse word that only his mother could understand, he sent the pill in his hand to Wang Yashan's eyes.

Wang Yashan desperately shook her head and body, trying her best to avoid this evil pill. But a person whose limbs are tightly bound and her mouth is pinched, no matter how hard she tries, where can she struggle? So when Bart pressed his knee on Wang Yashan's chest, her struggle had no effect at all, she could only keep her eyes wide open, looking at the pill in Bart's hand, the pill that opened in her own Pills above the mouth.

It is said that if you are in danger, you only need to shout the person you most want to see, and that person may appear in front of you. Then Wang Yashan yelled, loudly and terribly, because these were probably the last words she yelled in this life.

"Jing Hong's life!"

No one knew, including Wang Yashan herself, that when she was in despair, the person who appeared in front of her eyes was Jing Hongming, who had only met her twice! That Jing Hongming who was coldly persuading her to go back with her white teeth bared in the alley at night.

But the legend is a legend after all, will Jing Hongming appear in front of Wang Yashan at this critical moment, and relieve her of the suffering of hanging upside down?

the answer is……


Because just when Wang Yashan shouted Jing Hongming's name with all her strength, and when the pill fell into her mouth freely because of the two fingers released by Bart, a bolt of lightning, a black lightning, swished With a sound of rubbing Wang Yashan's lips, with a sharp and rapid piercing sound, the pill representing evil was shot out!

Everyone's eyes, including Wang Yashan's, looked at the bird that was carried by a black object and flew to the other side of the cave, and then made a 'doo' sound. No need to wait for the tail of the black object to stop shaking, everyone, including Wang Yashan, could tell that the one who penetrated and flew the pill was the king of cold weapons in the Chinese army - the army thorn!

Military thorns, black military thorns, military thorns that make soldiers of all countries in the world look at each other, flying like a black lightning thorn, the tail trembles into the wall, making a buzzing sound that can only be seen with the eyes, and it is there non-stop trembling.

Then, everyone saw a young man, holding two AK47s in both hands, walking in slowly from the entrance of the cave, as if he was taking a walk after dinner. Guarding so many enthusiastic Dongtu elements with AK47 assault rifles, they walked in slowly step by step. At the entrance of the cave not far behind him, there were two men lying there motionless, but the bright red blood flowed out from around their necks at a speed faster than that of a crawling snake, with curling heat, There was a smell of blood in the hot air.

Jing Hong's life!

It turned out that Jing Hong's life really came!

The tears in Wang Yashan's eyes could no longer hold back when the indifferent Jing Hongming slowly appeared in front of all the foolish Dongtu elements.

Slowly speaking, Jing Hongming was originally a man, even if he had a big belly and wrinkled face, as long as Wang Yashan could move her hands and feet, she would rush to him without hesitation, hug him, and kiss the corner of his mouth fiercely Why not always upturned lips.

Is there any man more handsome than Jing Hongming at this time? Anymore?

Wang Yashan stared obsessively at Jing Hongming, who finally had a smile on the corner of her mouth, which was a sneer. When tears gradually blurred her vision, she suddenly shouted: "Jing Hongming, run! They have guns!" As the saying goes , No matter how advanced or tough the martial arts are, he is also afraid of being shot by bricks, isn't he? What's more, everyone here is holding an AK47? Even if Jing Hongming had great abilities, she wouldn't be invulnerable to bullets, would she?

First run out to call for help or help, only then can you hope to save yourself! Even if he was killed by these human bears before the reinforcements came, it would be a hundred times better than taking that pill, wouldn't it? Wang Yashan is indeed the captain of Jiaozi's special team. Although she is not as skilled as others, she was brought here by others, but when these people and bears were fighting, she had already thought of the best countermeasure.

However, it was clear that Jing Hongming didn't appreciate Wang Yashan's yelling, she frowned slightly, then stopped, and stared coldly at the brothers who were looking at the entrance of the cave with eyes more vicious than poisonous snakes. The East Tu elements, those eyes seem to be looking at some dead people. As for the words that Wang Yashan yelled, he didn't care at all, it was a bit like Qin Zhao's arrogance when he saw a beautiful woman.

You have AK47 in your hands, but what is it? Of the eight of you, seven have guns, but I also have guns, and there are still two of them.

"Who are you?" The man who gave Bart the pill was stunned for a moment after seeing Jing Hong's life, but then he reacted, raised the assault rifle in his hand with a clatter, and together with those who woke up later, shot The mouth was aimed at him at the same time. As long as the boss gives an order, they are absolutely sure to beat this man into a hornet's nest within ten seconds.

"If you are not deaf, you should have heard her call me by name." Jing Hongming looked at these people coldly, turning a blind eye to the guns in their hands, and continued to walk forward step by step until He stopped only five or six meters away from the man who gave the orders, with his hands hanging down, dragging the butts of two AK47s on the ground. When walking over, the butt of the gun rubbed against the ground, making a salsa sound, echoing back and forth in the cave.

"Jing Hong's order?" The man who gave the order frowned, only then did he recall that Wang Yashan had indeed called this name just now. The reason why he didn't rush to order his brothers to shoot and kill Jing Hong was because he was confident. You have to know that there are seven or eight people on your side, so don't rush to kill him first, let's see who this guy is. You must know that many capable men who follow the boss all look like this. This guy has a cool expression.

"Yes, I am Jing Hongming."

"Who is Jing Hongming? Why does it sound so familiar?" The man giving orders repeated Jing Hongming's name again, just when the AK47s in Jing Hongming's hands hit the ground and bounced up, he Suddenly he shouted: "Jing Hongming, Shiyue is cold-blooded!" He was indeed right, but what answered him was not Jing Hongming's words, but an A assault bullet worth less than three yuan.

Without blinking, Wang Yashan watched the two AK47s being slammed down by Jing Hong. The two guns jumped in the air with the strong rebound force generated by the impact of the butts on the ground. Like a slow motion shot by a high-powered camera, she could clearly see that by the time the two bullets hit Jing Hong's gun, his two hands had already grasped the end of the butt just right. narrow, and pulled the trigger with unbelievable speed.

Bang bang gunshots echoed in the cave, and Wang Yashan watched the bullets fly out without blinking, and then penetrated into the foreheads of those people, and then a red mist of blood filled the eyes in front of their eyes. Half a meter away.

After seeing the movement and accuracy of Jing Hongming's shooting with both hands, Wang Yashan finally realized clearly how ridiculous it was when she changed Jiao Zixiang's name to be similar to Long Teng Twelve Moon's. Xio said that the calmness in the face of an enemy several times that of his own, just relying on his superb spear skills, the members of the Jiaozi couldn't do it at all.

The gunshots with white smoke and yellow flames rang out seven times, and then stopped. Before Wang Yashan could close her open mouth, she saw that except for Bart, including Emma who was carrying the camera, all of them fell backwards straight. On their foreheads, there was a bullet hole, red and white. Brain, as if it was boiling, came out of it.

After two bangs, Jing Hongming threw the gun on the ground without looking at what happened to those people after firing seven bullets. He walked over to Bart who was really stupid. For a human bear who unbuttoned his belt and still exposed most of his body, if Long Teng Shiyue used a gun to touch his forehead, it would be too bullying.

Seeing this man, who was much shorter than himself, walking towards him after harvesting the lives of seven companions with seven gunshots in the blink of an eye, Bart no longer had the calmness and chic he had when he dealt with Wang Yashan just now, even his pants Before he could mention it, he stood up trembling all over.

It turns out that a man who looks like a bear doesn't necessarily have a bear-like irascibility and a simple mind that doesn't know what fear is. It turns out that not every Dongtu member has the spirit of fearing death as if he were at home. When death is approaching step by step, their faces will be so pale that they don't even know they have urinated.

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