"What? Someone dares to plan on my precious grandson!?" Mother Su was taken aback.

"Yes," Han Xiangdong nodded: "Xiao Ning may have had a little accident. I don't know the specific situation yet."

"I know that you are all people who do great things. The little accidents in your mouths will be a big disaster for us old ladies. Good, good," Su Mu nodded and said three good words, and then continued. His face was pulled down, and he pointed at Su Chonghe, who felt that a storm was coming, and he lowered his head and did not dare to breathe: "You old man, you are trying to save face, you are so good, you are kicked out of the house!" It’s all good now... If there is something wrong with him, I... cough cough cough."

"Oh, what are you doing? Isn't it that Su Ning hasn't come yet? Besides, it was her own idea that she went out to live at the beginning..." Watching over his son-in-law, Su Chonghe showed face I was also a little bit overwhelmed, and when I was about to continue to shirk responsibility, I was interrupted by Su's mother.

"Okay, Su Chonghe, now we're both playing bureaucratic, one by one, okay, you, you wait," Su's mother stood up, looked around, and saw the usual The chicken felt was on the coffee table behind the eldest son-in-law Han Xiangdong, and he pointed with his finger: "Xiangdong, hand me that thing!"

Old man Su is afraid of his internal affairs. To the outside world, this is a high-level secret, but in the eyes of his family, it is not a secret. Now, after Han Xiangdong heard that his old mother-in-law was asking him for chicken feathers, he pretended not to hear and turned his head to look outside. After a pause, he said, "Hey, Suning is here!"

"You don't want to use this trick to divert my attention anymore. This time I have to say anything... Oh, so it's really here." Su's mother was in the middle of speaking, and there was a fine sweat on Su's forehead. At that time, a Land Rover off-road vehicle stopped at the gate. The car stopped, and Sun Zhongbo, Suning's colleague from the National Security Intelligence Department, got out first. He turned the car and opened the door for Suning who was holding the child, and then took the child and walked directly into Su's house.

Sun Zhongbo is interested in Suning, the old Su family has known for a long time, although this child (Su old man's words.) does not have any prominent family background, and he is not very handsome, but he is a good man who is reliable and should be the first choice of women. But it is such a good man, who has been silently caring for his daughter a few years ago, but the daughter seems to be invisible, and only Qin Zhao, who later found out to be the nephew of the general secretary, is in his heart.

Qin Zhao was a family of five and six, but with old man Su's piercing eyes, he could tell at a glance that this son was a man who would mess around without wearing crotch pants. What's the use of being handsome? Can handsome be a warm home? Shuai Neng, can you call him old man...

Seeing that an outsider was about to come in, Su Chonghe straightened his body immediately, with a calm expression on his face, and Su's mother also sat obediently on the side, with her hands crossed on her lower abdomen, like the boss's good wife.

When there are no outsiders, the old mother-in-law is heaven. When she serves the old man with a kind face, she must be guarding outsiders... Hey, the old mother-in-law is really a smart woman, no wonder the old man lives so comfortably, only 62, one person is under one person and above ten thousand people , Han Xiangdong thought.

However, when Lao Su and Han Xiangdong saw that Su Guanning, who was eating grilled fish fillets, was safe and still so cute, they both heaved a sigh of relief at the same time: It's good that the child is fine, but why does Su Ning cry like that on the phone?

Just when Su Chonghe maintained the appearance of the head of the family and Su's mother was about to call "the little grandson is here", Sun Zhongbo who walked to the center of the yard handed the child to Suning, said something in a low voice, and rushed Nodding in the direction of the living room, he turned and left. After seeing him start the car and leave, Old Su's straight waist bent down again amidst the snickering of his son-in-law, and Mother Su looked at her coldly again.

"Ahem, Xiangdong, go and bring Xiao Ning here. I haven't heard him call grandpa for a long time... oh, it's grandma." Su Chong said to the eldest son-in-law without squinting.

"Okay." Han Xiangdong nodded and stood up. Although he hadn't seen it once or twice against the old couple, but such a big vice chairman of the Central Department was beaten on the head with a chicken felt by his wife, even if he was half a son-in-law, he would feel embarrassed. So after hearing what his father-in-law said, he hurriedly stood up, ready to go out to meet Er Ning.

But just as Han Xiangdong took a step, he saw Suning in the yard kneeling on the ground.

What's going on? Han Xiangdong suspected that his eyes were dazzled, so he shook his head vigorously. After seeing Su Guanning, who was eating fish fillets, Suning was also kneeling there, he believed that what he saw was real. Surprised and puzzled, she turned her head back: "Dad, Mom, Xiao Ning, this is..."

"Hmph," Su Chonghe was not surprised that Suning's mother and son were kneeling there, but just snorted coldly and said, "She has something she can't solve. After so many years, my father and I have been subdued and always use this One trick. Xiang Dong, let her come in and talk. Stop kneeling, the ground is cold... the child will not be able to bear it."

"Oh." Han Xiangdong nodded, opened the door and walked out.

"Old man, why do I feel that the second girl is different this time? Could it be that she caused some serious trouble to presume that something is wrong with her grandson?" Mother Su looked outside the living room, the eldest son-in-law was talking to her daughter, But the daughter just shook her head vigorously. The eldest son-in-law wanted to hug Su Guanning, but the little brat grabbed his daughter's sleeve tightly, as if sharing weal and woe with his mother.

"Dad, Mom, Su Ning won't get up. She said that she will only get up if you agree to her one request. If you don't agree to her, she will lead Xiao Ning to kneel until you agree. Look..." Han Xiangdong walked After entering the living room, he softly reported to old man Su.

"Hmph, what kind of request did she say?" Su Chonghe 37605944 snorted coldly: "You don't want me to go to Qingdao and that person's home to propose marriage for her, right? If it's this matter, then She can kneel if she likes, anyway, she hasn't kneeled for a long time."

"Xiao Ning didn't say it, but I don't think it's the problem, because I can feel that she seems to be very scared now, and her body is shaking all the time." Han Xiangdong shook his head and said.

"Afraid? Will she be afraid? It's really strange. Well, you tell her that I will agree to her request. But if I go to Qing Island to show my face, then I have to trouble her to continue kneeling."

"I'm afraid it's not about this, otherwise she wouldn't have called me here." Han Xiangdong shook his head and walked out.

"Xiao Ning, Dad said that there is nothing wrong with other than agreeing not to go to Qingdao to propose to the Qin family. In fact, even if Dad refuses to agree to your request, brother-in-law can help you do it. Although brother-in-law My prestige is not as high as my father's, but my brother-in-law can be considered a successful person, isn't he?"

Han Xiangdong jokingly said to Suning: "Get up quickly, the child will be frozen when the ground is cold." From Han Xiangdong's self-proclaimed successful person, it can be seen how humble Su Jing and her husband are! The majestic president of the Supreme People's Court of Huaxia is actually a successful person... No wonder old man Su likes this son-in-law who is not more than ten years younger than himself so much and doesn't pee on that handsome Qin.

"Brother-in-law." After hearing what Han Xiangdong said, Suning didn't show any shy or happy smiles, her raised face was already full of tears, and she almost kowtowed on the ground and said, "I beg Master Han Qingtian to make decisions for the girls." ' up. After Su Ning called her brother-in-law, tears flowed down her cheeks, and her slightly blue lips trembled uncontrollably, which made Han Xiangdong feel very distressed.

"Get up quickly..." Han Xiangdong was naturally inconvenient to pull Su Ning, so he just bent down and hugged Su Guanning: "Xiao Ning, tell mom to get her up and go to the living room to talk to grandparents."


Looking at his son with a clean face, and thinking of his lover who gave up his resistance because of his son, Suning felt extremely uncomfortable. But when you are uncomfortable, you can score points. If there are ink marks here again, maybe people from the Fu family will do it. If anything happened to Qin Zhao, let alone the old father, even if the general secretary personally intervened in this matter, it would be too late. After wiping away tears, Suning stood up and followed Han Xiangdong into the living room.

"Dad, Mom." After entering the living room, Su Ning walked up to Su's mother with his head down, knelt down in front of her again, and said bluntly: "Mom, Xiao Ning, Xiao Ning's biological father has come to Beijing. "

Retracting the hand that wanted to hold her daughter up, Su's mother glanced at Su Chonghe, who had an ugly face, and sighed softly: "Oh, Ning'er, does it mean that he knows that Xiao Ning is his son, and wants to take Xiao Ning back?" ? You called your father and your brother-in-law just now, isn’t it because you disagreed and he sent someone to rob them?”

"Hmph!" Su Chonghe couldn't remember how many times he had snorted coldly today, and slapped the sofa hard: "Su Ning, is your mother right? That bastard not only lied to my daughter, but now he wants to make my daughter Ning snatch it back, he is dreaming! Don't say he is Lao Song's nephew, even if he is the Jade Emperor's own son, don't try to succeed... Oh, don't just kneel there and cry, get up Get up and tell me where he is now? See if I don't shoot him!"

"Grandpa, who are you going to kill?" Su Guanning, who was in Han Xiangdong's arms, asked crisply when he heard his grandfather said that he was going to kill someone.

"Hehe, Xiao Ning, go over there and let grandma hug you." After seeing Su Guanning, Old Su smiled like a flower on his old face. After prevaricating his grandson's words, he lowered his voice and asked if he was just crying. Su Ning: "Tell me, where is Qin Zhao?!"

"Is Qin Zhao the Xiao Zhao that mother said?" Su Guanning, who was in Mother Su's arms at this time, raised his face and asked Old Su again.

"Xiao Ning, have you met that gangster, that person?" It turns out that their father and son have already met, otherwise Xiao Ning would not know that Qin Zhao is Xiao Zhao. It seems that he wants to take the child back, but Suning disagrees, but because of Xiaoning's parents, I'm sorry to be too unfeeling to him, so he came to beg me. If you kneel down to me for this matter, then I have to do it for her, even if it's the other way around kneeling down to her old man... Su Chonghe thought self-righteously.

"I've seen it."

"Then where is he? Xiao Ning told grandpa." Old Su Ci asked his grandson kindly.

"He was taken away by the police, and the policemen who took him pointed a gun at his head." Su Guanning blinked and said.

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