Qin Zhao was lying on a wooden bed with a cigarette in his mouth, and was looking at the air conditioner behind the door motionlessly. On the table not far from the bed, there were several white lunch boxes and an unopened bottle of liquor.

It was already very late at night, and this was the fourth time Qin Zhao woke up. Throwing the cigarettes into the trash basket behind the door with handcuffed hands, lazily looked up at the electronic clock on the wall, it was already past one o'clock in the morning. Outside this temporary detention room arranged by the old prisoner, there are two police officers who are fighting landlords. Lao Xing knew that even if Qin Zhao was let go now, he would not leave, so the two police officers on duty did not treat him as a real suspect, as long as he was lying on the bed obediently , they don't care about him.

Closing his eyes, Li Moyu's unrestrained gesture of raising his hand and mouthing, and the scene of covering his face and crying and running away, will make him uncomfortable to sleep, and he can only rely on smoking to pass the long night of unintentional sleep. Director Lu Chaolu of the Municipal Bureau has always used the excuse of being busy arranging security tasks for the upcoming Spring Festival, and did not get involved in this matter at all. Old Lu is a smart person. After seeing Li Moyu crying and leaving the city bureau in the conference room on the third floor, he knew that he had better pretend to be stupid without getting the old man Li to teach him about this matter.

In fact, am I a bit too stupid for doing this?

Qin Zhao played with the lighter in his hand, his face was bright and dark by the flames of the lighter. In order not to be the fuse that caused the high-level shock, when he heard Lao Fan asking him what his relationship with Suning was, he had already decided to rely on himself to carry it out. In the past, he was a bird and would not know such things, let alone killing a Fu Yu, even if the trouble was a little bigger, it would be a big deal to slap his ass and get out of the way, how could he be so honest? On trial here.

But it's different now, he has too many enviable identities: the real boss of Qingdao Tianhe Group, the nephew of the general secretary, the young son-in-law of Vice Chairman Su, and even such an ambiguous affair with the Jinghua Li family . With so many different identities, if he flashes away again, it will inevitably give the Fu family more reasons to bargain with others. This is the main reason why Qin Zhao didn't dare to dodge others. He refused to admit that he had a relationship with Song Suli's family, because he was afraid that they would fall into the passive position of political struggle.

Alas, it's difficult... The 'cruel' reality of guarding the woman he loves and not daring to admit it made Qin Zhao regret killing Fu Yu in front of so many people. Of course, it was impossible to let him go, but he still had some confidence in using Long Teng Qiyue's ability to make Second Master Fu die silently.

Buzzing...a powerful car motor sound came along the corridor into the temporary detention room, and a chaotic and noisy footsteps made the two police officers who were bored at the same time quickly walk to the door of the duty room and pass by. Looking out through the glass.

"Open the door, open the door!" There was a cold call to the door amidst the knocking on the door.

"Who is it?" After hearing an unfamiliar voice calling for the door, a police officer alertly reached out and pulled out the police pistol from his waist, and asked in a deep voice.

"Xiao Han, open the door, I'm Fan Yibin."

"Oh, so it's Deputy Director Fan." The police officer named Xiao Han and his companion looked at each other, and opened the door with some doubts. They didn't know why Deputy Director Fan appeared here at this time.

There were four or five heavily armed special police officers standing in the corridor. When they saw the door opened, they took a step back and let Deputy Chief Fan Yibin walk to the door.

"Deputy Director Fan, why are you here so late? Is the suspect going to be interrogated?" Xiao Han didn't let the other party in after opening the door, because he has a mission now, and when Director Lu arranged for them, he personally Tell them not to treat the one in the temporary detention room badly. So even if Deputy Bureau Fan came, they wouldn't allow anyone to enter without the instruction of Bureau Lu. This is the rule.

"This is the written instruction from Director Lu, and we are going to transfer Qin Zhao to the special police headquarters." Of course, Deputy Director Fan understood why Xiao Han refused to let them in, and handed over the written instruction document written by Lu Chao impatiently: " The latter four comrades are in charge of this escort mission."

37605944 After Xiaohan took the document, he read it carefully and handed it to his companion. The two of them opened the door after confirming that it was correct. They pointed to the apartment and said, "The suspect is inside, do you want to call him?"

"No need." Deputy Director Fan shook his head, turned around and said to a special police officer with a head, "Captain Meng, please go in to verify your identity and carry out the handover procedures."

Team Meng nodded, and with a wave of his left hand, the three special policemen pushed the door open and walked into the suite.

"Xiao Han, take out your gun and let me have a look." Deputy Director Fan smiled sinisterly.

"With a gun?" Xiao Han didn't understand why Deputy Director Fan wanted to see his equipped gun, but after the leader spoke, he could only take out the Type 77 and handed it to Deputy Director Fan after hesitating for a while.

After Team Meng led his men into the suite, two special police officers picked up Qin Zhao who was sitting up at this time, and shone a bright flashlight on his face without any politeness.

"Where is this going? Hey, there is a light in the room, so you don't have to shine such a bright flashlight in my eyes?" Qin Zhao just wanted to raise his arm to cover his eyes, but was grabbed by two special policemen, and said in a deep voice He scolded: "You'd better stop talking nonsense." After checking it with a photo in his hand, he nodded to Team Meng after confirming that it was correct: "It is confirmed that it is me."

"Okay, take it away!" Captain Meng walked out of the room first, and then walked up to Fan Yibin who was holding a police pistol and what his subordinates were saying: "Deputy Director Fan, thank you for your help this time."

"Hehe, you're being polite," Deputy Director Fan tucked the gun under his ribs, and took out the document: "Please sign it."

"Okay." Team Meng nodded.

"Look, is this gun yours?" After being pushed out of the suite by the two special police officers, Qin Zhao saw the man named Deputy Bureau Fan handing over a brand new 77-style police pistol: "Take a closer look." , Are there any missing bullets in it?"

"My pistol?" Qin Zhao took it in doubt, without checking the magazine, and handed it to Deputy Director Fan: "I've never owned a pistol, did you make a mistake?"

"Oh, I thought it was yours." Deputy Director Fan didn't take the gun, but just pointed at the coffee table not far away: "Since it's not yours, then maybe I made a mistake, let's put it there... Team Meng , After verifying that you are behind, you can take people away."

"Thank you, Deputy Director Fan." Captain Meng nodded, and then waved to his subordinates. Someone inside took out a black hood to put on Qin Zhao, and each of them escorted him out of the temporary detention room with one arm.

I didn't understand why Deputy Director Fan was holding his own pistol and talking to Qin Zhao. After hearing the footsteps of several people, Xiao Han asked strangely: "Deputy Director Fan, how do you say that he used this gun before?" of?"

"Hehe, this is just a trap." Deputy Director Fan smiled triumphantly, then walked over, and when he stretched out his right hand to pick up the Type 77 pistol, he had already put on a snow-white glove on his hand: "Xiao Han, take the room Close the door, I have something to tell you."

"Trap? Well, okay." Xiao Han was a little puzzled, but since Deputy Director Fan was the leader of the bureau, he was embarrassed to ask more questions. Just after he closed the door tightly and turned around, he saw the muzzle of the pistol held by Vice Bureau Fan facing his forehead. He couldn't help being shocked, and before he could react, he heard a bang Muffled, I don't know anything...

"Ah!" Xiao Han's companion was stunned by Deputy Fan's sudden shooting of Xiao Han. He just yelled, and Deputy Director Fan simply drilled a hole in his forehead. The dull gunshots echoed in the room for a long time, but because the door was closed tightly, and this temporary detention room was not in the main building of the City Bureau Building, it didn't attract anyone's attention.

"Sorry, you have to die."

Deputy Bureau Fan watched the two young men lying in a pool of blood, the corners of his mouth twitched a few times, took the document with Team Meng's handwriting from Xiao Han, and put it in his pocket. He casually threw the Type 77 pistol with Qin Zhao's handprint on Xiao Han who was staring at the ceiling with his eyes wide open, and then quickly took off his blood-splattered clothes, including shoes, and put them in a black convenience bag , After he wiped the socks carefully along the position he remembered a few times, he walked out of the room on his toes.

Fan Yibin closed the door tightly with his white gloved hands, and after listening carefully to the absence of any movement outside the corridor, he took out his key and opened the door of the room opposite the temporary detention room, and walked in in a flash.

The lights in the corridor were on, and apart from a faint smell of blood in the air, it was as if nothing had happened. After dawn, there will be hardworking cleaners mopping the floor. At that time, all the invisible footprints in the corridor will be covered with a damp cloth, and the footprints in the temporary detention room... except for the two in the bureau Except for the police officer and Qin Zhao's, who would know who those belonged to? Anyway, those four special police officers who received a temporary order from a certain brigade captain were destined not to survive dawn.

"Brothers, where are you taking me?" Qin Zhao shook his neck impatiently, and asked, "Don't you guys rest at night? Is there anything you can't wait until dawn? Sigh... your instructor didn't tell you Is it best to relax when performing tasks?" No matter what Qin Zhaoji said, the four special police officers just didn't speak, which also made him very bored, and after he said a few words, he didn't bother to say anything else , just put his head on the hands locked on the car seat and rubbed it for a while, and then began to close his eyes and meditate.

Why did the special police come to interrogate him in the early hours of the morning? Judging by the bumpiness of the road, the car should be driving out of the city now, where exactly are they going to take me...

Qin Zhao rested his head on the seat, thinking silently in his heart. Even if Beijing is the capital, as long as it is a suburban road, there will inevitably be some small nests. Anyway, it has been almost two hours since getting on the bus, and Qin Zhao, who has no one to talk to, can only guess where he is going. The only way to pass this boring time is to feel whether the road is smooth.

Creak... Just when Qin Zhaoxiang's mind was in a mess, the car suddenly creaked and braked urgently.

After putting down the lighter, Qin Zhao boredly picked up a mobile phone without a SIM card placed next to his pillow. This mobile phone was given to him by a police officer outside, so that he could play mobile games when he was bored. Randomly fiddled with the menu, and when he saw the recording function, he pressed the recording button for nothing. Just when he was about to say a few malicious words to the phone, which is often seen on TV, he heard a burst of motor sounds. Voice.

With a heartbeat, Qin Zhao put the phone under the mattress. ) He, he will leave evidence there! ? Fan Yibin, who had just sat on the chair, almost slipped out of the chair and onto the ground after hearing Qin Zhao's words. After pressing against the table tightly with both knees, it barely managed to not fall. But the change on his face at this time was noticed by Lu Chao.

Alas... After a sigh in his heart, Lu Chao turned to Wan Nianqing: "Deputy Wan, you and Wang Dui from Chenyang District go to the scene of the accident and see if there is the mobile phone that Qin Zhao mentioned on the bed."

"Yes!" Wan Nianqing and Wang Xijun replied at the same time.

The reason why he sent the two of them to get the mobile phone that he didn't know if he had it was because Lu Chao was afraid that someone would do something wrong again. Although it is still not sure whether the mobile phone Qin Zhao mentioned is there, but from Fan Yibin's panicked eyes, he already understands everything. After Wan Nianqing walked out, Lu Chao and Xu Xiangnong winked. Xu Xiangnong, who was next to Fan Yibin, nodded slightly, expressing that he knew what to do.

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