"T-was taken away by the police? Still pointed a gun at his head?" Su Chonghe was stunned for a moment: "Xiao Ning told Grandpa why he was taken away by the police and why he was pointed at the head by the police ?”

"Because he killed those bad guys who wanted to slash my face with a knife and shoot me to death with a gun." Su Guanning struggled and jumped out of the astonished Mother Su's arms, ran to Suning and lay down in her arms, He asked loudly: "Mom, you said that if I want to call someone's father, I need your permission, right? But I want to call that person's father, I really want to, really want to."

"Xiao Ning! Mom said, said..." After hearing his son's question, Su Ning couldn't help sobbing in a low voice, and then burst into tears: "When you see him again, call him dad, dad ,do you know?"

Someone not only wanted to cut Xiao Ning's face with a knife, but also wanted to kill him with a gun! It was precisely for Xiao Ning not to be harmed that Qin Zhao, who appeared from nowhere, killed someone... Su Chonghe and Han Xiangdong looked at each other, then nodded. If Su Ning had to tell this story, Su Chonghe might not believe it, but from a three-year-old baby, they would have to believe it even if they didn't believe it! Tong Yan is not only Wuji, but also very real.

"Su Ning, get up." Su Chonghe picked up the cigarette on the coffee table, took out one between his fingers, and said, "Why do those people want to harm Xiao Ning? Heh heh, you are quite courageous, you dare to bully me, Su." Even if you don't know that he is Su Chonghe's grandson, how did Xiao Ning, a doll's family, provoke them? Well, stop crying here! Thanks to you, I'm Su Chonghe's daughter, thanks to you, I'm still The director of the National Security Intelligence Department actually asked Bie to rescue your son. They want to hurt Xiao Ning, where is your gun? Aren't you very powerful?"


"Oh, well, get up. Dad told you, Dad won't deal with the police because of that person. You can do this kind of thing yourself. Actually, you shouldn't let your brother-in-law come..."

"Dad, I can't do it myself, I really can't." Su Ning shook his head and interrupted Su Chonghe's words.

"Why? Hehe," Su Chonghe sneered, "The dog who wanted to harm my grandson was slaughtered, and my daughter just dared to watch her father cry, saying that it can't be done! Su Ning, tell Dad, what are you doing?" no?"

"Because the person he killed was Fu Yu."

"Fu Yu? Who is Fu Yu?"

"Fu Yu?" Han Xiangdong repeated the name, frowning with a sense of trouble, and narrowing his eyes, he asked, "Is it the Fu Yu from Jinghua Thirteen Young Masters?"

"Yes." Su Ning nodded, blood had already been bitten on his lips.

"What is Jinghua Thirteenth Young Master?" Su Chonghe asked with a frown.

"Oh, Dad, there is trouble. This Fu Yu is the youngest grandson of Fu Zihui. He and the young people of the Song, Yue, Li and Zhang families are called Jinghua Thirteen because they are always ostentatious in Beijing. few."

"Fu Zihui?" Su Chonghe repeated the name in a murmur, unconsciously crushing the unlit cigarette into fine powder...


The heavy iron door of the interrogation room of the Chenyang District Public Security Bureau was pushed open, hit the wall heavily and bounced back, but was held up by the captain of the criminal police team, Wang Xijun.

"Wang Dui." Seeing the captain leading Xiao Hu in, the two criminal police guarding Qin Zhao stood up quickly.

Wang Xijun didn't speak, just nodded, went to the back of the table, stretched out his hand and twisted the lamp head, aiming the eye-opening light at Qin Zhao who was handcuffed on the iron chair. He was being scolded by the old man at home, and Chief Liu called him back. It wasn't until he got in the car that he realized that such a big case had occurred in his jurisdiction.

Who dares to kill in broad daylight? And it's so motionless that I can't move at all! Doesn't this embarrass me, buddy? When I called Xiao Zhang on the road just now, I heard that the kid who killed someone was quite crazy. Damn, a murderer, you are crazy about your size, you want to eat a gun and go somewhere else... After Wang Xijun returned to the bureau full of anger, he didn't even take a sip of water, and directly called the recorder Xiao Hu came to the interrogation room, he was going to see who is so sacred, he dared to act so boldly.

"Name, gender, age, ethnic origin, what kind of occupation you were engaged in before committing the crime, and why did you kill?" Wang Xijun put a cigarette in his mouth, and quickly asked Qin, who was sitting on a chair and covered his eyes with his hands. Zhao. After lighting a cigarette, he signaled Xiao Hu to remember.

In Team Wang's view, not to mention that this guy killed Fu Yu from Jinghua Thirteen Young High School, even ordinary people, it is only natural to kill someone for life, so tonight's interrogation is just a formality, and he will be handed over to the court tomorrow That's it. The most important reason why I came to interrogate him in person was that I heard that this guy was quite crazy. After the murder, he still smiled and never forgot to flirt with the woman. He wanted to find an excuse to deal with him before he was shot.

Don't think that Dui Wang, who just won the top ten outstanding youths in the Jinghua police circle, would not torture criminal suspects in private, that's because those criminals in the past were not qualified! There are not many people who can let the son of Jinghua real estate tycoon Wang Jiawei clean up by himself. At least in the past six months, Qin Zhao is the first one who makes him want to clean up by himself.

"Yawn..." After putting down his arms and lowering his head, Qin Zhao yawned, wiped the drool from the corner of his mouth with his arms sleepily, narrowed his eyes and said, "Why did I leave me here and nobody cares? It turned out that I was waiting for you. I have to wait for you for almost an hour? You came only after I woke up...Can you give me a cigarette?"

Pa... Wang Xijun slapped the table, and the sound echoed crisply in the interrogation room of more than a dozen square meters, which startled Xiao Hu who was about to record.

"Okay boy, you're kind. You're still sleeping in the interrogation room after killing someone. If you don't answer your questions, you'll have to smoke." After a few steps across the table, he walked up to Qin Zhao, picked up the stick and hit Qin Zhao's ass with a slap.

"Captain Wang! You can't hit people!" Xiao Hu, the recorder, hurried over and grabbed the baton in Wang Xijun's hand, and said hastily, "If people who come to visit him see that he is injured, they will find trouble!"

"Someone will visit him?" Wang Xijun looked at Qin Zhao whose expression hadn't changed at all, and twitched the corner of his mouth: "Little Hu, do you know who he killed? Do you think he will have a chance to live until someone visits him?" ? Hey! What are you laughing at? Are you dissatisfied? Believe it or not, I beat you up?"

Qin Zhao shook his head indifferently, as if Wang Xijun hadn't hit him with the baton just now. Seeing that Wang Xijun is always dirty when he speaks, he squints his eyes, and closes his eyes without waiting for others to see what his eyes are. I reminded myself in my heart: What I am facing now is the police, the Jinghua police, not the enemy. There's no need to be serious with such self-righteous guys, or the old uncle and the others will definitely scold me to death, it's better to close your eyes and see nothing.

"Wang Dui, don't be angry, you haven't read his work permit yet, have you?" Xiao Hu took Wang Xijun's arm. She didn't understand at all why Wang Dui, who is usually very disciplined, became so angry when he came back from home. .

Why is Wang Xijun so angry today? It was because the old man told him that his precious sister, who was regarded as a princess by the entire Wang family, married a foreigner two months ago without even saying hello! This made Wang Xijun feel very depressed. He wanted to ask for leave and it was Daliao Chunyu Industry who 'caught' her back. The air ticket was already bought. Who knew this would happen?

It's because when he was persuading the old man, he said, "It's best for young people to make decisions on their own, and it's not necessarily necessary for her to marry the Zhang family, as long as he likes it, don't worry about her." ’, the old man threw him with a teacup in a rage, and pointed at his nose and cursed: ‘You know what a fart, if she can marry the Zhang family, doesn’t it mean buying a lifetime insurance for you? '

Wang Dui, who was so angry, was really upset, and just happened to meet this guy who asked for a cigarette instead of answering the question... beat him up? Hitting him is easy!

However, under Xiao Hu's persuasion, Wang Xijun snorted coldly, threw the baton back on the table casually, pulled an information bag on the table, and sat down again: "Name, gender, age, ethnic origin, in What kind of occupation did you engage in before committing the crime, and what was the reason for the murder?"

"My name is Qin Zhao, male, 25 years old, Han nationality, from Qiluqing Island, working as a secretary, because that kid shot at me, I had to kill him for self-defense." Qin Zhao was silent for a while, and then told the truth. Under the eaves of others, you might as well bow your head, there is no need to find someone to beat yourself up.

"What are you doing in Beijing?" Wang Xijun opened the information bag.

"find friends."

"Why are you looking for a friend to kill someone?" Wang Xijun picked up a black work card, glanced at it, and was stunned. As a promising young man who is determined to pursue an official career, he will naturally know which unit issued this work card with a huge national emblem on the cover. Except for the General Action Strategy Department, those bigwigs in the State Council only have this kind of work permit.

Opening his work permit, Wang Xijun licked his dry lips after seeing the rank of lieutenant: "You, are you from the Action Strategy Department?"

"Well, a little lieutenant from the operations strategy department... Oh, it should be a captain now, but I was too busy to change it." Qin Zhao looked at the cigarette in Wang Xijun's hand, licked his lips and said, "Can you Give me a cigarette? I’m always here waiting for you, it’s hard not to be able to smoke.”

Wang Xijun didn't say anything, but took out a box of Soft Huaxia from his pocket and put it on the table.

"Hehe, the table is a bit far away, and I can't reach it." Qin Zhao chuckled, and lifted his left hand that was chained to the iron chair.

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